
svatby_nebozizek Malá Strana, Petřínské sady 411, Prague 1 Krásný výhled na Prahu a na Pražský hrad

Salsa na Nebozízku

Salsa na Nebozízku


*A magicial day in Nebozízek *
# restaurantnebozizekinprague # beautifulviewonPrague #
# Look for the first Spring bloom, which should be yellow just like the Sun, which warms you up in your heart. #
# You will then find your love a your relationship gets stronger. #
# The Winter slowly ends and the Spring and Sun are coming with their big message of love. As well-known, love is said to be a powerful enchantress. #
# That´s why we are preparing for you and your children a big "Magician day in Petřín at the Restaurant Nebozizek". #
# 1.What can you expect on the 30th April 2023 at Restaurant Nebozízek? #

# entertainment for all your family,
# we will have special tents where you can buy magician requisites, various sweets etc.
# our special Magician day will be full of entertainment, magic tricks and nice music as well,
# a real magician (woman) will accompany you throughout our program,
# there will also be held various games and competitions for little children,
# for older children, we prepared a special magician kitchen in which various cooking tricks shall be presented,
# cartoonist to draw your own portraits shall be here too,
# we also prepared s jumping castle and a slide for the children, #
# scary inflatable balls and magician requisites are there as well, #
# magician painting right on your face shall be another part of our entertaining program, #
# tick-on magician tattoos cannot be missing, #
# contest "who has the most beautiful magician mask?" which you will take with you from your home, #
# each winner shall be given a special magician certificate, #
# we will also grill sausages, #
# refreshments for children and grown-ups will be there too, #
# catering shall be exclusively prepared for you by Restaurant Nebozízek, there will also be available an outdoor grill and outdoor bar. #
# 2. Right after the "Magician day", we invite you to the very special 1st May
event at Restaurant Nebozízek. #

# therefore you should plan a walk through the park of Petřín past the K. H. Mácha statue
on the 1st May, #

# kiss romantically each other under a tree just in blossom in the park of Petřín, #

# stop in Restaurant Nebozízek to have grilled meat specialties from our cuisine, #
# you can also have grilled vegetables, special Prague grilled sausages combined with a good Czech beer etc., #
# and you can also have various sweets - not only those for children. #


* A magical day in Nebozízek *
# Look for the first Spring bloom, which should be yellow just like the Sun, which warms you up in your heart. #
# You will then find your love a your relationship gets stronger. #
# The Winter slowly ends and the Spring and Sun are coming with their big message of love. As well-known, love is said to be a powerful enchantress. #
# That´s why we are preparing for you and your children a big "Magician day in Petřín at the Restaurant Nebozizek". #
# 1.What can you expect on the 30th April 2023 at Restaurant Nebozízek? #

# entertainment for all your family,
# we will have special tents where you can buy magician requisites, various sweets etc.
# our special Magician day will be full of entertainment, magic tricks and nice music as well,
# a real magician (woman) will accompany you throughout our program,
# there will also be held various games and competitions for little children,
# for older children, we prepared a special magician kitchen in which various cooking tricks shall be presented,
# cartoonist to draw your own portraits shall be here too,
# we also prepared s jumping castle and a slide for the children, #
# scary inflatable balls and magician requisites are there as well, #
# magician painting right on your face shall be another part of our entertaining program, #
# tick-on magician tattoos cannot be missing, #
# contest "who has the most beautiful magician mask?" which you will take with you from your home, #
# each winner shall be given a special magician certificate, #
# we will also grill sausages, #
# refreshments for children and grown-ups will be there too, #
# catering shall be exclusively prepared for you by Restaurant Nebozízek, there will also be available an outdoor grill and outdoor bar. #
# 2. Right after the "Magician day", we invite you to the very special 1st May
event at Restaurant Nebozízek. #

# therefore you should plan a walk through the park of Petřín past the K. H. Mácha statue
on the 1st May, #

# kiss romantically each other under a tree just in blossom in the park of Petřín, #

# stop in Restaurant Nebozízek to have grilled meat specialties from our cuisine, #
# you can also have grilled vegetables, special Prague grilled sausages combined with a good Czech beer etc., #
# and you can also have various sweets - not only those for children. #

Beautiful view

Beautiful view

# weddingparty # weddingflowers # weddingideas # weddingcatering # beautifulview #


💕 Hledáte místo na svatbu ?
💕Nebozízek nabízí prostory na svatbu,
💕 na tom nejromantičtějším místě,
💕 s krásným výhledem na Prahu

💕 zajistili jsme pro Vás s naší oddávající,
💕 nové svatební termíny v letošním
roce 2023.
💕 obřady mohou být v českém i
anglickém jazyce
💕 termíny jsou v nabídce i s časem
💕 pouze pro Nebozízek
💕 proto si termíny vyřizuje Nebozízek
💕 formality a oddací list vystaví Matrika
Prahy 1

💕 pokud hledáte místo, k obřadu jen jako
💕 zajistíme pro Vás oddávajícího
💕 v českém, anglickém, německém a
ruském jazyce

💕Je to jednoduché, jestli se rozhodnete
💕 stačí napsat, nebo zavolat
💕 dozvíte se všechny potřebné
💕 můžete se přijít podívat na prostory
💕 zjistit vše co Vás zajímá 💕

💕 Are you looking for a nice place to have
your wedding at?
💕 Nebozízek offers you a great space for
your wedding.
💕 It is a lovely and very romantic place
💕 with a beautiful view of Prague.
💕 We can also offer you a great wedding
💕 and new wedding dates in 2023.
💕The ceremonies can also be held in
Czech and English.

💕The exact wedding date is mentioned
in our offer incl. the time of your
weddding ceremony
💕 and is exclusive only for Nebozízek
💕 Thats why we process these wedding
dates by ourselves.
💕 Formalities and marriage certificate are
issued by the Register office Prague 1.
💕 If you are looking for a place to have
your wedding ceremony at,
💕 we can provide a wedding registrar
for you,
💕 who can hold your wedding ceremony
in Czech, English, German and Russian.

💕 It is easy, if you make the decision to
have your wedding in Nebozizek.
💕 You only have to write to us or call us.
💕 And we will give you all the information
💕You can also come to us to see our
💕and find out everything you want to
know. 💕


🌹 Přijďte s námi oslavit svátek Valentýna na Petříně, v Restaurantu Nebozízek… #
Come to the restaurant Nebozizek in Petřín to celebrate the Saint Valentine Day here.

🌹 Nabízíme krásný výhled na celou Prahu a Pražský hrad. #
We offer you a wonderful and romantic view of all Prague and
Prague Castle.

🌹 Zveme Vás na Valentýnské menu, vynikající Prosecco, s andělským obláčkem. #
We would like to invite you to have a St. Valentine menu here, you can also enjoy a delicious Prosecco, with an angel cloud.

🌹 Nebozízek je ideálním místem pro romantické posezení, k žádosti o ruku, můžete zde oslavit i společné a krásné
výročí.. #
Nebozizek is an ideal place to sit here and enjoy the romantic atmosphere in 2, to make proposal to someone you love or just to celebrate some jubilee.

🌹 Je to jednoduché, stačí zavolat a domluvit se, o všechno ostatní se postaráme. #
It is very easy. Just call us and agree with us when you want to come and we will care about everything.
602 312 582. // 724 81 81 81

🌹Come to the restaurant Nebozizek in Petřín to celebrate the       Saint Valentine Day here.  🌹 Přijďte s námi oslavit s...

🌹Come to the restaurant Nebozizek in Petřín to celebrate the
Saint Valentine Day here.
🌹 Přijďte s námi oslavit svátek Valentýna na Petříně, v
Restaurantu Nebozízek…


🌹 Come to the restaurant Nebozizek in Petřín to celebrate the Saint Valentine Day here.
🌹 Přijďte s námi oslavit svátek Valentýna na Petříně, v Restaurantu Nebozízek…

🌹 Nabízíme výhledem na celou Prahu a Pražský hrad.
🌹 We offer you a wonderful and romantic view of all Prague and Prague Castle.

🌹 Zveme Vás na Valentýnské menu, na vynikajícím Proseccu, s andělským obláčkem.
🌹 We would like to invite you to have a St. Valentine menu here, you can also enjoy a
delicious Prosecco, with an angel cloud

🌹 Nebozízek je ideálním místem pro romantické posezení,
k žádosti o ruku, můžete zde oslavit i společné a krásné výročí...
🌹 Nebozizek is an ideal place to sit here and enjoy the romantic atmosphere in 2,
to make proposal to someone you love or just to celebrate some jubilee.

🌹 Je to jednoduché, stačí zavolat a domluvit se, o všechno ostatní se postaráme.
🌹 It is very easy. Just call us and agree with us when you want to come and we will care
about everything.

🌹 Come to the restaurant Nebozizek in Petřín to celebrate the Saint Valentine Day here.
🌹 Přijďte s námi oslavit svátek Valentýna na Petříně, v Restaurantu Nebozízek…

🌹 Nabízíme výhled na celou Prahu a Pražský hrad.
🌹 We offer you a wonderful and romantic view of all Prague and Prague Castle.

🌹 Zveme Vás na Valentýnské menu, na vynikajícím Proseccu, s andělským obláčkem.
🌹 We would like to invite you to have a St. Valentine menu here, you can also enjoy a
delicious Prosecco, with an angel cloud

🌹 Nebozízek je ideálním místem pro romantické posezení,
k žádosti o ruku, můžete zde oslavit i společné a krásné výročí...
🌹 Nebozizek is an ideal place to sit here and enjoy the romantic atmosphere in 2,
to make proposal to someone you love or just to celebrate some jubilee.

🌹 Je to jednoduché, stačí zavolat a domluvit se, o všechno ostatní se postaráme.
🌹 It is very easy. Just call us and agree with us when you want to come and we will care
about everything.

Hledáte prostory na svatbu v Praze, přijďte se podívat na Nebozizek, uvidíte krásný výhled na Prahu.Zajistíme pro Vás ko...

Hledáte prostory na svatbu v Praze, přijďte se podívat na Nebozizek, uvidíte krásný výhled na Prahu.
Zajistíme pro Vás kompletní svatbu na klíč, (včetně sv. obřadu i s oddávajícim i termínem obřadu, Dj, květiny, dekorace, vizážistku a kadeřnici, máme vlastní catering.)
Svatebni hostinu, večerní party s tancem můžete mít uvnitř, ale i venku na zahradě Nebozízku na Petříně.



Petřínské Sady 411/14
Malá Strana



Internetová stránka


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