CEO Jennifer Brown shares an overview of SOCAN's role in the music industry, which includes collecting licensing fees and distributing the royalties from those fees to our members; providing them with education, information, and craft development; and advocating for them with the Government of Canada.
Drop in the comments what you'd like to see more of in SOCAN Academy.
Artificial intelligence is the hot topic in the music world. SOCAN has repeatedly stated its determination to ensure that AI respects and protects copyright, and that it’s a priority for us to defend the interests of our creator members in Québec. But where do those songwriters and composers – artists who make music with their souls, and their very human intelligence – think about this issue? Do they see AI as an opportunity, or as a threat to their creativity and copyright?
We asked 17 of them that very question during our interviews at the ADISQ Gala in the Fall of 2024.
SOCAN Academy - Generative AI: Protecting Your Rights as a Music Creator
Fraser Turnbull, Legal Counsel, addresses Artificial Intelligence (AI), and how SOCAN is working to protect the rights of its music creator members to compensation, consent, and credit, in the face of this new and highly disruptive technology.
Music: Adrian Walther - TPS Report
SOCAN Academy - How SOCAN Works
Today we launch SOCAN Academy, a new section in the SOCAN magazine designed to support you throughout your music career and your relationship with SOCAN. Whether you’re just starting out or embarking on a new project, SOCAN Academy can help.
In this video, Cameron Kennedy, Vice President, Creative and Member Relations, explains how SOCAN ensures that music creators get paid by matching data from businesses that use music with song information provided by SOCAN members.
Nu Alkemi - Something Else
Adrian Walther - TPS Report
Launching December 2nd, SOCAN Academy.
A library of resources to help guide you through working with SOCAN and navigating the industry with exclusive new videos.
Music: Daniele Mustio - Back In The 80's
Pierre Tremblay - Beyoncé & Hyvetown Music Publishing
Pierre Tremblay is President of Hyvetown Music Publishing and speaks about having his clients work on music for Beyoncé and their overall approach to their business.
Evan Blair - The story of 'Boyfriend'
Evan Blair shares how the song 'Boyfriend' by Dove Cameron exploded on tiktok and his process when writing for other artists.
LØLØ - Co-writing 'Run Away to Mars' with TALK
LØLØ describes the different roles in co-writing and shares how she started working with Talk and eventually writing the song 'Run Away to Mars' together.
Jade Turner - How 'This Song Sucks' was made
Jade turner explains the origins of 'This Song Sucks' and how it was written.
Working with Evan Miles on 'Medicine' - Sebastian Gaskin
Sebastian Gaskin shares why he worked with Evan Miles on his #1 song 'Medicine while at the 2024 SOCAN Awards.
Writing "Texas Hold 'Em" by Beyoncé - Lowell & Nate Ferraro
@lowell______ & @nateferraro talk about writing the song "Texas Hold 'Em" by @beyonce and their transitions from artist to songwriters.
How deadmau5 co-wrote "Escape" with Kaskade - SOCAN Awards 2024
Joel Zimmerman, aka 'deadmau5', sits down at the 2024 SOCAN Awards to share the story of how "Escape" was made and his process behind building a new studio.