Vila Sušicka

Vila Sušicka Kontaktní informace, mapa a trasa, kontaktní formulář, otevírací doba, služby, hodnocení, fotky, videa a oznámení od Vila Sušicka, Místo konání akcí a vystoupení, Sušická, Praha.

Vila Sušická (1934) unikátní prostor v rezidenční čtvrti Haunspaulka otevřený ke krátkodobým i dlouhodobým pronájmům a pořádání kulturních a společenských akcí.

32. SUŠICKÁ SALON SOIRÉE ŠOSTAKOVIČ SESSION který se bude konat v úterý,19. listopadu  2024.  kdy budete mít příležitost...

který se bude konat v úterý,
19. listopadu 2024.

kdy budete mít příležitost být součástí večera nejen s Dimitrijem Šostakovičem, ale i jeho předchůdci W. Beethovenem nebo A. Dvořákem, jejichž hudbou vás provedou dva hudebníci
Václav Petr
Marek Kozák

Společně nám zahrají

Sonátu pro violoncello a klavír d moll, op. 40,
Beethovenovou Sonátou pro klavír a violoncello č. 5 D dur, op. 102, č. 2
Antonína Dvořáka

Přijdte si nas poslechnout zitra sbor Local Vocal vkostěe Panny Marie pod Řetezem

Přijdte si nas poslechnout zitra
sbor Local Vocal vkostěe Panny Marie pod Řetezem

Milí přátelé  komorní hudby,S velkou radostí  vás opět zveme na 31. SUŠICKÁ SALON SOIRÉE DVOŘÁK SESSION který se bude ko...

Milí přátelé komorní hudby,

S velkou radostí vás opět zveme na
který se bude konat ve středu, 9. října 2024,

kdy budete mít příležitost být součástí večera s Antonínem Dvořákem, kterým vás provedou dva hudebníci

Vilém Vlček
Pavol Praženica

kromě překvapeni na úvod nám společně zahrají Koncert pro violoncello h moll, op. 104 Antonína Dvořáka

Věříme, že využijete tuto příležitost s námi sdílet tento nezapomenutelný zážitek a těšíme se na Vás. V nové sezóně máme za cíl rozšířit program a přizvat i širší publikum. Proto neváhejte a pozvánku prosíme rozšiřujte mezi své přátele a blízké. Budeme rádi, když k nám zavítají další hosté.
Klasická hudba vzešla a tradičně se provozovala po dlouhá staletí v soukromých domech a jejich salónech a my jsme rádi, že můžeme tuto tradici zachovat a pohostit malou skupinu milovníků hudby v našem domě. Věříme, že domácí prostředí umocní Váš zážitek a umožní Vám hlubší prožitek z hudby.

Dear friends of chamber music,

we are delighted to invite you to the
which will be held on Wednesday, October 9, 2024,

when you will have the opportunity to be part of an evening with Antonín Dvořák, guided by two musicians

Vilém Vlček
Pavol Praženica

in addition to being surprised at the beginning, they will play the Cello Concerto in B minor, Op. 104 Antonín Dvořák

We believe that you will use this opportunity to share this unforgettable experience with us and we look forward to seeing you. In the new season, we aim to expand the program and invite a wider audience. Therefore, please do not hesitate and spread the invitation to your friends and relatives. We will be happy if other guests visit us.
Classical music originated and was traditionally performed for many centuries in private homes and their salons, and we are happy to maintain this tradition and host a small group of music lovers in our home. However, if you don’t have a problem, then you will have to take care of it.

Summer time

Summer time

How to dress for a garden party?                            More info about renting the hous or a room see the links in ...

How to dress for a garden party?

More info about renting the hous or a room see the links in bio

Vemte si plaštěnky a jděte ven.

Vemte si plaštěnky a jděte ven.

Dear friends of chamber music,After a small detour into the area of swing and song, we are delighted to invite you to th...

Dear friends of chamber music,

After a small detour into the area of swing and song, we are delighted to invite you to the jubilee
Which will happened on June 5, 2024, when you will have the opportunity to be part of a special musical meeting of creators and performers, guided by two musicians

violoncello Jamník
and mezzo soprano
@ Bella Adamová
ambassadors being prepared
Festival of Contemporary Opera Prague - OPERA NOVA

However, this tutorial should be considered if you have no questions about it. The program has already been sent out to the public. Therefore, do not hesitate to extend the invitation to your friends and loved ones. We will be happy to have more guests.
Classical music originated and was traditionally performed for many centuries in private homes and their salons, and we are happy to maintain this tradition and host a small group of music lovers in our home. However, if you don’t have a problem, then you will have to take care of it.

Entrance or exit fee: We do not charge serious interest, but we ask for a voluntary contribution upon arrival or departure. The recommended amount for an event of this type is CZK 500 + per person. If you are a professional interpreter, it is a professional service that BECHSTEIN ZIMMERMAN has energy for.

General information: The concert starts at 19:30, doors open at 19:00 so you can have a glass of wine and take your seats comfortably. It is located at Sušická 17, Prague 6 - Hanspaulka.

Reservation: Please send me your message to my address [email protected].

If you want to know what you’re talking about, it’s always a good idea to do so. But that’s not inviting your friends too.

This is the source of information provided by social networks,
you can follow our new profile VILA SUSICKA
both on and

So, if you want to do it, you can do it yourself, if you want to do it yourself, then you will have to take care of it.

Please note that this is not the case.
Best regards,
Martin Marta Stránských
GSM: +420 602649665

Just  a casual dinner when some friend areives to our home and have a birthday.              .r.o.

Just a casual dinner when some friend areives to our home and have a birthday.


    if you are plannig a birthday or a a christening or any kind of garden event. Th Vila Sušicka offers a unique space ...

if you are plannig a birthday or a a christening or any kind of garden event. Th Vila Sušicka offers a unique space for gatherings of any kind.
We can offer you a garden tent with lights.

Thanks to for photos. Barbora Lockefeer is like a family member, is the best photographer of events. Her photos are intimate, personal and catch the character and the atmosphere of the event.

 if you are plannig a birthday or a a christening or any kind of garden event. The  offers a unique space for gatherings...

if you are plannig a birthday or a a christening or any kind of garden event. The offers a unique space for gatherings of any kind.
We can offer you a garden tent with lights.

Thanks to for photos. Barbora Lockefeer is like a family member, is the best photographer of events. Her photos are intimate, personal and catch the character and the atmosphere of the event.

Les Gars d’en bas concert at  Thanks THE CONCERTLes Gars d’en BasCzech-French acoustic band Les Gars d`en bas play their...

Les Gars d’en bas concert at

Les Gars d’en Bas
Czech-French acoustic band Les Gars d`en bas
play their own compositions based on the tradition of
gypsy-swing, French chanson, and jazz,
sometimes also rap and rock’n’roll.
Original poetic lyrics,
by the predominantly polyglot Breton singer- Grégoir Brun,
are complemented by an aesthetic based on
Eastern European roots of Czech musicians.
Over the past fifteen years, the band has traveled
across Europe
gathering a wealth of inspiration and experiences along the way,
that have transformed their music into an authentic musical cocktail,
that makes for a mesmerizing show full of musical improvisation.


First spring garden breakfast in the garden.              with   and  seats To rent our masterbedroom suit or a flate in...

First spring garden breakfast in the garden.

with and seats

To rent our masterbedroom suit or a flate in basement clicknin a link in bio.

To rent the garden or the Vila interior for your bussines or social event contact us via email: [email protected]


 Of you are plannig a birthday or a a christening or any kind of garden event. Th Vila Sušicka offers a unique space for...

Of you are plannig a birthday or a a christening or any kind of garden event. Th Vila Sušicka offers a unique space for gatherings of any kind.
We can offer you a garden tent with lights.

Thanks to for photos. Barbora Lockefeer is like a family member, is the best photographer of events. Her photos are intimate, personal and catch the character and the atmosphere of the event.

Recently renovated bathroom with cement tiles. We wanted to give to this lighted and spacious bathroom 1930s look. The s...

Recently renovated bathroom with cement tiles. We wanted to give to this lighted and spacious bathroom 1930s look. The surface of the cement tiles with the heated floor gives you a feeling you walk on a velvet floor. It is all smooth and soft. The colors are like champagne white with dark almost black details. We believe that this simplicity of colors and good materials invites our guest to experience safe and calm healing space.

Short or longterm rentals, we open the space for cultural, social and bussines events

We welcome you to a Vila Susicka in a historic villa built in 1934, located in the prestigious residential area of Hanspaulka in Prague. This majestic house, built by my great-grandfather, was the home of the daughter of former First Republic Prime Minister Jan Malypetr and the setting for the childhood of Czech writer and PEN Club President Jiri Stransky and his brothers. After the turbulent events that befell the family, the villa was confiscated by the former communist regime. After the revolution, the house was returned to its original , who lovingly managed.

Thanks to its excellent location, Hanspaulka is easily accessible from the city centre and offers complete civic amenities. It is just a few minutes walk from Bořislavka metro station and three tram stops from Dejvicka metro station. Fast connections to the airport and the proximity to international schools in Prague 6, including the ISP school, makes our location the ideal place for your visit.

Your stay at Hanspaulka will be enhanced by the beauty of the 80 year old well-kept garden with mature trees, shrubs and flower beds. The 1,500 m2 of garden is for your exclusive use.



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