
fhainest fhainest
🔉Berliner Techno Kollektiv 🔉

Agency, Label, Lightshows & Events

Are you ready for the new  at  ? 📢Get ready for an extra floor with a big Soundsystem and more capacityOn 3 floors we wi...

Are you ready for the new at ? 📢
Get ready for an extra floor with a big Soundsystem and more capacity
On 3 floors we will serve you with
- Hardtechno
- Peak time Techno
- Groovy / Progressive Sounds

and are joining forces to serve you the Techno you need on your weekend.
We also invited to host the groovy / progressive stage at our event





🚨ABFAHRT-ALERT🚨Uns wurde spontan eine großartige Möglichkeit geboten bei dem an diesem Wochenende stattfindenden  einen ...


Uns wurde spontan eine großartige Möglichkeit geboten bei dem an diesem Wochenende stattfindenden einen Showcase zu gestalten. Deshalb haben wir die Freude euch mitzuteilen, dass euch am Sonntagvormittag gleich 3 extatische B2B Sets von unseren Artists erwarten.


11:30am-01:00pm bln b2b

01:00pm-02:30pmfhainest b2b

Seid also dabei, wenn sie in der den Floor mit treibenden Sounds zum Kochen und die Wände zum vibrieren bringen. Das dürft ihr euch nicht entgehen lassen!

Mit viel Liebe, euer fhainest Team❤

Hamburg und Berlin. Difference und fhainest. Zwei Kollektive - eine Party! Extra angereist aus Berlin ist der erste Teil...

Hamburg und Berlin.
Difference und fhainest.

Zwei Kollektive - eine Party!

Extra angereist aus Berlin ist der erste Teil unseres Line Ups:

No.TFS / maltech /
Son of Adria / enjoyVoid

Date: 29.04.2022
Open Doors: 23 Uhr



New release today by none other than the wonderful .music
The Ep consists of two hard techno tracks.
Between Doors And Windows is a dreamy, melancholy song, who will let you dream.
Heavy Substance is a hard hitting, driving track to that just knows one direction, ahead.

About Vaya:
Vaya is a 22 year old Techno DJ/Producer who is based in near Stuttgart. He has always been a music lover, but his journey started with 15 when he explored the first time djing for himself. One year later he started to produce electronic music and he was slowly finding his way in to the techno scene.
His sound now defines melancholic melodies which are underlined by heavy techno beats. His aim is always trying to deliver melancholic feelings to the listener and expressing himself through the music as much as possible.
Make sure to check it out on Bandcamp, Spotify and SoundCloud! Link in Bio❤️

Vaya - Between Doors And Windows EP

A1 - Between Doors And Windows
A2 - Heavy Substance

Mix & Master by

That was a blast! Thanks to all the supported our crews from  and  out there in the Lichtenberg wilderness. INCEPT will ...

That was a blast! Thanks to all the supported our crews from and out there in the Lichtenberg wilderness.

INCEPT will be back! 🦹🏿‍♀️

Artist: and many others
Sculptures: by
Party: and

Attention friends!If you come to our event before midnight you will get 2 drinks up to 8€ (4€ per Drink) for free.So com...

Attention friends!

If you come to our event before midnight you will get 2 drinks up to 8€ (4€ per Drink) for free.

So come early and stay late!

How to find Incept today:Take the M6 to Dingelstädter Str. Or the S-Bahn up to S Poelchaustr.After that is just a little...

How to find Incept today:

Take the M6 to Dingelstädter Str. Or the S-Bahn up to S Poelchaustr.
After that is just a little walk by foot and as soon as you see the building on the second slide, you have arrived.

We are waiting for you!💃🕺

Our big Seeburg Soundsystem is waiting for you💣Orwo Haus is a really big location with 2 bars, a chill area and one floo...

Our big Seeburg Soundsystem is waiting for you💣
Orwo Haus is a really big location with 2 bars, a chill area and one floor which will blow you away🔥
You can reach it quickly via M6 from S Landsberger Allee or via S Bahn from Ostkreuz.
You can get your ticket via the link in our bio.
See you all there❤️

We are gathering as individuals to enjoy moments of celebration together. However each and every one of us can individua...

We are gathering as individuals to enjoy moments of celebration together. However each and every one of us can individually experience moments of discomfort throughout the night.

Do you feel harassed or treated with sexism, homophobia, aggression or racism?
Are you feeling physically or mentally strange?
Do you need first aid help?

Our awareness team is around providing necessary support, in case you find yourself in any such hazardous situation. Feel free to approach any of our members, dressed in white Awareness T-Shirts and share your issue. These friendly people can be found around the venue, as well as at the Awareness-Area, located by the Kiosk on the left of the DJ Booth. In this area an additional safe space is set up for you.

We are all here for an unforgettable night, so let’s make this happen.
Much love
Rave for Good & Fhainest

⚡INCEPT⚡Join us next week on friday and saturday for our new event called INCEPT. We teamed up with Rave for Good to del...


Join us next week on friday and saturday for our new event called INCEPT.

We teamed up with Rave for Good to deliver you an inclusive, safe and amazing party with some of the finest techno Berlin has to offer.
On Friday the music will be melodic and peak time techno and on saturday you can await some hard and ravey techno, check out the full lineup on the second slide!

Hard Facts:
08.04. 10PM - 10AM: Melodic / Peaktime Techno
09.04. 10PM - 10AM: Hard / Rave Techno

Presale Tickets available for 11€ (excl. fees)

Location: ORWO Haus, Frank-Zappa-Straße 19, 12681 Berlin

The ticket presale is now online, find the link in our bio🔥

⚡INCEPT⚡Join us next week on friday and saturday for our new event called INCEPT. We teamed up with Rave for Good to del...


Join us next week on friday and saturday for our new event called INCEPT.

We teamed up with Rave for Good to deliver you an inclusive, safe and amazing party with some of the finest techno Berlin has to offer.
On Friday the music will be melodic and peak time techno and on saturday you can await some hard and ravey techno, check out the full lineup in second slide!

Hard Facts:
08.04. 10PM - 10AM: Melodic / Peaktime Techno
09.04. 10PM - 10AM: Hard / Rave Techno

Presale Tickets available for 11€ (excl. fees)

Location: ORWO Haus, Frank-Zappa-Straße 19, 12681 Berlin

The ticket presale is now online, find the link in our bio🔥

Nächste Woche ist es wieder soweit und wir können endlich zusammen tanzen!Heute stellen wir euch das Line up vor und die...

Nächste Woche ist es wieder soweit und wir können endlich zusammen tanzen!
Heute stellen wir euch das Line up vor und dieses hat es in sich!
Über Techno, Melodic, Minimal, Progressive bis zu Groovy ist für jeden ein Stil mit dabei, um diese Nacht unvergesslich zu machen.
Den Link für den Ticket Vorverkauf findet ihr in unserer bio!
Wir freuen uns auf euch!

Next week it’s finally time and we can dance together again!
Today we introduce you to our amazing line up!
From techno, melodic, minimal, progressive to groovy, there is a style for everyone to make this night unforgettable.
You can find the link for the tickets in our bio!
We are looking forward to see you!

Heute ist Weltfrauentag, auch feministischer Kampftag. Let's celebrate it! Und alle großartige Frauen und weiblich geles...

Heute ist Weltfrauentag, auch feministischer Kampftag. Let's celebrate it! Und alle großartige Frauen und weiblich gelesenen Personen mit dazu! 🥳

Aber was bedeutet eigentlich Feminismus für euch?

Für uns bedeutet es, dass wir als überwiegend männlich orientiertes Kollektiv noch viel Arbeit zu leisten und zu lernen haben und dabei unseren weiblichen Freund*innen zuhören müssen, um Feminismus und sexuelle Diskriminierung zu verstehen. Wir arbeiten konstant an uns, bauen ein Awareness Team auf, achten darauf, dass unsere Spotlights und Bookings divers sind und sich jeder wohl bei uns fühlt und willkommen ist.
Feminismus bedeutet aber auch Widerstand gegen den Status Quo zu leisten. Welcher nicht nur Frauen bestärken soll, sondern sich auch gegen die Männlichkeit, wie sie im Patriarchat verkörpert wird und ebenso wie das Frauenbild maßlos veraltet ist, richtet. Gegen den Status Quo bedeutet auch, Vielfalt und Unterschiedlichkeiten zu bestärken und Diskriminierungen jeglicher Art fallen zu lassen. Also lasst uns heute vor Allem alle weiblich gelesenen Personen feiern, aber auch uns alle miteinander 💜 because let's be aware: wir sind noch lange nicht bei einer Gleichstellung der Geschlechter angekommem und das aktuelle System schadet Allen.

Deswegen wollen wir es nochmal deutlich machen:
Falls du dich als weiblich gelesene Person identifizierst und motiviert bist bei uns mitzumachen oder ein Set für/mit uns aufzunehmen, melde dich bei uns jeder Zeit!
Wir haben Bock auf neue Gesichter und Diversität! 🖤

Es ist soweit! Am 19. März 2022 tun sich die zwei Berliner Kollektive zusammen, um aufs fhainste Bambule zu machen! Hier...

Es ist soweit! Am 19. März 2022 tun sich die zwei Berliner Kollektive zusammen, um aufs fhainste Bambule zu machen! Hierfür geht's zurück ins Mensch Meier, in dem schon so viele Nächte die Schuhe zertanzt wurden, bevor der Lockdown uns einen Strich durch die Rechnung machte. Doch das ist nun vorbei!
Die Feierei wird um 23 Uhr starten, und die Bässe werden bis in die Morgenstunden unsere Körper zum zappeln bringen. Vom härtesten Techno über feinsten House und funkige Beats - hier wird jede*r den Klang finden den es braucht, um den Alltag aufzugeben und sich dem nächtlichen Getose komplett hinzugeben.
Das frühe Vöglein kriegt wie üblich den günstigsten Wurm, aber auch spontane Nachteulen werden an der Abendkasse warm versorgt werden.
Vergesst nicht eure 2G+ Nachweise, sowie ne Menge heitere Laune!
Wir freuen uns auf euch 🖤
Mit hüpfenden Herzen, &

⚡Hard Facts:
Mensch Meier

Storkower Str. 121
10407 Berlin

⚡13€ Presale (excl. fees)
Ticketlink in Bio
Tickets are also available at the entrance

⚡Entrance from 11pm

⚡2G+ Event (Recovered/Vaccinated/Boostered + Tested)

No racism
No sexism

As March 19th is geting closer, two Berlin based collectives are joining forces to bring the fhainest Bambule to your ears. Mensch Meier will serve as their host location and bring you back to one of those many nights you danced the soles off of your shoes. The Covid induced break is over and parties are back.
At 11pm the doors will open, the systems will be fired up and they won't be shut until well after dawn. More good news is, that no matter if you prefer delicate House and funky beats to groove to or rather hard and relentless Techno to make your body sweat… We have it all!
If you want to save your spot for our season opening, get one of the cheap presale tickets! There will also be a box office.
If you've already decided, please remember: Bring your 2G+ QR-Codes & a test no older than 24hrs… Also, last but not least: Bring energy a good mood and no bad feelings.

The entire team from fhainest & Bambule is looking forward to raving with you 🖤

Hey! fhainest is back!Die letzten Monate waren nicht einfach, doch unsere Crew war fleißig. Unsere Künstler*innen und un...

Hey! fhainest is back!

Die letzten Monate waren nicht einfach, doch unsere Crew war fleißig. Unsere Künstler*innen und unser Team haben still und heimlich an neuen Projekten gearbeitet.

Wir haben unsere Strukturen neu gedacht, unser Awareness-Konzept optimiert, unsere Lichtshow verbessert, Kontakte in der Clubszene gepflegt und noch vieles mehr. Clubkultur in Berlin bedeutet für uns:

In neue Rollen schlüpfen, sich neu zu entdecken, Freiräume schaffen - Zusammen mit unsren Gästen, also Euch!

Zusammen mit der wundervollen Crew vom Bam | Bu | Le] starten wir am 19.03. in die neue Saison. Weitere Infos sowie Location folgen.

Wir freuen uns auf euch!


Hey! fhainest is back!

The last months have not been easy, but our crew has been busy. Our artists and our team have been quietly working on new projects.

We rethought our structures, optimized our awareness concept, improved our light show, cultivated contacts in the club scene and much more. Club culture in Berlin means for us:

Slipping into new roles, rediscovering ourselves, creating free spaces - Together with our guests, that means you!

Together with the wonderful crew of Bam | Bu | Le] we start on 19.03. in the new season. More info and location will follow.

We are looking forward to you!

⭐️ Spotlight  #34 - XEPEIA⭐️ Today we present to you ! Experimentation is the driving force for : punk rock, psychedelic...

⭐️ Spotlight #34 - XEPEIA⭐️

Today we present to you ! Experimentation is the driving force for : punk rock, psychedelic and trance are his roots.
The sounds are deep, athmospheric and mystical. Crazy fractal, techno that draws warmth and life from the long legacy of house music. Just call it Tripno!

Don't miss to check him out!
Link to the set in bio 😍


Today we are excited to present to you are 33rd Spotlight with the talented 😋
OELEX is a passionate raver and DJ from Berlin who feels most comfortable somewhere between Downtempo and House. Due to his diverse musical tastes, he can be found at a wide variety of parties all over Berlin. Whether as a promoter, DJ or raver for OELEX the Berlin scene has long been a big part of his life. In addition, he is part of the collective with which he organizes his own events and live-streams. 🤗

Don't miss to check him out and show some love 💜
Link in Bio!

⭐️ fhainest Spotlight  # 32 .berlin ⭐️ For todays Spoltight we want to introduce to you the fabulous Mona Moore!Mona Moo...

⭐️ fhainest Spotlight # 32 .berlin ⭐️

For todays Spoltight we want to introduce to you the fabulous Mona Moore!
Mona Moore is a Berlin-based passionate lover of electronic music since the year 2000. She had her debut in "her living room" as she calls KaterBlau. Even outside of Berlin, Mona Moore has already presented the audience her music, which she calls a deep groovy and melodic techno / deep house.
Meanwhile she also has a own monthly radio show and she is also the organizer of the event series "Enorm in Form" at KaterBlau. In the pandemic period, she has started to produce music and the first track „Fleur“ was released in June 2021 together with Stan Starry on the label „Katz&Kauz“.
Her philosophy when she is playing: "Sharing the love of music and thereby
forgetting a few hours of space and time"

We are very excited to share her amazing set with you! Thank you Mona Moore for this beautiful ride! 😋❤️

Don't miss to check her out!
Link in Bio 🙌


⭐️fhainest Spotlight #28 ⭐️ C2C

today we want to introduce you to

Berliners Clara and Clara went to school together, live in a shared apartment and have been dancing together at raves and festivals for years. A year ago they bought their first equipment in defiance to their neighbors complaints and played their sounds within their own four walls and later b2b as C2C in forests,
meadows and bunkers. They deliver a colorful mix of house and techno with blunt, euphoric, groovy and trashy as well as dark and driving sounds. 🌛

Check them out and start dancy into this weekend with their set on fhainest soundcloud!

Link in Bio! 🌞

🔥 Weißer Hase Playlist online🔥Yo Yo, check out our Soundcloud now! We just uploaded a playlist with all Sets of the Tech...

🔥 Weißer Hase Playlist online🔥

Yo Yo, check out our Soundcloud now! We just uploaded a playlist with all Sets of the Techno Tempel Stage from our hostevent at Weißer Hase from 22.10. including:

Pakko & Florii
Sebastian Ludvig
Louis Harshman

Make sure to leave a like to support our artists! They will appreciate it❤

Have fun!

🎃 fhainest Halloween at BulBul 🎃Thanks for this driving night! We were very excited to have you with us  last Saturday. ...

🎃 fhainest Halloween at BulBul 🎃

Thanks for this driving night! We were very excited to have you with us last Saturday.

Picture: wonderful playing!

🌟 fhainest spotlight  #27 - Son of Adria🌟In todays spotlight we want to present you one of our newer collectives DJs: So...

🌟 fhainest spotlight #27 - Son of Adria🌟

In todays spotlight we want to present you one of our newer collectives DJs: Son of Adria ( )

Being born and raised in Berlin, Son of Adria will get you excited for fast and hard sounds.
After previous collaborations with our dear friends at DiesDas Kollektiv and supporting the Walk of Care demonstration, his sounds have shifted towards 90s trance and dark, powerful techno.

Set now online on Soundcloud! Link in Bio❤

Enjoy this banging set!

🎃 fhainest Halloween at BulBul 🎃This Saturday we are throwing a Halloween Party at BulBul Club!On two floors we present ...

🎃 fhainest Halloween at BulBul 🎃

This Saturday we are throwing a Halloween Party at BulBul Club!
On two floors we present you banging techno by our fhainest residents and awesome guests!
Dress up to make the party even more special and spooky👹👽👻

Party goes from 22 - 05, make sure to come early as the space is limited. First come first serve!

BulBul Berlin (Skalitzer Str. 114, 10999 Berlin)
Entry: 15,-€
2G Corona regulation (valid vaccination pass or certificate of recovery)

See you at the dancefloor!


⭐️Bo**el Interculturell ⭐️

- english below -

Nur noch 3 Tage! ❤️
Während die Tage kürzer werden steigt unser Hype auf das Bo**el Interculturell und wir freuen uns riesig auf Freitag! Seid mit dabei, Links in Bio

Streaming Plattform: .io 🎥

Only 3 days ahead! ❤️
days are getting shorter, summer is vanishing for the next few months but still we heat it up with our upcomin stream Bo**el Interculturell with our french friends, don't miss out on that. Link in Bio

organized by:

& us

Animation by .tones 🔥


⭐️ Spotlight #26 - Arlenys ⭐️

Today we proudly introduce to do you in our 26th spotlight! 🌝 Thanks for the crazy 1h ride you created for us! 😍
Arlenys is a Dominican-American DJ from the Bronx based in Berlin. Gravitating towards the darker side of techno, her sets are characterized by industrial, trance, and acid techno. Her style brings you through the darkest nights and can be discribed as sultry industrial.

Enjoy her set for us and start the weekend the right way! 😉


⭐️ Anomalie Line Up ⭐️
Der Timetable steht, das Bier ist kaltgestellt und wir warten nur noch auf Morgen Abend um mit euch eine geile Party zu feiern. 🍻🎉

Tickets gibt es an der Abendkasse, oder online auf Resident Advisor (Link in Bio).
Denkt an die 2G Regelung.
Wir freuen uns auf euch!🔥❤️

Timetable is finalized, beer is cold and we are only waiting that tomorrow evening arrives to celebrate a great night!🎉🍻

Tickets are available at the venue or online at resident advisor (link in bio).
Please pay attention to the 2g rule for indoor events.
We can't wait!🔥❤️

⛓️SENSUS Berlin X fhainest @ Anomalie⛓️- english below - Club Event @ Anomalie Art Club. Freitag 08.10.Diesen Freitag wi...

⛓️SENSUS Berlin X fhainest @ Anomalie⛓️
- english below - 

Club Event @ Anomalie Art Club. Freitag 08.10.

Diesen Freitag wirds wild in der Anomalie! Zusammen mit SENSUS Berlin veranstalten wir eine Clubnacht im Anomalie Art Club. Euch erwarten 2 Indoor Floors mit einem Berliner Oberklasse LineUp! Nicht entgehen lassen!

22:00 - 09:00
Anomalie Art Club
Storkower Straße 123
10407 Berlin

😷2G ! Bitte bringt euren digitalen Impfnachweis oder einen Genesenennachweis mit!

🎟️Tickets gibt es auf Resident Advisor! Link in Bio!

1st Floor

Seli G
DJ Lenny F**k
Bunga & Bunga 
Maurice Mino
Adrian Ernst

2nd Floor

[Secret Act] - tba
PaKKo & Joy
[Secret Act] - tba
Louis Harshman

SENSUS Berlin X fhainest 
Club Event @ Anomalie Art Club. Friday 08.10.

This friday is going to be wild! Together with SENSUS Berlin we host a special clubnight in Anomalie Art Club! You can expect two indoor floors with a berlin highclass lineup! Don´t miss out!

10:00pm - 09:00am
Anomalie Art Club
Storkower Straße 123
10407 Berlin

😷2G ! Please bring your digital proof of vaccination or your proof of recovery! 

🎟️Tickets are available on Resident Advisor. Link in Bio!

.f**k .tfs


Warschauer Straße 58a


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