Digital Nexus is an organization that is dedicated to the true spirit of Trance music & culture. - Digital Nexus Organizacija nastala je u aprilu 2007, na ideju nekoliko dobronamernih ljudi iz Valjeva. Organizujemo dogadjaje koji okupljaju pozitivne istomišljenike u psychedelic kulturi a cilj nam je edukacija i usmeravanje prema pravim sistemima vrednosti kao što su očuvanje prirode, skretanje paž
nje na humanost, ljubav i slogu medju ljudima. Tu ideju pokusavamo da prezentujemo kroz muzičke manifestacije elektronske muzike kojom godinama privlacimo ljude iz raznih krajeva.
- Nas cilj je okupljanje umetnika i ljudi koji vole umetnost, svih generacija, u lepom prirodnom ambientu. Digital Nexus okuplja one koji shvataju pravu poentu i suštinu , a to je spajanje i druženje, kulturnih, pozitivnih,civilizovanih i energičnih ljudi na istim talasnim duzinama uz muziku koja krije magiju...
-DIGITAL NEXUS Organization founded in April 2007, with the idea a couple of well-meaning people from Valjevo. We organize events that bring together like-minded people in the Psychedelic culture and our goal is education and guidance to the real value systems such as nature conservation, drawing attention to humanity, love and harmony among people.
-Our goal is to bring together artists and people who love art of all generations, in beautiful natural surroundings. Digital Nexus brings together those who understand the law and the essence of the point, which is the connecting and socializing, cultural, positive, energetic and civilized people on the same wavelength with the music which hides the magic...
Vladimir Pantelić,Valjevo(1985)Vlada/Digital Nexus
Prvo interesovanje za elektronsku muziku se javlja 1999 godine. Na početku je bio privučen Techno pravcem koji je tada dominirao u Valjevu.Preokret ka Psychedelic pravcu se dogodio pod uticajem Liquid & Solid organizacije 2003-ce godine i kroz serijal njihovih veoma uspesnih zurki tih godina u Valjevu. Konacno,u aprilu 2007-me godine sa dva prijatelja osniva sopstvenu organizaciju pod imenom Digital Nexus. Saradjivao je sa vecinom domacih producenata i DJ–eva kao i sa mnogim organizacijama u Srbiji. Nastupao je u mnogim gradovima ,u mnogim klubovima u Beogradu,organizovao bezbroj muzickih desavanja u rodnom Valjevu sa mnogobrojnim gostima iz Srbije i inostranstva. Prakticno,covek koji je svojim radom uporno i strpljivo kreirao scenu elektronske muzike u prethodnih 10 godina u Valjevu. Idejni je tvorac Forest Festa koji se od 2015-te godine odrzava jednom godisnje u prelepoj prirodi nadomak Mionice. Odlikuje ga savrsena preciznost i tehnika mixovanja,energicna muzika. Zanrovi koje voli su tvrdji nocni Psychedelic Trance zvuk ali i Progressive Trance, Donwtempo ili Ambient u zavisnosti od vremena i mesta nastupa.
Open for bookings:[email protected]
Vladimir Pantelic,Valjevo(1985)Vlada/Digital Nexus
-First interest in electronic music occurs in 1999. At first he was attracted Techno .Preokret direction to the direction Psychedelic occurred under the influence of Liquid & Solid organization in 2003-will, and through their series of successful parties in those years in Valjevo.
-In April 2007, with two friends founded his own organization called Digital Nexus. Sinche than,he has worked with most of the domestic producers and DJs as well as with many organizations in Serbia. He has performed in many cities and clubs in Belgrade, organized countless music events in native Valjevo with numerous guests from Serbia and abroad. Practically, a man whose work persistently and patiently created electronic music scene over the past 10 years in Valjevo. Preliminary creator of the Forest Fest that from the year 2015 held annually in the beautiful countryside near Mionica. It is characterized by perfect precision and mixing technique, energetic music. Genres he loves the Night Psychedelic Trance sound but I melodic Progressive Trance, Ambient Donwtempo or depending on the time and place of performance.
Open for bookings:[email protected]
Milan Jovanovic Digital Nexus(Aspect-Progg N Roll records) 04.01.1988, Užice , Srbija.
-Bio je tek mali decak kada je zapoceo elektronsku muziku. Prva ljubav bila je trance muzika, posebno psy progresivna i goa trance. Inspirisan svojim idolima, odlucio je da krene istim putem. Posle godina vežbanja uspeo je da bude veoma uspešan u izvodenju dela ove vrste muzike. Poslednjih godina posvetio je svoju pažnju muzickoj produkciji osnovao projekat pod nazivom Aspect. Njegova muzika se sastoji od dubokog basa i veselih progresivnih melodija koje pokrecu um i telo. Pun ideja i inspiracije, on sada stvara svoju muziku za producijsku kucu Progg N Roll records u koju se priključio 2019 godine. Digital Nexus member are Milan Jovanovic 04.01.1988 born in Uzice Serbia. He was just a little boy when he started electronic music. First love was trance music, especially psy progressive and goa trance. Inspired by his idols, he decided to follow the same route. After years of exercise, he managed to be very successful in performing works of this kind of music. In recent years, he has devoted his attention
to music production founded a project called Aspect. His music consists of deep bass, cheerful melodies with psy-progressive, it moves the crowd and guarantees that you will have a good time. Full of ideas and inspiration, he is now creating his own music. He has many performances in Serbia and the region. In 2019, he joined the Progg N Roll records family and they continue their work there in full force!