Dark Atmo Breaks

Dark Atmo Breaks Event series of underground halftime / modern jungle / 170 bpm music.


Release day for RQ's inteligent jungle album Libra


24 track album

Experimental Ambiente TsechischeNo meat, no dumplings, just best svíčková sauceFree gravy for everyone!

Experimental Ambiente Tsechische
No meat, no dumplings, just best svíčková sauce
Free gravy for everyone!

Welcome back, Weather Report listeners, as we journey into the fifth edition of the show on Infame Radio, this time expertly curated by our guest, Prague-based DJ and promoter Urbik from the Dark Atmo Breaks crew. Get ready for an enthralling sonic expedition through the shadowy landscapes of dark halftime music, ranging from 120 to 170 bpm. The limits pushed to the threshold, merging deep, brooding rhythms, atmospheric soundscapes, and resonant basslines. Drawing inspiration from mysterious depths and rich, evocative textures, Urbik proves his vast knowledge of style and picks its finest. Join us in this spellbinding realm.



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