XO Curatorial Projects

XO Curatorial Projects A series of events and exhibitions taking place in the district of Wedding, Berlin in June and July 2022

Time to remember: Last Saturday, exactly one week ago...Movement Research ACROSS - POLY(e)MOTION[Deutsch weiter unten]Th...

Time to remember: Last Saturday, exactly one week ago...
Movement Research ACROSS - POLY(e)MOTION

[Deutsch weiter unten]

The third and final day of the festival started inside Galerie Wedding, stretched out on comfy puzzle-patterned floor mats. Skinship introduced us to the gentle world of togetherness, touch, consent and connection which made us glow inside.

The mats were soon removed to make space for some serious body-hopping: Joana Tischkau and Amelia Uzategui Bonilla were the masterminds of our “changeovers”. On the agenda: “white men” enjoying some hard rock while manoeuvering their stiff midriff and air guitar, pre-adolescent girls in love with all things beautiful, tourmented teenagers kicking their demons, the unified mass of the Gabber stepper, and a quick introduction to some famous movers who copied, appropriated, mimicked - or tried at least.

The intense moving continued, this time on Wedding’s town hall square, set within Viron Erol Vert’s Flexible Colour Circle: House Szene Berlin with DJ Achraf pumped up the crowd which readily responded with a cornucopia of intricate moves until one contestant finally won the - competitive, yet friendly - battle.
A ginger belle in daring PVC garments wrapped around her legs closed the evening singing songs about love, loss and naughty delights. Framed by a choreography full of tease and eye-lashed flutters to the audience, Katana Six tremolloed her voice to finally lip-sync - not for her life, but for us, the very appreciative Movement Research ACROSS crowd.

That was the day’s line-up:
„MY BODY MY PLEASURE“, workshop with Skinship, „Is this Appropriate – Where does the homage end and the parody begin? Musings on Cultural Appropriation“, workshop with Amelia Uzategui Bonilla and Joana Tischkau, “JAM ACROSS & BATTLE“, hosted by House Szene Berlin and guests, “KATANA SIX“, performance by Katana Six

Big thanks to Juan Saez for the amazing photographs!


Ein kurzer Moment der Erinnerung:
Letzten Freitag, vor genau einer Woche...
Movement Research ACROSS - POLY(e)MOTION

Der dritte und letzte Tag des Festivals begann in der Galerie Wedding, wo wir uns auf bequemen Matten mit Puzzle-Muster ausbreiteten. Skinship führte uns in die sanfte Welt der Gemeinsamkeit, der Berührung, des Einverständnisses und der Verbindung ein, die uns innerlich zum Glühen brachte.
Die Matten wurden bald entfernt, um Platz für ein ernsthaftes Body-Hopping zu schaffen: Joana Tischkau und Amelia Uzategui Bonilla leiteten unsere "Changeovers" an. Auf dem Programm: "Weiße Männer", die sich an Hardrock erfreuen, während sie ihre steife Taille und Luftgitarre manövrieren, vorpubertäre Mädchen, verliebt in schöne Dinge, Dämonen austreibende Jugendliche, die vereinte Masse der Gabber-Stepper sowie eine kleine Vorstellung von einigen berühmten Movern, die kopiert, angeeignet und nachgeahmt - oder es zumindest versucht haben.
Die intensive Bewegung ging weiter, diesmal auf dem Rathausvorplatz in Wedding, innerhalb Viron Erol Vert's Flexible Colour Circle: House Szene Berlin mit DJ Achraf heizte der Menge ein, die bereitwillig mit einer Vielzahl an komplizierten Moves antwortete...bis eine Teilnehmerin schließlich den - hart umkämpften und sehr freundschaftlichen - Battle gewann.
Eine rothaarige Grazie in gewagter PVC-Kleidung beendete den Abend mit Liedern über Liebe, Verlust und unanständige Freuden. Umrahmt von einer Choreografie voller Reize und Augenklimpern zum Publikum, ließ Katana Six ihre Stimme erbeben, um schließlich zu lipsyncen - nicht, um „ihr Leben zu retten“ (zwinker), sondern um uns, das Movement Research ACROSS-Publikum, zu betören.

Hier nochmal das Line-up des dritten und letzten Tages:
"MY BODY MY PLEASURE", Workshop mit Skinship, "Is this Appropriate - Where does the homage end and the parody begin? Musings on Cultural Appropriation", Workshop mit Amelia Uzategui Bonilla und Joana Tischkau, "JAM ACROSS & BATTLE", veranstaltet von House Szene Berlin und Gästen, "KATANA SIX", Performance von Katana Six

Lieben Dank an dieser Stelle an Juan Saez für die tollen Fotos!


Time to remember: Last Friday, exactly one week ago...Movement Research ACROSS - POLY(e)MOTION[Deutsch weiter unten]On t...

Time to remember: Last Friday, exactly one week ago...
Movement Research ACROSS - POLY(e)MOTION

[Deutsch weiter unten]

On that particular day the festival started in earnest: a cheeky unicorn on a loose on Wedding’s town hall square, memorial celluloid wrapped around a body offered to an audience, a card game with movement and sound instructions unfolding in space, a camouflaged Yoggaton instructor from Outer Space, a concert with alternating voices making an exhibition resonate, and a couple of Mediterranean super queens crashlanding in unassuming Wedding with their unmistakable tongue-in-cheek charme - complete with rotating hips and throbbing belly.

You say: “What...?”
We say: “Here comes last week’s line-up for you to remember and rejoice:”

“Faux-Pas” by Jule Flierl, “re||mains” by Esther Siddiquie, “Scores of Intimacy” by Juan Betancurth, Romany Dear and Daniel Neumann, “Flor de Pantano” by Maque Pereyra, “Corrientes Vitales II - El nido” by Isasi Armengod, “Yalla Hafla” by Judy LaDivina and The Darvish

Big thanks to Mónica Muñoz for the amazing photographs!


Ein kurzer Moment der Erinnerung:
Letzten Freitag, vor genau einer Woche...
Movement Research ACROSS - POLY(e)MOTION

An diesem Tag ging das Festival richtig los: ein vorwitziges Einhorn war auf dem Rathausvorplatz unterwegs, Zelluloid voller Erinnerungen wickelte sich um einen Körper und wurde dem Publikum angeboten, ein Kartenspiel mit Bewegungs- und Klanganweisungen, das sich im Raum entfaltete, eine getarnte Yoggaton-Lehrerin aus dem Weltall, Duettgesang, das eine Ausstellung zum Klingen bringt, und zwei mediterrane Superköniginnen, die mit ihrem unverwechselbaren kessen Charme ein völlig ahnungsloses Wedding aufmischten - und das alles mit kreisenden Hüften und vibrierendem Bauch.

Du sagst: "Bitte was...?"
Wir sagen: "Hier kommt das Programm der letzten Woche, für dich zum Erinnern und Erfreuen.“
"Faux-Pas" von Jule Flierl, "re||mains" von Esther Siddiquie, "Scores of Intimacy" von Juan Betancurth, Romany Dear und Daniel Neumann, "Flor de Pantano" von Maque Pereyra, "Corrientes Vitales II - El nido" von Isasi Armengod, "Yalla Hafla" von Judy LaDivina und The Darvish

Lieben Dank an dieser Stelle an Mónica Muñoz für die tollen Fotos!




Time to remember: Last Thursday, exactly one week ago...Movement Research ACROSS - POLYCHROME[Deutsch weiter unten]We ce...

Time to remember: Last Thursday, exactly one week ago...
Movement Research ACROSS - POLYCHROME

[Deutsch weiter unten]

We celebrated the exhibition opening with works by French-Guadeloupean artist and dancer Thomias Radin accompanied by an artist talk and velvety smooth beats from the hands of Peeps and Coco Calypso set close to artist Viron Erol Vert’s Flexible Colour Circle at Wedding town hall square.
The delicious food served out of Mimi’s Kitchen’s cute red trailer had many art lovers relish their culinary encounter with Cameroonian cuisine.

Flick through the photos, sigh and indulge ;-)

Little note: Radin’s murals, portrait video, sculptures and small library will remain on display at Galerie Wedding until the 26th of August.
So you’ve got plenty of time to be absorbed by the Myth of Karukera and Cibuqueira, watch the dancers’ fast leg work and loose yourself in the grotto’s vanishing point.

Big thanks here to Mónica Muñoz from the Wild Brides for the amazing photographs!


Ein kurzer Moment der Erinnerung:
Letzten Donnerstag, vor genau einer Woche...
Movement Research ACROSS - POLYCHROME

Wir feierten die Ausstellungseröffnung mit Werken des französisch-guadeloupischen Künstlers und Tänzers Thomias Radin, gefolgt von einem Künstlergespräch und samtweichen Beats von Peeps und Coco Calypso direkt am Flexible Colour Circle des Künstlers Viron Erol Vert, auf dem Rathausvorplatz Wedding.

Mimi’s Kitchen mit ihrem putzigen roten Anhänger sorgte für leckere Verköstigung und bot den Besucher*innen eine kulinarische Begegnung mit der kamerunischen Küche.

Schaut euch die Fotos an, seufzt und schwelgt ein wenig ;-)

Kleiner Hinweis: Radins Wandbilder, Portraitfilm, Skulpturen und Bibliothek sind noch bis zum 26. August in der Galerie Wedding zu sehen.
Ihr habt also noch genügend Zeit, um euch vom Mythos Karukera und Cibuqueira einfangen zu lassen, die rasante Beinarbeit der Tänzer*innen zu beobachten und im Fluchtpunkt einer Grotte zu verlieren.

Lieben Dank an dieser Stelle an Mónica Muñoz für die tollen Fotos!




All the scheduled performances of today, Friday 16 June 2023 will take place inside Galerie Wedding. Come and get cosy!

Alle heutigen Veranstaltungen vom Freitag, den 16.06.23, werden innerhalb der Galerie Wedding stattfinden. Komm vorbei und mach's dir gemütlich bei uns!

THE REVELATIONS CONTINUE...Here comes the exciting and packed programme of DAY 2Movement Research ACROSS - POLY(e)MOTION...

Here comes the exciting and packed programme of DAY 2

Movement Research ACROSS - POLY(e)MOTION

Friday, 16 June 2023, 3pm to 10pm
Performances by Jule Flierl, Esther Siddiquie, Juan Betancurth with Romany Dear & Daniel Neumann, Maque Pereyra, Isasi Armengod, The Darvish & Judy LaDivina

----3pm Faux Pas, Performance by Jule Flierl
Where: Rathausvorplatz Wedding / Town Hall Square

Faux-Pas is a solo dance intervention embedded in public space. It consists of dance and vocal material. There is a unicorn that deals with the uncertainty of how to continue this dance. The unicorn wears tap shoes, which it uses just like any unicorn would.

----3.45pm re | | mains, Performance by Esther Siddiquie
Where: Galerie Wedding

The performance is the outcome of a research that explores approaches of a somatic archival work. The body is centred and made visible within the context of the archive. The research thus questions conventional archiving methods and instead tests the potential of an archive to bring the body into movement. For the performance, the artist will be working with the documentary film archive of her deceased father Shabbir Siddiquie.

----4.30pm Scores of Intimacy, Performance by Juan Betancurth with Romany Dear and Daniel Neumann
Where: Rathausvorplatz Wedding / Town Hall Square

Performance improvisation by the artist Juan Betancurth - who will be especially coming from Bogotá, Colombia, for the occasion - with Romany Dear & Daniel Neumann

Scores of Intimacy is a performance concept which plays with the idea of a ›universal language‹, created by abstracted visuals that are translated into movements and sounds. The invitation is to share an environment of communal intimacy in public space via a performative improvisation, exploring new ways of getting closer to each other, to enter a non verbal dialogue.

----6pm Flor de Pantano, Performance by Maque Pereyra
Where: Rathausvorplatz Wedding / Town Hall Square

This body-based performance stems from the idea the artist has been developing over the past few years, exploring the intersection of music production, rapping, and DJing as an extension of the performative body. As such, this performance incorporates elements of concert dynamics, DJ sets, and audience interaction, showcasing various aspects of Maque Pereyra’s artistic practice.

----7.30pm Corrientes vitales II – El nido, Concert by Isasi Armengod
Where: Rathausvorplatz Wedding / Town Hall Square

Isasi Armengod is an artistic collaboration between Luna Carlos Armengod & Isasi Isasi. Isasi Armengod’s musical production can be described as a continuous search: a mixture of urban rhythms, Latin American roots, and African spirit. The transdisciplinary expansion of their practices is an attempt to merge their respective musical and sculptural worlds, all the while re-assessing the boundaries of both.

----9pm Yalla Hafla, Performance by The Darvish and Judy LaDivina
Where: Rathausvorplatz Wedding / Town Hall Square

Yalla Hafla ( let’s party ) is a monthly celebration of Mediterranean sounds and culture. Hosted and produced by the drag phenomenon Judy LaDivina and the belly dance sensation The Darvish, the show premiered in 2017 and has been growing ever since to be one of the loudest demonstrations of love and coexistence, offering a safe space for q***r Arabs and Jews.




IT'S REVELATION TIME!-!-!-!- Here comes the programme of DAY 1 -!-!-!-Movement Research ACROSS - POLY(e)MOTIONThursday, ...

-!-!-!- Here comes the programme of DAY 1 -!-!-!-

Movement Research ACROSS - POLY(e)MOTION

Thursday, 15 June 2023, 6pm to 10pm

Festival and Exhibition Opening with Caribbean and West African Cuisine
�DJ Set by Peeps B2B Coco Calypso

---On Rathausvorplatz Wedding / Town Hall Square---
6pm Warm Up DJ Set by Peeps B2B Coco Calypso

---At Galerie Wedding---
7pm POLYCHROME – The Myth of Karukera and Cibuqueira �Welcome and Talk with Thomias Radin and Malte Pieper
8pm Opening Ceremony with Thomias Radin

---On Rathausvorplatz Wedding / Town Hall Square---
9pm DJ-Set by Peeps B2B Coco Calypso

POLYCHROME – The Myth of Karukera and Cibuqueira
Opening Ceremony with Thomias Radin, Peeps & Coco Calypso

Thomias Radin premieres his newly created mural ›The Myth of Karukera and Cibuqueira‹, inspired by the two native names of the main islands of Guadeloupe. Radin weaves a story exploring the human condition, the power of movement, and the enduring relevance of myth in shaping our understanding of the world. For the opening ceremony, Radin activates the work through sound and movement. A DJ set by Peeps and Coco Calypso invites you to dance and hang out throughout the evening while Caribbean and West African snacks will be served.





Movement Research ACROSS - POLY(e)MOTION

POLY(e)MOTION is the second edition of Movement Research ACROSS, a music and movement research programme in public space at Galerie Wedding and the neighbouring town hall square (Rathausvorplatz), developed and curated by XO Curatorial Projects, Solvej Helweg Ovesen and Kathrin Pohlmann, in collaboration with curators Nitsan Margaliot and Malte Pieper.
The artist and dancer Thomias Radin, who will be creating the accompanying exhibition POLYCHROME – The Myth of Karukera and Cibuqueira at Galerie Wedding, will open the first evening with his performance.

In POLY(e)MOTION we connect movement research and emotions of all bodies and from all corners of the world to a contemporary, interdisciplinary, local Berlin event. Free of charge and open to all. Contemporary dance and participatory practices are applied as creative space making and social stage setting in the heart of Wedding.

We put body positivity, aesthetic quality and street smartness in the focus. POLY(e)MOTION is a polycentric neighbourhood event with a pop-up amphitheatre. For the three-day festival, we will set up again the "Flexible Colour Circle" by artist Viron Erol Vert, which already served as the central venue for the performances of ACROSS 2022.

After last year's successful first edition of Movement Research ACROSS with 20 performative contributions, a new series of performances and workshops by local and international artists will follow 15, 16, and 17 of June 2023.







Movement Research ACROSSA flashback in pictures!An exciting series of exhibitions and performances has come to an end, w...

Movement Research ACROSS
A flashback in pictures!

An exciting series of exhibitions and performances has come to an end, which culminated in
a closing finissage last Saturday, 30 July.

And this is what happened...

Nara rounded off the eventful day with a DJ set that had the whole neighbourhood shimmy and shake.

Photo credits: © XO Curatorial Projects - Photos by Juan Saez

Movement Research ACROSS is financed by in cooperation with

Movement Research ACROSSA flashback in pictures!An exciting series of exhibitions and performances has come to an end, w...

Movement Research ACROSS
A flashback in pictures!

An exciting series of exhibitions and performances has come to an end, which culminated in
a closing finissage last Saturday, 30 July.

And this is what happened...

"Best Wishes for Wedding"
A performance by artist, acrobat, and future mobility journalist Carrie Hampel on Wedding's town hall square.

Photo credits: © XO Curatorial Projects - Photos by Juan Saez

Movement Research ACROSS is financed by in cooperation with

Movement Research ACROSS A flashback in pictures!An exciting series of exhibitions and performances has come to an end, ...

Movement Research ACROSS
A flashback in pictures!

An exciting series of exhibitions and performances has come to an end, which culminated in
a closing finissage last Saturday, 30 July.

And this is what happened...

"INTI-mate Heal-inG" a performance by artist, curator and activist Va-Bene Elikem Fiatsi on Wedding's town hall square.

Photo credits: © XO Curatorial Projects - Photos by Juan Saez

Movement Research ACROSS is financed by in cooperation with

CALL OUT////Dear people!The artist Va-Bene Elikem Fiatsi would love you to help her prepare her performance for this com...

Dear people!
The artist Va-Bene Elikem Fiatsi would love you to help her prepare her performance for this coming Saturday at Wedding Town Hall Square.

Below her message:

Please kindly donate or support me with the following materials for the performance (share and invite others)
● I need different types and sizes of knives including kitchen knives, machetes and hatchets, (old, new or even if damaged)
● Different kind of scissors (including tailoring, surgical scissors etc)
● Surgical tapes (as many as you can afford)
● Surgical gloves (different colours but red will be preferable)
● Surgical blades ((as many as you can afford)
● Caution tapes
● FFP2 mask (any colour is accepted but will be glad to get reds)
● Different kinds and sizes of transparent glass bottles with corks, covers or stoppers
● Fishing lines
● 'Ladies' panties, brassiere, under-wears and night-wears (Red is my preferred colour but bring whatever you have)

Thanks so much for your contributions. Kindly whatsapp me on +233240529019 for collection until 29th of July. You can also reach me via instagram or [email protected] If you live outside Berlin but would like to donate/support, let me know so we can make alternative arrangements.


Photo credits: © Va-Bene Elikem Fiatsi
Movement Research ACROSS is financed by in cooperation with

Movement Research ACROSS Saturday, 30 July 2022 - Finissage8 - 9pmDJ set by NaraNara (she/they) is a q***r, Afro-Brasili...

Movement Research ACROSS
Saturday, 30 July 2022 - Finissage

8 - 9pm
DJ set by Nara

Nara (she/they) is a q***r, Afro-Brasilian-German, born and raised in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, living and working in Berlin. She is a producer, curator and DJ, oscillating between contemporary dance and activism.

As a producer, Nara is responsible for the production management of Tanzfabrik Berlin's stage department and since 2020, an active member of "produktionsbande", a network for performing arts producers.
On the musical side, Nara represents the other half of the DJ duo Gaturama, and is member and resident DJ of the Berlin-based q***r-feminist collective ¡MASH-UP! - Multigender / Multiworld. Acting as the head of the disorder team, she fearlessly leads you through a wide range of tropical and bass-heavy sounds - from reggaeton to trap, from baile funk to kuduro, from hiphop to b***y bass. Extending, expanding, sinking, flying to explode in the air, that's what you can expect from a musical journey with Nara - shaking to the beat guaranteed.

Photo credits: © Nara

Movement Research ACROSS is financed by in cooperation with

Movement Research ACROSS Saturday, 30 July 2022 - FinissageCarrie Hampel – Best Wishes for Wedding7 – 8pm

With the perf...

Movement Research ACROSS
Saturday, 30 July 2022 - Finissage

Carrie Hampel – Best Wishes for Wedding
7 – 8pm

With the performance Best Wishes for Wedding, artist, acrobat, and future mobility journalist Carrie Hampel will present an acrobatic spectacle. The public ceremony is created from the sound material the artist collected from vox populi interviews with residents and workers in Berlin-Wedding about their wishes for the district. These wishes make up the basis of rhythmic sound pieces to which cyclist acrobats perform a colourful, geometric and circus-like choreography.

A DJ set by Nara (8 – 9 pm) will round off the evening.

Photo credits: © XO Curatorial Projects © Carrie Hampel @ Nara

Movement Research ACROSS is financed by in cooperation with

Movement Research ACROSS Saturday, 30 July 2022 - FinissageVa-Bene Elikem Fiatsi – INTI-mate Heal-inG
4 – 6:30 pm


Movement Research ACROSS
Saturday, 30 July 2022 - Finissage

Va-Bene Elikem Fiatsi – INTI-mate Heal-inG
4 – 6:30 pm

INTI-mate Heal-inG is a public performance installation by artist, activist and curator Va-Bene Elikem Fiatsi (also known as crazinisT artisT) that expands the discussion about bodies seen as sick, imperfect, illegal and uncultured. The performance challenges notions about the representation of marginalised groups in mainstream media and the discriminatory policies that lead to economic, religious, medical and social exclusion. In INTI-mate Heal-inG, the audience is invited to participate in a collective, embodied solidarity and healing body care, and to reflect on their own vulnerabilities, fears and privileges.

Some context:
In late 2021 a coalition of religious leaders in Ghana introduced a bill called the "Promotion of Proper Human Sexual Rights and Ghanaian Family Values Bill" to the Ghanaian parliament.
The bill promises jail time and fines for anyone who goes against “human s*xual rights,” which includes “s*xual in*******se between or among persons of the same s*x,” and identifying as gay, le***an, bis*xual, transgender, pans*xual, nonbinary, q***r, an ally “or any other s*xual or gender identity that is contrary to the binary categories of male and female.” Those who engage in gay s*x could spend three to five years in jail.
Such discriminatory politics are being heavily supported by the World Congress of Families (WCF), a United States coalition that promotes Christian right values internationally and regularly holds conferences all over the world.
The presence of WCF on the African continent can be identified as a remnant of colonialism through the promotion of binary values by missionary Christians at the expense of a large diversity of genders and societal structures, already in existence on the African continent.
The artist Va-Bene Elikem Fiatsi herself is directly affected by the threat of the Ghanaian bill and is at risk of losing her home as a q***r identifying citizen, should the bill be successfully passed.

If you would like to support her in securing her home to protect herself from this threat, you are welcome to donate via: https://www.gofundme.com/f/xx48d3-save-piar

Artist's website: https://www.crazinistartist.com/

Photo credits: © XO Curatorial Projects, © Va-Bene Elikem Fiatsi, © Carrie Hampel

Movement Research ACROSS is financed by in cooperation with

Movement Research ACROSSSaturday, 30 July 2022, 4 - 9pmThis beautiful adventure around art and public space is slowly dr...

Movement Research ACROSS
Saturday, 30 July 2022, 4 - 9pm

This beautiful adventure around art and public space is slowly drawing to a close.
We will finish it on a high with performances by Va-Bene Elikem Fiatsi and Carrie Hampel
on Wedding town hall square.
Nara will round up the evening with a fine DJ set.
More info coming shortly, stay tuned...


Photo credits: © XO Curatorial Projects, © Va-Bene Elikem Fiatsi, © Carrie Hampel

Movement Research ACROSS is financed by in cooperation with


Müllerstraße 146/147


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