We’re so excited to share this curator conversation ahead of GS3: Knee-Deep In Clouds. Join us as Luciane Cardassi and company share their Diana McIntosh origin stories, and more!
Watch the full video here: https://vimeo.com/1047667679.
#ChamberMusic #ClassicalMusic #LucianeCardassi #LaurelRidd #BenReimer #DianaMcIntosh #Groundswell
Sonic Trails
Sonic Trails : Lockdown opens tonight June 3rd (5PM - 10PM) in partnership with @videopool (and also runs June 4th) at the Output - 2nd floor Artspace
Sonic Trails : Lockdown” is a multimedia installation reflecting on a city in Covid-19 lockdown. Using algorithms for Artificial Intelligence, a visitor is transferred between concrete and abstract experiences in a 3-dimensional world created through projections on semi-transparent screens and a multi-channel loudspeaker system. The installation is created by Max and Örjan Sandred and is based on material recorded during the 2021 pandemic in Winnipeg.
Attendance is FREE Proof of Vaccination Required
Here's a little teaser of "Time Piece" by Park Sounds (Jennifer Thiessen & Ben Reimer)! The full video is up on our website, or you can click the link below!
📽 https://vimeo.com/665401477
#newmusic #fieldrecordings #ambientmusic #contemporarymusic #drumkit #drumset #viola #winnipeg #manitoba #canada
"Louis Riel's Dream" is TOMORROW - Tuesday MAY 8th! Are you interested in learning more about our show? Subscribe to our newsletter by emailing [email protected]
Made in Manitoba: Louis Riel's Dream
Louis Riel's Dream is next week at Winnipeg Art Gallery! We can't wait to see you there! Tickets available at www.gswell.ca/tickets and McNally Robinson Booksellers.
#wpgmusic #mblive #manitobamusic #gswell
Louis Riel's Dream
GroundSwell's 2017-18 season finale is "Louis Riel's Dream" taking place Tuesday, May 8, 8pm at the Winnipeg Art Gallery. Tickets available at gswell.ca/tickets and McNally Robinson Booksellers.
This Thursday! Guest curator Megumi Masaki explores how sound, image, text and movement can be integrated in multimedia works. Thursday, March 15, 8pm at Eckhardt Gramatte Hall. Tickets available at www.gswell.eventbrite.ca
GroundSwell is excited to announce this year's guest curator is the powerhouse pianist, Megumi Masaki. Tickets for her show "Music 4 Eyes + Ears" are available now at www.gswell.eventbrite.ca!
Tomorrow! 8pm @ Eckhardt-Gramatté Hall