14 let s Colours of Ostrava a zase jsme zažili několik milníků. Staronově nám přibyla další stage - New York stage, která byla součástí festivalu na Černé louce, se po letech vrátila na Colours ve velké parádě. Zařídili jsme pro ni totiž krásný dřevěný dekorovaný stan. 🎪 Dále jsme pokořili historicky hned dvakrát kapelový set up, a to ve čtvrtek show Sama Smitha se čtyřmi kamiony techniky a čtyřmi nightlinery a v pátek show Lennyho Kravitze s devíti kamiony a pěti nightlinery. A že oba stage designy a shows stály za to! Pro zajímavost, do letoška si nejvíc technicky přivezli Justice ve čtyřech kamionech. Letošní pokrok se nezastavil ani u VIP hospitality, které mělo historicky největší kapacitu. Jako každý rok jsme přidali světla v areálu a pracovali na zlepšení zvuku. Což nám pochválil i samotný Sam Smith, že lepší zvuk nezažil. ☺️
Bylo to celý zase hezký a těšíme se, co přinese ta patnáctka. 🖤
🇬🇧 14 years with Colours of Ostrava and once again, we experienced several milestones. We reintroduced an old favorite - the New York stage, which was originally part of the festival at Černá louka. This year, it returned to Colours in grand style, with a beautiful decorated wooden tent. 🎪 We also broke historical records for band setups twice: on Thursday with Sam Smith's show, which required four trucks of equipment and four nightliners, and on Friday with Lenny Kravitz's show, with nine trucks and five nightliners. Both stage designs and shows were truly impressive! For reference, until this year, the most technical equipment had been brought by Justice with four trucks. This year's progress didn't stop with the VIP hospitality area, which had the largest capacity in history. As every year, we added more lights in the festival area and worked on improving the sound. Even Sam Smith himself praised it, saying he had never experienced better sound. ☺️
Overall, it was wonderful again, and we look forward to what the fifteenth anniversary will bring. 🖤
📸 Filip Kůstka, Eugene Zhyvchik, Martin Straka, Zdenko Hanout, Michal Augustini