The Non-Road Mobile Machinery (NRMM) and Heavy-Duty Industries (HDV) are on a mission to engineer a more sustainable future for us all and are looking for smooth and cost-effective transition solutions while meeting its customers’ demands for value, innovation, and performance. The need for OEMs and Engines Manufacturing companies to adapt to these changes, embrace new technology and co-operate with business peers has never been greater.
With the predicted investment in clean power, zero-emission vehicles, and sustainable manufacturing, the need for companies to tackle these issues head-on is imperative. Countries around the world are setting out plans to reduce emissions in those sectors.
Full conference info: https://www.greennrmm.com/
Green Non-Road Mobile Machinery Forum 2022 offers a comprehensive conference program focusing on the development of a more sustainable, zero-emissions future for the NRMM industry. The presentations at the Forum, case studies, and panel discussions will bring together the world’s most advanced Off...