Booker J

Booker J Tanztee im Trikont - Musik aus Afrika, Lateinamerika, Asien und der Diaspora

Ein Projekt von Schlingel Entertainment

In 80 Songs und mit musikalischen Siebenmeilenstiefeln jettet Booker J in seinen Sets einmal um den Globus. Ausgestattet mit einem feinen Gespür für die Schnittstellen zwischen großen universellen Melodien und musikalisch Abseitigem überrascht Booker J mit Wendungen und kreativen Sprüngen. Die große Konstante bleibt dabei aber ein groovender Unterton, der sich durch unterschiedlichste Genres von n

igerianischem Afrobeat, sowjetischem Cosmic, peruanischem Chicha oder libanesischem Funk zieht. Egal ob hochgradig tanzbar mit seiner Global Grooves-Reihe "Tanztee im Trikont" oder smooth-zurückgelehnte Barsets, Booker J bespielt jeden Anlass und jede Gelegenheit.

Endlich wieder tanzen! Und zwar die Form, in der man den ganzen Sc***ss der letzten Wochen in gute Vibes und Gemeinschaf...

Endlich wieder tanzen! Und zwar die Form, in der man den ganzen Sc***ss der letzten Wochen in gute Vibes und Gemeinschaftsgefühl transformiert. Eins kann mir keiner nehmen usw! Kommt also gerne vorbei, wenn ich als Booker J auf musikalische Weltreise gehe und von Funk über Afrobeat bis Global Dance alles raushaue, was Füße tanzen, Hüften schwingen und Herzen hüpfen lässt. Gemeinsam mit Stranger Funk Mastermind Soulski und JSTAR in der Panke

Es wird so nice, Leute!

FB Event:

Kuck ma einer an. Hör ma einer zu.

Kuck ma einer an. Hör ma einer zu.

Also out today:This gem by Black Flower with a guest appearance of the mesmerizing Meskerem Mees!Featured on my Kulturne...

Also out today:
This gem by Black Flower with a guest appearance of the mesmerizing Meskerem Mees!

Featured on my Kulturnewsletter next week:

What an album!

What an album!

🎆 2021 Picked - best music of the yearSo this is it. 2021 is almost over and I gotta say, that I am pretty stoked by the...

🎆 2021 Picked - best music of the year

So this is it. 2021 is almost over and I gotta say, that I am pretty stoked by the musical output of some of my most beloved artists. So I came up with a Spotify-list full of amazing music from 10+ genres. 21 was a great year for Jazz in all its forms, there were some serious Disco&Soul releases, while women are more and more taking over international and german rap and it’s about fu***ng time. In general there is loads of striking HipHop, that got released this year. Another spotlight focusses the Beatmaker scene, that once more proved its innovative and forward looking musical force. Then there is a very exciting Postpunk wave still washing the shores of my music island, while old rock masters brought out some pretty decent music. Oh and of course there is a lot of great weird pop music, that also made it in my list, while electronic music is represented on a slightly smaller scale than usual. This year has also been great for music from the African continent, while it is impossible to narrow it down to one genre, since Rap and string gods from Mali, afrodiasporan Jazz and a Nigerian legendary drummer brought out outstanding music.

Link to the list:

Schlingels Finest- Arts&culture Newsletter(once a week):

Brought to you by Schall & Hauch, Booker J, Das Weiße Rauschen, Buzz Boris, B.Raven, Glaspalast, DJ Mausebär, The Carlson Two

Artwork by Rozalie Kolkova

Full tracklist of my new mixtape "From North Cape to Cape Town" now available at The Good Neighbor...Thanks for the invi...

Full tracklist of my new mixtape "From North Cape to Cape Town" now available at The Good Neighbor...

Thanks for the invite!

Everyone knows one. Everyone has one. The neighbor who always knows the coolest places to go, the hottest music to listen to and the latest news to spread around. We want to be that neighbor - sharing all the great stories and sounds around our neighborhood of artists and creatives. Be sure to check...




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