To all Engaged Couples:
As per the Government Marriage License issuing is not an essential position. But what of the couples who have the licenses already and had to cancel the Wedding Ceremony. According to our Leadership within the Community Catholic Church have been given guidelines that we and the couple must/should follow. We are still here to help you to perform your small and very intimate Wedding Ceremony: Here are our guidelines to help you:
March 25, 2020
Dear Clergy and Chaplains
Earlier today I spoke with a number of Ontario Government agencies in the hope of
getting some direction around potential issues involved with offering small weddings
during this time of non-essential restrictions.
I haven't yet heard from Thunder Bay, but was told by a Public Health Nurse and a rep from the Community and Social Services line (211) that it was up to the Church's
discretion to give the go-ahead for such weddings, for the time being.
I explained that for many couples coming forward it was a pastoral need. Their original wedding had been cancelled
or postponed, their license had a limited time frame and, they wanted to be married to one another - a comfort in
these unpredictable times.
It is a pastoral response to a need. And, at this point in
time there is no enforcement action taking place by the government.
Note: If you get a request to perform a wedding please ask is anyone has travelled out of country and returned
recently. If the answer is yes, then this wedding should not take place. Please do not jeopardize your health or that
of your family. The couple can wait out the isolation period. We have agreed that clergy and chaplains may officiate at weddings for those who have a current license under the following conditions.
1.You must observe the guidelines set out at this time by the government, namely: sanitize,
use social distancing and refrain from personal contact with the couple.
2. Wedding size must be kept to the minimum. The couple, their witnesses and
you. If they have children, they should stay with a friend or family member.
You may elect to wear a mask and gloves.
3. Where possible, the wedding must take place outdoors. This limits the amount
of time in your space and the potential touching of surfaces.
4. Everyone must practise social distancing. The couple may stand together, but
officiants must maintain a six foot space and the same for the witnesses.
5. Everyone must use their own pen to sign the paperwork and take turns doing so
with personal distance in mind.
6. Given the circumstances, the ceremony should be as short as possible, following
the guidelines of the Marriage Act.
7. Please wash your hands or sanitize before and following the ceremony.
Not everyone will be comfortable responding to wedding requests at this time and that is perfectly fine. Your health
comes first. For those who are willing, we feel that if these directives are observed, everyone will be safe and have a
great experience.
As long as all stipulations are met than we can perform a very small and intimate wedding ceremony!