The Lab Production

The Lab Production As The Lab is closed, and we know we gonna be bored and that you are gonna miss us, during summer, T

In cooperation with our Partners in Crime, Kollektiv Ansichssache, and in connection with Art Basel, A-Alavi Shows prese...

In cooperation with our Partners in Crime, Kollektiv Ansichssache, and in connection with Art Basel, A-Alavi Shows present: Secrets in Mirror.
How is it to write a manuscript that you know, you will never turn in to a movie?

A multidisciplinary performance with
Mr. Simeon Frei (keys)
Amin Alavi

@ Filmhaus Basel on 15.6. 15.00



With kinda sad feelings and with all apology to the Danish king, nevertheless proudly we announce that we are now the fu...

With kinda sad feelings and with all apology to the Danish king, nevertheless proudly we announce that we are now the funkiest watering hole offering the "probably" nicest beer in Switzerland, directly from the mountains, brewed with love and more love, the "Adler Brau" - on tab and on bottle. Come and try it and get a blast. And to welcome them to Birsfelden and introduce them to you, good people of Birsfelden and neighborhood, this week, and this week only all costs CHF 5.
And for our non-alcohol drinkker friends, don't worry, we have now got the new alcohol free beer from Appenzeller on tab.

Come by and make new friends

Newest members of the family :) directly from Wallis to Roxy Bar

Newest members of the family :) directly from Wallis to Roxy Bar

Art at a bar, bar around art, Art Bart Bart Roxy ArtBarart ;)With many thanks to the artist herself: .charms

Art at a bar, bar around art, Art Bart Bart Roxy ArtBarart ;)
With many thanks to the artist herself: .charms

Dear all. Easter is almost here and it is egg time and the chickens are happy and luckily h.... ;) we have found some of...

Dear all. Easter is almost here and it is egg time and the chickens are happy and luckily h.... ;) we have found some of the free ones and they have laid a lot of eggs for us. So what do we do? we do Danish egg salad and persian potato/egg salad with bread this thursday and we may get some Danish snaps to go with it. CHF 5 per open sandwich :)

Dinner time: Thursday 28.3. @ 19.00
At Roxy bar

Dinner at RoxyEvery Thursday at 19.00Every Thursday, we serve nice "home-made" soul-food dinner at 19.00. The food is go...

Dinner at Roxy
Every Thursday at 19.00

Every Thursday, we serve nice "home-made" soul-food dinner at 19.00. The food is gonna be something seasonal, healthy, tasty and at times exotic and experimental - AND sharable.
The menu will be announced a couple of days in advance and reservations are recommended.

The Menu is announced at
Reservations are recommended.

9.3. @ 20.30

9.3. @ 20.30

Dinner at RoxyThis week's menu at Roxy bar (Thursday at 19.00) is gonna be a surprise to all of us ;) but it's gonna be ...

Dinner at Roxy
This week's menu at Roxy bar (Thursday at 19.00) is gonna be a surprise to all of us ;) but it's gonna be something nice with inspiration from Dijon , which Mr. A-Alavi will visit along with his new - imaginary - friend : harvey (more of this story on our next symposium on 24th.). Vegan CHF 15, meat CHF 18. And reservations are highly recommended.

Hot dogs , hot dogs, hot hot dogs ;)

Hot dogs , hot dogs, hot hot dogs ;)

some images from our last show: Gospel According to the Devil, at Schall und Rauch with Brothas: Nadav Erlich (bass), Ma...

some images from our last show: Gospel According to the Devil, at Schall und Rauch with Brothas: Nadav Erlich (bass), Max Liebenberg (drums), Charley Rose (sax) and Ben Zahler (flute). Photos by the wonderful brotha Christoph Xoff Pardey.

Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome Lady Sofiya Glov with her wonderful eye to observe moments, her beautiful soul to f...

Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome Lady Sofiya Glov with her wonderful eye to observe moments, her beautiful soul to feel them and her unique ability to record them to our A-Alavi family as a Partner in Crime. See who else is there:
(PS. click on the "play-icon" at the top of the page please, for the right ambience :) )

December program is out

December program is out

Only 5 days to The Elvis Show at Roxy Bar (18.11.).Reserve your seat before its too late.

Only 5 days to The Elvis Show at Roxy Bar (18.11.).
Reserve your seat before its too late.

27 seconds · Clipped by Elvis Revival Show · Original video "Elvis Revival Show, The Lab, Basel 21. November 2020" by Elvis Revival Show

November program for A-Alavi Shows & Roxy Bar is out.

November program for A-Alavi Shows & Roxy Bar is out.

Welcome to the Madhouse as performed on 4.5.23 at Schall und Rauch. And as captured by mi dear brotha Mr. Christoph Xoff...

Welcome to the Madhouse as performed on 4.5.23 at Schall und Rauch. And as captured by mi dear brotha Mr. Christoph Xoff Pardey

Who wants to host an upright piano which has been played by some wonderful musicians?

Who wants to host an upright piano which has been played by some wonderful musicians?

Showing our support for the old country

Showing our support for the old country

Dieser Abend ist der Solidaritätsbekundung mit dem iranischen Volk gewidmet ❤️

Die Proteste im Iran 2022 sind landesweite Proteste gegen die autoritäre islamische Regierung. Auslöser war der durch Polizeigewalt herbeigeführte Tod von Jina Mahsa Amini in Teheran am 16. September 2022. Sie war von der islamischen Sittenpolizei festgenommen und misshandelt worden, weil angeblich ihr Kopftuch nicht richtig sass. Seither hat sich eine grosse Protestwelle im Iran erhoben, mit einer beispiellosen Solidarität der Zivilbevölkerung, die ein Regimewechsel zielt.

Viele junge Künstler*innen sind federführende Kräfte dieser Protestbewegung, wie der Rapper Toomaj Salehi und Saman Yasin. Beide wurden verhaftet, seitdem droht ihnen die Hinrichtung.

Der Abend wird unterstützt durch diese grossartigen Musiker*innen:

🎤 Bettina Schelker
🎤 Pink Pedrazzi
🎤 Sam Himself
🎤 Amin Alavi Storyteller
🎤 Roli Frei

Sie haben sich sofort bereit erklärt, benefizmässig aufzutreten, um ihre Solidarität mit dem iranischen Volk zu bekunden.

Secrets secrets secrets

Secrets secrets secrets

Upon Hunter S. Thompson’s return from Las Vegas, Jim Silberman made a comment about the Fear and Loathing piece that alarmed Hunter. The following is Jim’s comment and an excerpt from Hunter’s letter response.

JS: You know it was absolutely clear to me reading Las Vegas that you were not on drugs.

HST: This is true, but what alarms me is that Vegas was a very conscious attempt to simulate a drug freakout—which is always difficult, but in reading it over I still find it depressingly close to the truth I was trying to re-create.

But to hell with all this. What depresses me is your statement that it was “absolutely clear” to you that Raoul Duke & his attorney “were not on drugs.” Because my conception of that piece was to write a thing that would tell what it was like to do a magazine assignment with a head full of weird drugs.

I didn’t really make up anything—but I did, at times, bring situations & feelings I remember from other scenes to the reality at hand. I might even claim, for that matter, that this was done by consciously tripping the fabled L*D Recall and/or Flashback Mechanism.

But this is a difficult subject, & there’s no point in trying to come to grips with it here. What I’m talking about, in essence, is the mechanical Reality of Gonzo Journalism … or Total Subjectivity, as opposed to the bogus demands of Objectivity.

But f**k all that, for now.

All I ask is that you keep your opinions on my drug-diet for that weekend to yourself. As I noted, the nature (& specifics) of the piece has already fooled the editors of Rolling Stone. They’re absolutely convinced, on the basis of what they’ve read, that I spent my expense money on drugs and went out to Las Vegas for a ranking freakout.

Probably we should leave it this way; it makes it all the more astounding, that I could emerge from that heinous experience with a story. So let’s just keep our personal conclusions to ourselves.

Hunter S. Thompson
June 15, 1971
Fear & Loathing in America (The Gonzo Letters)

Live recording from a concert in BrÖtz I Gothenborg with a wonderful Quagmire.

Live recording from a concert in BrÖtz I Gothenborg with a wonderful Quagmire.

Amin Alavi-performanceKarin Johansson-piNina de Heney-basHenrik Wartel-tr::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::...

Dinner tomorrow?

Dinner tomorrow?

An evening with food (cooked by A-Alavi), drinks (mixed by Rouine people) and stories (about pleasure)




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