summer closing
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Ďalším hosťom je životom i hraním ostrieľaný DJ a pizzaman od susedov – Kosmic Skaut . Jeho legendárna margharita ťa nenechá v sede ani o hlade. Dušou slobodný junák Mikuláš miluje elektroniku 90-tok, s kúskami acidu housu, okorené tranceom, a špetkou goa a uk, ale aj so stopovými prvkami experimentálnejšieho zlomeného zvuku s podobným základom cesta. Fajnšmeker a výborný selektor roztáča ľudí v Brne aj Prahe, často so svojou olomouckou parťáčkou Marie Pravda. Mikuláš každopádne do budúcna chystá kopec zaujímavých vecí, preto by si si ho nemal nechať ujsť ako prvý, než sa začnú diať veci.
Our next guest is an young blood, salt old DJ and a pizzaman in one package from our neighborhood – Kosmic Skaut. His stunning legendary Margharita will definitely holds you awaken, keep you heating the dancefloor even your power bank goes red. The man of a free soul – Mikuláš, loves the sounds of 90ties, with some pieces of acid house, little bit spiced with trancy taste, a pinch of goa and uk, and also some trace elements of experimental broken music of a similar mould. Great selector and an open-minded soul strings the dancing bodies in Brno and Prague, quite often with his long-time partner in crime and behind the decks Marie Pravda. Nevertheless, Mikuláš keeps moving on with a lot of new interesting visions, and you should surely not be the one, who is going to miss him, before its too late!