Timelessly Mine Flowers

Timelessly Mine Flowers Our specialty cut flowers are naturally and locally grown. Our Flower Shed that is located at 674 Allore Road, Tweed, ON is open seasonally.

You can find updates on flower availability posted here on our social media page or on our website.

It’s August and the flowers are blooming again 🌸 If you’re looking to treat yourself to some flowers this summer there a...

It’s August and the flowers are blooming again 🌸 If you’re looking to treat yourself to some flowers this summer there are a few things you need to know first since we’re going to be doing things a little differently this year. I have decided to switch entirely over to pre-order pickup only at the flower shed. This seems to work best since it allows us to have flowers available whenever works for you and also guarantee’s stock. It will also free up a little more time for me to work on another flower project that I’m super excited about but not quite ready to announce yet. I know, I know. I always hate when people say that but I promise I’m not trying to be all secretive. I’m just not really sure what it all looks like yet!

We’ll be offering pre-order pickup every day until the first frost, which fingers crossed won’t come until sometime in October🤞You can place your order on our website timelesslymineflowers.com or you can message me and I can arrange it for you too! Just make sure you place your order no later than 5:00pm the day before you’d like to pick them up so that I have time to pick your flowers fresh from the garden!

Pickup on the day you’ve chosen can be done anytime between 12:00pm - 8:00pm that day. If you need an earlier pick up time you can message me and I’ll see what I can do, but I can’t make any promises.

Since it’s still early in the season the zinnia’s are on the shorter side so we are only able to offer mason jar arrangements for now, but in the next week or so we’ll be able to offer mixed bouquets as well. I’m also hoping to open up the shed occasionally for flash sales so keep an eye out for that too! 💐

Boy has it been hot this week! ☀️ I wanted to pop on here to let you know that sadly we won’t have ranunculus for you th...

Boy has it been hot this week! ☀️ I wanted to pop on here to let you know that sadly we won’t have ranunculus for you this year. This is partly because of the weather, partly my fault. They really don’t like this heat and they crashed before we could get to the weekend. But I also have been falling a bit behind since losing our dog Bear this spring and then getting our new puppy Oakley a few weeks ago. It’s been a difficult few months so I’m trying not to be too hard on myself, especially since as a small business we don’t have anyone else to pick up the slack when life happens. But I also know many of you love ranunculus as much as I do and I am so disappointed I won’t be able to share them with you this year. Now that the heat wave has finally passed we’re back to work getting all the summer flowers planted and will have an abundance of blooms for you again soon starting in August! 🌼

Flower Shed Update: Since our tulip season is short and sweet the flower shed will be CLOSED for the next few weeks whil...

Flower Shed Update: Since our tulip season is short and sweet the flower shed will be CLOSED for the next few weeks while we wait for these beauties to begin blooming some time in June! Oh how I love Ranunculus and can’t wait to see them again 🌸 In the meantime we’ll be busy getting ready to plant out all of the summer blooming seedlings. I hope you all get to enjoy the sunshine this long weekend!☀️

Ok let’s talk Mother’s Day! I’ve got you covered with Mason Jar Arrangements ($30) and Specialty Tulip Bunches ($25) ava...

Ok let’s talk Mother’s Day! I’ve got you covered with Mason Jar Arrangements ($30) and Specialty Tulip Bunches ($25) available at the flower shed all weekend! So spoil those ladies in your life or treat yourself to some of these beautiful blooms 😍

Mother’s Day Weekend Hours:
Friday, May 10 🌷 5:00pm-8:00pm
Saturday, May 11 🌷9:00am-8:00pm
Sunday, May 12🌷 9:00am-8:00pm

📍Visit us at 674 Allore Road, Tweed

The shed is self serve (I’ll be around if you need me though) with cash or e-transfer payment available.

🌷Tulip Update🌷The flower shed will be open this weekend!Saturday (May 4th) • 9:00am - 8:00pm💐 There will be 10 Stem Spec...

🌷Tulip Update🌷

The flower shed will be open this weekend!
Saturday (May 4th) • 9:00am - 8:00pm

💐 There will be 10 Stem Specialty Tulip Bunches available for just $15 each to kick off the start of the flower season! So make sure to treat yourself or someone else this weekend 💐

The shed is self serve with cash or e-transfer payment available.

📍Visit us at 674 Allore Road, Tweed

I wasn’t sure whether to share this or not because I prefer to brighten your day with flowers. But I also know I have di...

I wasn’t sure whether to share this or not because I prefer to brighten your day with flowers. But I also know I have disappeared for much longer than usual after my winter break from social media and wanted to pop on and explain why. Our Bernese mountain dog Bear became quite sick last month and once we found out that there was nothing we could do all I wanted to do was spend as much time as possible with him before we had to say goodbye. Sadly he passed away peacefully last weekend and I must admit I’m finding it hard to get excited about spring. I may still be a little quieter on here for a while but I’ll still be working behind the scenes getting ready for another spring and summer filled with flowers. The tulips are beginning to bloom and I should be able to open the shed this weekend. I’m still working out the details but will keep you updated🌷In the meantime hug your fur baby’s for me🐾

🌻Flower Shed Update🌻 I have decided it’s time to close the shed for the season. Even though it definitely doesn’t feel l...

🌻Flower Shed Update🌻 I have decided it’s time to close the shed for the season. Even though it definitely doesn’t feel like it this week, winter is coming which means we have field cleanup, bulbs and peonies to plant, dahlias to dig up and divide, wood to get in and so many other things that need done before winter. My head is already spinning just thinking about it all. Even though I won’t be stocking the shed this Saturday I will be able to take pre-order pickup orders this weekend. Just message me before 5pm the night before you would like flowers and as long as there isn't frost I should be able to arrange that for you!

Thank you so much for supporting our little flower business this year. For dropping by the flower shed, for thinking of me for birthdays, anniversaries, celebrations of life, creative projects and for connecting with me over flowers through your likes and sweet comments and messages! It all means so much to me 🌼

What a treat to still have flowers this late in the season 🌸🍂The forecast is calling for 29 degrees next week which is c...

What a treat to still have flowers this late in the season 🌸🍂The forecast is calling for 29 degrees next week which is crazy! It’s a good thing we haven’t had time to take out our air conditioners yet 😅

There will be $35 Mason Jar Arrangements available in the flower shed this weekend if you want to treat yourself or someone else! Open Saturday 9:00am-5:00pm 🌼

📍 Visit us at 674 Allore Road, Tweed

The shed is self serve with cash & e-transfer payment available.

The perfect mix of summer and fall 🌸🍂 As the seasons change and the nights get cooler I know the days I get to spend amo...

The perfect mix of summer and fall 🌸🍂 As the seasons change and the nights get cooler I know the days I get to spend among the flowers are numbered. We’ve had a couple nights this week where it was calling for frost. But thankfully everything made it through and we get to enjoy the beauty for a little longer!

There will be $35 Mason Jar Arrangements available in our flower shed this weekend if you want to treat yourself or someone else! Open Saturday 9:00am-5:00pm 🌼

📍 Visit us at 674 Allore Road, Tweed

The shed is self serve with cash & e-transfer payment available.

Isn’t she stunning ✨ Peaches and cream will always be my favourite type of dahlia even though she tends to be a drama qu...

Isn’t she stunning ✨ Peaches and cream will always be my favourite type of dahlia even though she tends to be a drama queen. They store horribly and never seem to produce very many tubers. Very few survived the winter in storage and then the heavy spring rains right after planting rotted many of what did survive. Luckily though I have one plant that made it through and is flowering, making her even more special 🌸

Can we just take a moment for those ruffles 😍 The lisianthus (or lissies as we usually call them) are simply stunning ri...

Can we just take a moment for those ruffles 😍 The lisianthus (or lissies as we usually call them) are simply stunning right now! They’ll be tucked into bouquets and arrangement that will be available in the shed on Saturday 🌼 Open 9:00am - 5:00pm!

📍Visit us at 674 Allore Road, Tweed

The shed is self serve with cash & e-transfer payment available.

Ok I’m obsessed 😍 This time of year I have so much choice out in the garden that it’s hard to stay focused. I find mysel...

Ok I’m obsessed 😍 This time of year I have so much choice out in the garden that it’s hard to stay focused. I find myself starting out row by row as I harvest but before I know it I’m going over here for this and over there for that. I’m like a kid in a candy store and I’m sure it ends up taking way longer but I just can’t help it!

If you’d like to treat yourself or someone else to some flowers, the shed is open Saturday’s 9:00am-5:00pm!

You can also arrange pre-order pick up on any other day of the week on our website timelesslymineflowers.com

🌻 The shed is self serve with cash & e-transfer payment available.

📍Visit us at 674 Allore Road, Tweed

Bridge Closure Directions: Follow the detour signs unless you see one of my signs pointing you in a different direction. If you're coming from Tweed or Belleville you won't need to take the detour to get to us and will have to ignore the signs, so this makes it easy to know when you should and shouldn't follow them!

“We may think that we are nurturing our garden, but of course it’s our garden that is really nurturing us.” - Jenny Uglo...

“We may think that we are nurturing our garden, but of course it’s our garden that is really nurturing us.” - Jenny Uglow

The garden always gives back so much more than we give to it and there’s just something so beautiful about that. Even though I planted each seedling and spent countless hours nurturing them as they grew it still feels like magic to be surrounded by so much beauty. I wish August lasted forever!

If you want to stop by this weekend the flower shed will be open Saturday 💐 9:00am - 5:00pm, but if you’re out enjoying all things summer (I don’t blame you 😉) we also offer pre-order pickup on whatever day works best for you!

Here are all the pre-order details in case you missed them last week…

🌸 $35 Mason Jar Arrangements are available for pickup.

🌸 Private message or email me at [email protected] to order and request a pickup day. Please make sure your order is placed no later than 5:00pm the night before your desired pickup day to allow time for me to harvest the flowers fresh from the garden.

🌸 Wait to receive a message back from me confirming your order and to arrange payment before pickup.

🌸 Pickup your order on the day you’ve chosen anytime between 12:00pm - 8:00pm at the flower shed at 674 Allore Road, Tweed and enjoy your beautiful flowers!

I meant to post this earlier but today has just been one of those days. On the bright side though the field is beginning...

I meant to post this earlier but today has just been one of those days. On the bright side though the field is beginning to bloom, which means the flower shed is officially open for the summer! ☀️

Starting this weekend we’ll be open every Saturday from 9:00am-5:00pm up until the first frost (which fingers crossed🤞won’t come until October)

I’m also thinking of doing preorder pickup during the week but haven’t quite finished working that out yet. Once I know for sure that it’s possible I’ll let you know the details!

There will be $35 Mason Jar Arrangements available in our flower shed this Saturday! 🌻

📍Visit us at 674 Allore Road, Tweed

The shed is self serve with cash & e-transfer payment available (I’ll be around though if you need me)

This week I’ve been watching the weather, waiting and hoping that we’d have Ranunculus to stock the flower shed this wee...

This week I’ve been watching the weather, waiting and hoping that we’d have Ranunculus to stock the flower shed this weekend. They’ve been blooming pretty well in spite of the heat, which usually causes them to slow down and begin to go dormant. But after getting 4 inches of rain in just one hour last weekend, another storm with high winds at the beginning of the week, and then rain on and off the rest of the week 🌧️ They just haven’t had a chance to bloom and then be harvest before the next rain damages their delicate petals. It’s disappointing, but part of flower farming. We can’t control the weather, just try our best to work with it!

I’m hoping to put up some low tunnels next year so that we can grow them undercover. This way we can protect them and extend their season. But for now we have to work with what we’ve got. I’m hoping that maybe sometime next week if the rain holds off long enough and they still have enough energy to bloom that I can stock the shed with them at least one more time! But we’ll have to wait and see 🌼 This weekend though the flower shed will unfortunately be closed. I hope you all have a great Canada Day weekend though! 🇨🇦🍁

Look what’s blooming 😍 I will have Ranunculus Bouquets on sale for $20 available in the flower shed this Saturday, June ...

Look what’s blooming 😍 I will have Ranunculus Bouquets on sale for $20 available in the flower shed this Saturday, June 24 from 9:00am - 8:00pm!

The forecast is calling for some rain so I may not be able to put my chalkboard signs out but we’ll still be open rain or shine🌦️

📍Visit us at 674 Allore Road, Tweed

The shed is self serve (I’ll be around if you need me though) with cash or e-transfer payment available.

The flower shed will be closed for a few weeks while we wait patiently for the Ranunculus to start blooming 🌸 In the mea...

The flower shed will be closed for a few weeks while we wait patiently for the Ranunculus to start blooming 🌸 In the meantime we’ll be busy planting out all the summer blooming seedlings and dahlias now that all chance of frost has passed. I hope you get to enjoy some of the sunshine this weekend. I’m definitely going to soak up as much of it as I can! ☀️

Ok let’s talk Mother’s Day! I’ve got you covered with Mason Jar Arrangements ($30) and 10 Stem Tulip Bunches ($25) avail...

Ok let’s talk Mother’s Day! I’ve got you covered with Mason Jar Arrangements ($30) and 10 Stem Tulip Bunches ($25) available at the flower shed all weekend! So spoil those ladies in your life or treat yourself to some of these beautiful blooms 😍

Mother’s Day Weekend Hours:
Friday, May 12 🌷 5:00pm-8:00pm
Saturday, May 13 🌷9:00am-8:00pm
Sunday, May 14🌷 9:00am-8:00pm

📍Visit us at 674 Allore Road, Tweed

The shed is self serve (I’ll be around if you need me though) with cash or e-transfer payment available.


674 Allore Road
Tweed, ON


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