Dear friends, partners, and colleagues, may the Christmas season fill your home with joy, your heart with love, and your life with laughter. It has been a great pleasure to be part of this beautiful event world and hope to see you in 2024 with more astonishing experiences, unique stories, and happy-ending events.
Online events better than live with more creativity and wow factors you can enjoy only in our 3D+ Universe!
Details create excellence experience. In great hands of our event managers we brought this unique event to life in the most extraordinary space in Czech republic - Prague Castle. Enjoy this remarkable atmosphere! #EventProfs #pragueinspires
Už to nezvládáme a potřebujeme pomoc. Jsi eventový zkušený harcovník nebo nováček? Na tom nezáleží. Jsme malá rodinná firma, kde je práce pro každého dost. Tak se přihlas.
#wearehiringnow #eventprofs
A beautiful time full of lights, a charming atmosphere, and joy is here again. We thank you all for being there for us when needed and we promise we will be here for you when you need us.
Wishing you joyful Christmas with your families and beloved ones.
See you soon in 2022!
⚠️⚠️ POZOR! Stále hledáme nového člena našeho malého, ale úderného týmu! Neviděl jsi ho někde? Tak nám napiš 🥳❤️
Warmest thoughts to you and your families on this holiday. Happy Easter!
🏴 Next week on Tuesday the 23rd and Wednesday the 24th of March we are going to be part of Event Fest ONLINE‼ Come to join us and see the entire portfolio of our online team buildings 🔥
🇨🇿 Příští týden v úterý 23. a ve středu 24. března nebude chybět naše TB oddělení na Event Festu ONLINE‼ Doražte za námi a dozvíte o celé naší nabídce online team buildingů 🔥
For all our English-speaking clients, we're preparing a showcase of our team building activities for 19/2. Feel free to join us. Looking forward to see you!
🇨🇿 ZIMA PŘICHÁZÍ a s ní i naše nové Online Vánoční teambuildingy🎄
🏴 WINTER IS COMING along with new Online Christmas teambuildings🎄
See how fun can be Photopoly!