BFY Photography - Winterthur

BFY Photography - Winterthur Bruce Yim ist ein professioneller Fotograf und lebt in der Schweiz. Er ist spezialisiert auf People Er besitzt drei Fotostudios für Privat- und Geschäftkunden.

Bruce Yim ist ein Internationaler professioneller Fotograf und lebt in der Schweiz. Er ist spezialisiert auf People und Porträtfotografie, Produktfotografie und Werbekunden. Bruce Yim wurde in Hong Kong, China geboren und aufgewachsen. Seit seiner Kindheit hat er immer seine Umgebung beobachtet. Als Schüler im Alter von 11 Jahren, bekam er die erste Kamera welche er nur zum Spass einsetzte. Acht J

ahre später, 1997, verließ er die Schule um weitere Studien in der Fotografie zu erlernen. Während dem Studium, arbeitete er Teilzeit als Film Editor und danach Teilzeit unter Jackie Chan Production Company "Golden Way Films Ltd." als Stuntman bei verschiedenen Filmen. Inzwischen hat er erfolgreich die Schauspielerschule abgeschlossen und arbeitete danach weiterhin als Stuntman. Während dieser Zeit besuchte er gleichzeitig die Filmschule in Hong Kong wo er unter anderem auch das Fotografieren erlernt hat. Im Jahr 1999 zog er von Hong Kong in die Schweiz . Im Jahr 2011 begann er professionelle Fotografie als Vollzeittätigkeit. Er ist tätig in Portrait, Produktfotografie, Editorials und Anzeigen für Kunden auf der ganzen Welt. Vor einigen Jahren gründete er seine Fotostudios an drei Standorten in der Schweiz: Wohlen und Winterthur. Die neusten Kunden sind unter anderem FACES Magazin, Maybelline New York, Pasito Fricker, Zeit Meister und viele andere. Swiss-based international professional photographer Bruce Yim specializes in people and portrait photography, product photography, Event photography and advertising clients. He owns three photo studios for private and business clients. Bruce Yim was born and raised in Hong Kong, China. Since his childhood, he has always observed his surroundings. As a student at age of 11, he picked up his first camera just for fun. Eight years later, in 1997, he left school behind to practice photography part-time and further studies in photography and works. During the school years, he was working as a film editor part-time after school under Jackie Chan production company "Golden Way Films Ltd." and worked as a stuntman on various films. Meanwhile, he has successfully completed acting school, continued working as a stuntman and learning photography when he was in the film school in Hong Kong. He moved to Switzerland in 1999 from Hong Kong. In year 2011, he began professional photography full-time people and portrait, product photography, editorials and advertisements for clients around the world. He has photo studios in three locations around Switzerland: Wohlen and Winterthur. Recent clients include FACES Magazin, Maybelline New York, Pasito Fricker, Zeit Meister and many others.

From the moment I met my long-lost family, I decided to have my nails painted as a reminder of them. My hands are often ...

From the moment I met my long-lost family, I decided to have my nails painted as a reminder of them. My hands are often featured in my self-portraits, and as a detail-oriented person, the color matters to me. But beyond the aesthetics, I've always wanted to paint my nails from time to time. Growing up, I spent time in nail salons with my mom, helping her choose colors. However, I never felt comfortable doing the same in my small town.

Creating my self-portraits has become a small, safe space where I can express myself. Painting my nails brings me joy—a joy I once denied myself. While I receive plenty of hateful comments about my painted nails (and there are many), I'm always surprised by how much love and support I get for expressing myself. The positive always outweighs the negative.

I don’t believe painting your nails, wearing lots of jewelry, or loving fashion defines who you are. I only have one life to live on this planet, and as long as I lead with kindness, I’m happy to make fun and creative choices with my style—living authentically for myself.

Wish you all a very merry christmas 🎄

Wish you all a very merry christmas 🎄


Unterer Graben 17


Montag 18:30 - 21:00
Dienstag 07:30 - 21:00
Mittwoch 18:30 - 21:00
Donnerstag 07:30 - 21:00
Freitag 07:30 - 21:00
Samstag 07:30 - 21:00


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