Međunarodnu konferenciju „Kvantni skok“ organizovala je Privredna komora Srbije sa ciljem da podstakne stvaranje nove ekonomske klime u našoj zemlji. Ideja Konferencije je bila da se dođe do najboljih rešenja za budućnost srpske ekonomije – do razvoja tržišne ekonomije, novih investicija i jačanja konkurentnosti u procesu uključivanja u evropske tokove. S obzirom na to da su veoma važna poslovna i
skustva razvijenih tržišta, ovom skupu prisustvovali su i gosti iz inostranstva, ugledni predstavnici različitih privrednih sektora, koji su zajedno sa investitorima i domaćim privrednicima predstavili svoju viziju razvoja srpske ekonomije. Konferencija Kvantni skok organizovana 3. oktobra 2013. god. U teatru „Madlenianum“ u Beogradu.
The international conference Quantum Leap was organised by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, with the aim of promoting the creation of a new economic climate in our country. The idea behind the Quantum Leap conference was to come up with the best solutions for the future of the Serbian economy – developing market economy, new investments and strengthening competitiveness in the EU integration process. Bearing in mind that the experiences of developed markets are very important, this conference was attended by guests from abroad, eminent representatives of different industries, who, together with investors and local business representatives, presented their vision of the development of the Serbian economy. The Quantum Leap Conference will be held on October 3-4, 2013, at "Madlenianum" theater, Belgrade.