A complete guide to Czechia's summer music scene in 2024
Everything Goes s.r.o. Kubelíkova 1224/42, Žižkov, 130 00 Praha 3
IČO: 08488851
DIČ: CZ0848885
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Pošlete zprávu Everything Goes booking:
Everything Goes booking is an independent music promoter and artist management, pr and booking agency based in Prague, Czechia. Currently representing Ashley Abrman, Nylon Jail and Cocoman and working with other artists from Czech, Slovak and Polish music scene such as So Flow, Fallgrapp, Jimmy Pé, Flash the Readies, Douny and many more.
We promote series of live music concerts and parties New Wave Praha supported by Ministry of Culture Czech Republic and City of Prague for whose support we are so grateful. The project started in 2014 and we brought Binkbeats, Rejoicer, Little Big, Jeremy Loops, Hindi Zahra, Adam Ben Ezra, The Cat Empire, Hilltop Hoods, 5K HD, Femi Kuti & The Positive Force, Andy V, The Underground Youth, Impala Ray, Frase, Reverie, Getter, Datsik, Stand High Patrol, Wailing Souls, Daniel Bambaata Marley, Junior Kelly, Charlie Winston, Elizabete Balčus, Rising Appalachia and many others. We also promoted Caravan Palace or Skrillex show in Prague and we cooperate with other clubs and promoters as booking agents. Our latest announced show is the Fat Freddy’s Drop debut live show in Lucerna Music Bar, Prague on March 17, 2020.
We cooperate with Letiště festival in Hranice na Moravě, Živá Ulice festival Pilsen, and we promote an audiovisual festival focused on live production electronic music and visual interactive elements NoSh*t.
As the Everything Goes booking we shot various music videos of bands we recommend to check out. Kieslowski – Normandie, Kittchen – Sudety, The High Corporation – Maj in June, all directed by David Mencl.