As we near the holidays, and the end of the year, I want to give a sincere thank you to everyone who we catered to this year. Alot of companies look at numbers, but the most important number to me is 4125. That is the estimated number of people we served this year, which is beyond incredible!
I also implore all invited to the page to like, follow and share with anyone you know of needing catering. We have quite a few bookings for next year and would like to make sure all our clients are catered for. We will have the website calendar updated early in the new year.
We look forward to serving all our future clients next year and beyond. Chef Colton is working hard on editing the menus to bring you some new and creative ideas. The last of the family will also have their items on the menu by the end of March.
Thank you and Happy Holidays from our team to you.
Chef Colton O'Quinn, Erin and Austin.