If you understood my words and not just my heart....I would tell you, the minute you are born, I worry.
Don't misunderstand, I love you fiercely. But I'm also weighted with worry.
Will you thrive?
Will your new humans love and honor you?
Will you be afforded the opportunity to grow, learn, make mistakes, & have lots of fun with a trusted human?
Will you burdened with worry for your human that you become anxious?
Will you be healthy?
Or taken too soon from us by tragedy? Once I hand you over to new hands, my wish for you is that you are gifted a human that is committed. Dedicated.
Understands YOUR needs. Makes sure they are FIRM but KIND. Shows you the world is safe. That you are not responsible for them.That dogs are friendly, but you don’t have to engage if you don’t want too.That people are kind, but you are not forced to be hugged and handled if you are uncomfortable. That your stress signals are caught, and you are protected. That you know without a doubt your human has your back, just like you have theirs.
That if you join a family with children, you are given the respect of uninterrupted sleep and freewill play. That the children are taught to not taunt or tease. That they learn compassion as you teach them unconditional love.
That you won’t be returned because you cried at night in your kennel your first nights away from home. Or had a few accidents in the house, even though you were given far too much space to truly understand. Or maybe chewed up an expensive shoe that they gave you access too. That they understand you do not know their rules or expectations and that you will need them to be a leader.
That they will laugh at your silliness and puppy zoomies, because far too many of us know that your time on earth is far too short.
That you will want to do good and be good, but you have to be taught.
Given time.
That taking home a puppy is a considerable decision. And not something bought on a whim without a true dedication to YOU.
That you have needs that need to be met in order to be happy and fulfilled and that you need a human that empowers you and shows you that no matter what, humans can be faithful and nonjudgmental companions too.