Composition & Songwriting: with associations built with established and new artists, Hartfelt Music has a firm foothold in the creative and songwriting aspect, development and refining songwriting skills of all involved. Offering a casual and intimate setting, our demo studio is the perfect place to work on the hit song you’ve been dreaming of!
2. Live Performance Development: taking a page from t
he guru Tom Jackson’s page, Hartfelt Music can ramp up your show and give you the tools to develop your perfect stage show yourself.
3. Demo Recordings and Production: we have learned one very important thing over the years: the essence of the Artist is the true defining characteristic of his/her musical potential! Whether you are looking for a demo, an EP, pre-production or a producer, we can make it happen for you, within your budget.
4. Live Event Promotion: Hartfelt Music has been tapped to create and promote a number of events throughout Ontario. We have worked with and hired some of the most incredible musicians from around the globe. Stage management, event promotion, event management – we have done and can do it all!
5. Social Networking, Marketing and Branding: we can help you exploit all the free and paid social networking opportunities to enhance and further your ambitions and career. Sharks we are not.