Balkan Security Expo

Balkan Security Expo Dobrodošli na ,,BALKAN SECURITY EXPO 2025”, prestižni sajam bezbednosnih rešenja i inovacija.

🔹 You are part of the security ecosystem – Time to get noticed! 🔹      Modern security is no longer about standalone sol...

🔹 You are part of the security ecosystem – Time to get noticed! 🔹

Modern security is no longer about standalone solutions – system integration is the key to maximum efficiency and protection!

If your business specializes in:
✅ and
✅ and
✅ and
✅ and
✅ and
…then you are an essential part of the landscape!

2025 is your chance to connect your solutions, find partners, and expand your market presence!
This isn’t just another trade fair – it’s the place where the industry shapes the future of security.

📍 Don’t wait – secure your spot among the industry leaders today!
[email protected]


🔹 Experience Something New – , 2025! 🔹

Are you a , , , or of ?
Do you provide and take part in major ?

📢 2025 is the place for you!

🔥 Discover the tips for :
✅ Be present at the and join the industry’s !
✅ Showcase your strongest advantage and stand out from the competition!
✅ Demonstrate the and expertise through live presentations! 💡
✅ Set new standards in ! 🚀
✅ Gain direct and improve your offerings!
✅ Participate in and establish yourself as an industry ! 🎤
✅ with partners to your business opportunities! 🤝
✅ an engaging and interactive for visitors!
✅ Offer exclusive promotions to attract ! 💥
✅ Be ready for serious business !

🌟 Balkan Security Expo is where opportunities happen!

🔐   at   – The Pillar of Modern  In the era of  , cybersecurity is a fundamental component of every serious security str...

🔐 at – The Pillar of Modern

In the era of , cybersecurity is a fundamental component of every serious security strategy. From data protection to access control and , advanced play a in .

🔹 Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems ( / )
🔹 and
🔹 and segmentation
🔹 and solutions for threat and
🔹 architectures and identity management ( , , )
🔹 and data solutions
🔹 and ( , )
🔹 and vulnerability assessment

✅ Let be on the list at the Balkan Security Expo!

Balkan Security Expo 2025 is an for cybersecurity companies to showcase their , expand their , and position themselves as industry leaders in .
🔹 Join the event that gathers top experts and presents the latest trends in IT and physical security.

📢 are fast – in time!

📩 Contact us for more information on exhibition opportunities.

[email protected]

🔥 ZAŠTITA OD POŽARA – INVESTICIJA KOJA SPAŠAVA ŽIVOTE I IMOVINU! 🔥Požari su među najvećim rizicima za objekte i poslovne...

Požari su među najvećim rizicima za objekte i poslovne sisteme, a efikasna zaštita nije opcija – već imperativ. Balkan Security EXPO okuplja vodeće globalne i regionalne kompanije u oblasti zaštite od požara, pružajući jedinstvenu priliku za predstavljanje inovativnih tehnologija i rešenja koja štite ljude, infrastrukturu i poslovanje.

🔹 Napredni sistemi detekcije i gašenja požara
🔹 Automatski sprinkler i vodeni sistemi visokih performansi
🔹 Vatrostalni materijali i pasivna zaštita
🔹 Inteligentni sistemi za evakuaciju i kontrolu dima
🔹 ...i mnogi drugi!

🔥 Kada i zašto izlagati na Balkan Security EXPO?
✔ 28-29 Maj - Beogradski sajam
✔ Veliko međunarodno interesovanje i prisustvo ključnih industrijskih aktera
✔ Pozicioniranje i jačanje brenda na regionalnom tržištu
✔ Direktni kontakti sa donosiocima odluka i strateškim partnerima
✔ Ekskluzivna prilika za predstavljanje vaših inovacija širokoj profesionalnoj publici
📢 Izaberite i rezervišite svoj štand
📩 Kontakt: [email protected]

Mesta su ograničena!🔥

Zodax d.o.o. Beograd – zlatni sponzor Sajma bezbednosti ,,Balkan Security Expo 2025″! 🛡️Sa više od dve decenije iskustva...

Zodax d.o.o. Beograd – zlatni sponzor Sajma bezbednosti ,,Balkan Security Expo 2025″! 🛡️

Sa više od dve decenije iskustva, Zodax je poznat po rešenjima u oblastima tehničke zaštite, zaštite od požara i eksplozija, bespilotnim letelicama i inteligentnim sistemima za industriju bezbednosti. Posetite ih na štandu broj 57 i upoznajte se sa njihovim bezbednosnim rešenjima.

📂Za sponzore:

Detaljne informacije o sponzorskim paketima, pogodnostima i mogućnostima promocije vašeg brenda, proizvoda i usluga pronađite u brošuri za sponzore BSE 2025:

📢 Pratite najnovije informacije o BSE 2025

Sve o programu, izlagačima, interaktivnim programima, sponzorima i partnerima saznajte na našoj stranici ,,novosti" na sajtu BSE 2025


📩 Za dodatne informacije, obratite nam se putem mejla:

📧 [email protected]

🚁 NOVA OBLAST!Sajam bezbednosti ,,Balkan Security Expo 2025" ove godine uvodi novu oblast u svoj program – bespilotne le...

Sajam bezbednosti ,,Balkan Security Expo 2025" ove godine uvodi novu oblast u svoj program – bespilotne letelice!🚁

Sve informacije o sajmu bezbednosti BSE 2025 kao što su program, izlagači, interaktivni program i druge važne informacije možete pronaći na našoj stranici ,,novosti"

Pridružite nam se 28. i 29. maja 2025. u Beogradu, Beogradski sajam Hala 2c.

Sajam bezbednosti ,,Balkan Security Expo 2025” poziva organizacije koje razvijaju ili n**e rešenja iz oblasti bespilotnih letelica da se predstave pred stručnom publikom. Više na

Budite deo događaja koji okuplja sve oblasti industrije bezbednosti na jednom mestu!

Strukovno udruženje sektora bezbednosti (SUSB) je prijatelj Sajma bezbednosti „Balkan Security Expo 2025”! 🛡️SUSB je nez...

Strukovno udruženje sektora bezbednosti (SUSB) je prijatelj Sajma bezbednosti „Balkan Security Expo 2025”! 🛡️

SUSB je nezavisno, nevladino i neprofitno strukovno udruženje koje okuplja stručnjake iz državnog i privatnog sektora bezbednosti, eksperte, specijaliste, akademsku zajednicu i druge profesionalce iz oblasti bezbednosti.

📢 Pratite novosti BSE 2025

Sve informacije o sajmu bezbednosti BSE 2025 kao što su program, izlagači, interaktivni program, prijatelji, sponzori i druge važne informacije možete pronaći na našoj stranici ,,novosti" na sajtu BSE 2025


📅 Vidimo se 28. i 29. maja 2025. na Beogradskom sajmu, Hala 2c!

🌍 SINONIM ZA  : Šta karakteriše države u svetu bezbednosnih tehnologija?1️⃣ 🇺🇸 SAD – lideri u video-nadzoru i pametnim g...

🌍 SINONIM ZA : Šta karakteriše države u svetu bezbednosnih tehnologija?

1️⃣ 🇺🇸 SAD – lideri u video-nadzoru i pametnim gradovima sa prediktivnom analizom.
2️⃣ 🇨🇳 Kina – pionir u video nadzoru i prepoznavanju lica uz AI.
3️⃣ 🇯🇵 Japan – inovacije u zaštiti od zemljotresa i robotici za katastrofe.
4️⃣ 🇩🇪 Nemačka – industrijska bezbednost i prevencija požara.
5️⃣ 🇦🇪 UAE – pametni gradovi i biometrijska sigurnost.
6️⃣ 🇷🇺 Rusija – zaštita kritične infrastrukture od cyber pretnji.
7️⃣ 🇨🇦 Kanada – krizno upravljanje i ekološka bezbednost.
8️⃣ 🇰🇷 Južna Koreja – biometrijski sistemi za kontrolu pristupa.
9️⃣ 🇿🇦 JAR – dronovi za zaštitu od kriminala i nadzor.
🔟 🇷🇸 Balkan – rastuće tržište za tehnologije zaštite i krizno upravljanje.

Balkan Security Expo 2025 je savršen događaj za globalnu razmenu inovacija i rešenja u bezbednosnoj industriji. Pozivamo sve inovatore, proizvođače i distributere da predstave svoje tehnologije!

🔥👉[email protected] & 🔥

🛡️ Da li ste znali?Mnogi koriste tehničke sisteme zaštite, ali malo ko zna sledeće činjenice o njihovom razvoju:📜 Prve b...

🛡️ Da li ste znali?

Mnogi koriste tehničke sisteme zaštite, ali malo ko zna sledeće činjenice o njihovom razvoju:

📜 Prve brave su nastale oko 2000. godine p.n.e. u Egiptu, Mesopotamiji i Asiriji, pravljene od drveta i sa velikim, teškim ključevima. Iako nisu bile otporne na obijanje, postavile su temelje za moderne sisteme kontrole pristupa.

🎥 Prvi video nadzor razvijen je 1942. godine u Nemačkoj za praćenje lansiranja raketa, a komercijalna upotreba počela je 1949. godine. Više o tome pročitajte na linku:

🔑 Kontrola pristupa počela je da se razvija 1960-ih, ali osnovni principi, kao što su zaključavanje, postoje već hiljadama godina. Drevni Rimljani su imali metalne brave i ključeve.

🧬 Biometrija se koristi još od 19. veka, ali prvi automatski biometrijski sistemi razvijeni su 1960-ih. Danas obuhvataju prepoznavanje otisaka prstiju, lica, irisa i glasa, a dostupni su na mobilnim uređajima.

🚨 Prvi električni alarmni sistem patentirao je 1853. godine Abel O. Brown. Danas alarmni sistemi koriste pametnu tehnologiju za daljinsko praćenje pomoću aplikacija, senzora pokreta i video nadzora.

👑 Kraljica Viktorija je koristila dva ključa za veći nivo zaštite svojih odaja u Bakingemskoj palati.

💡 Tehnologija zaštite je sa nama duže nego što mislimo!

Vaš ključ su Vaši security proizvodi!

Predstavite vaša rešenja na Balkan Security Expo 2025!


🔥 Upravljanje rizicima – oblast na sajmu bezbednosti ,,Balkan Security Expo 2025"!

🎯 Pozivamo organizacije koje se bave upravljanjem rizicima, procenom rizika, izradom strategija i planova za smanjenje rizika, konsaltingom, edukacijama iz ove oblasti, kao i drugim aktivnostima povezanih s ovom oblašću, da se predstave na sajmu.

Ovo je jedinstvena prilika za pružaoce usluga i alata u oblasti upravljanja različitim vrstama rizika – od katastrofa, finansijskih, ekoloških i bezbednosnih, do tehnoloških, operativnih i drugih – da doprinesu razmeni znanja, inovacija i rešenja.

📍 28. i 29. maja 2025. na Beogradskom sajmu, budite deo multidisciplinarnog pristupa koji okuplja stručnjake iz svih oblasti industrije bezbednosti.

📧 Rezervišite svoje mesto na vreme: više informacija na


Dear Security Professionals and Exhibitors,
Wishing you more joy, laughter, and business success.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2025
from your Balkan Security Expo! 🎄✨

See you at the Belgrade Fair 👋
📅🎉Save the date: 28-29 May


Why is May 28–29 important?
What’s happening in Belgrade on these dates? 🤔

🔥The 2025!🔥
An you don’t want to miss. 🌍
Join us at the , Hall 2C, for the biggest showcase in the region! Exhibit!🎬

Registrations are now open! 📅

👉[email protected]

We’re expecting you
, , , , , 🔐💡

This is your opportunity to , present , and with industry leaders! 🤝

Do you produce   and    ?🛡️ Being prepared for unpredictable situations means having the proper   to provide a   for peo...

Do you produce and ?

🛡️ Being prepared for unpredictable situations means having the proper to provide a for people under any circumstances. Design, analysis, and testing are crucial to ensure shelters are effective, accessible, and easily identifiable, guaranteeing in emergencies.

invites manufacturers and distributors to showcase their solutions and innovative projects in the field of emergency situations!
This specialized offers a to present the latest shelters and equipment, including:
➡️ (quick assembly, )
➡️ (for protection in )
➡️ and equipment 🚪📦
➡️ for protecting people and resources in emergencies 💡 ( , & )
➡️ Infrastructure protection 🏗️ (against , , )

! Take this opportunity to contribute to increasing our collective .
Your solution is not listed? Register now and present your brand at the specialized security fair!
🔗 Date: May 28-29
📍 Location: Belgrade Fair
Secure spot

🔑 Security is not just about physical strength🌍 It's about a multidisciplinary approach, knowledge, and visibility.🤝 It'...

🔑 Security is not just about physical strength
🌍 It's about a multidisciplinary approach, knowledge, and visibility.
🤝 It's about collective action, connection, passion for technology, and change.
📺 Follow the Balkan Security Expo YouTube channel
🚀 Be part of a successful story
🔑 Change is in your hands

Step into the future of security – Exhibit at BSE 2025!

Welcome to BALKAN SECURITY EXPO 2024, a prestigious showcase of security solutions and innovations. Serving as the epicentre of visions and trends in the security industry, this expo brings together experts, innovators, and all interested parties from various security segments

Your destination, May 28-29, Belgrade Fair! 🌍Balkan Security Expo is the place to be for anyone in the security industry...

Your destination, May 28-29, Belgrade Fair! 🌍
Balkan Security Expo is the place to be for anyone in the security industry!
Because the security landscape is changing rapidly, and the challenges businesses face today require innovative solutions.

➡️ Global security market growth 📈 – The security market is expected to exceed $300 billion by 2026, even much higher, with demand for advanced protection systems continuing to rise. The expo will showcase the latest trends.
➡️ Rising threats 💻 – Cyberattacks are increasing by 30% annually, making cybersecurity a top priority. Showcase cutting-edge solutions at this event.
➡️ Surprising facts 🎥 – 1 billion are monitoring the world, with China leading the way. What does this mean for businesses in the Balkans? How can you stay ahead of the competition?
➡️ Biometric authentication is key 🧠 – Over 60% of organizations are already using for . This trend is growing, and the will explore its future impact and GDPR compliance
➡️ = New 🏙️ – As cities become smarter, they face 2.5x more cyber threats. Are you ready to bring new era of technology?

🔥And that’s not all!
Topics such as security, , , , , , , compliance, , and , , design, and are also part of the security landscape, because everything is security.

In addition, and in the security industry will have the opportunity to present their , projects, and ideas!

Join us in Belgrade to explore these trends, meet industry leaders, and showcase your innovations shaping the of security.

Don’t miss the chance to stay ahead of the curve!
[email protected]


Did you know the surprising history of ? 🚨

From the mid-17th century, when people walked around ringing bells to warn the community about fires, to the advanced systems we rely on today, fire alarm technology has evolved significantly! 🔥

🔔 1852: Dr. William F. Channing and Moses Farmer designed the first fire alarm system—no longer requiring a person to run around with bells!

🔔 1890: Francis Robbins Upton, with help from his mentor, Thomas Edison, created the first electrical fire alarm system.

🔔 1965: SmokeGard 700, the first battery-powered smoke detector, set new standards for fire safety!

🔔 But here’s a surprising fact—around 30% of fire alarm systems in commercial buildings don’t work due to issues like aging or dead batteries. This highlights the critical need for innovation, regular maintenance, and inspections. 🔧

🌟 We know the , let's change the 🌟🎬

At Balkan Security Expo, we invite you to showcase your innovative and that could shape the future of infrastructure protection. Whether you're creating new or offering , this is the perfect opportunity for collaboration, innovation, and elevating the industry.

Join us and present your cutting-edge solutions to key decision-makers in the security sector. Together, we can create a safer future. 🌍✨

📅Your destination: 28-29 May, Belgrade Fair
Reserve your spot today 👉🔥


Bulevar Vojvode Mišića 14


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