
Mixanthrope French-born & Berlin-based DJ Mixanthrope loves shaking dancefloors with african voices, electronic beats and tropical grooves.

French-born & Berlin-based DJ Mixanthrope loves people and has been proving it since 2015 by shaking dancefloors from Canada to Ghana with african voices, electronic beats and tropical grooves. Visit this page often for gig annoucements and regular shares of carefully-crafted world music mixtures!

► DJ & curator/organizer for monthly Afro-centered music parties at Monarch: "African Beats & Piece

ȯ www.facebook.com/AfricanBeatsAndPieces/

♬ ♬ ♬

Berlin : Monarch | Badehaus | One Africa Lounge | ZK/U | Schrippe Hawaï
France : Connexion Live | Intermédiaire | Bric à Brac
Accra : Republic | Tea Baa | Rockstone's Office
Toronto : Alliance Française | Radio-Canada | Supermarket

Now here's a mix for adventurous lovers of raw sounds! 🎧🤠https://soundcloud.com/djmixanthrope/lo-fi-africa-vol-1-muffled...

Now here's a mix for adventurous lovers of raw sounds! 🎧🤠

In the snobby hi-fi age where most ears are used to polished studio-quality productions, one can be quick to discriminate against songs on the base of their phonographic imperfections. What a loss!

Gorgeous music was and is still being made that doesn’t match the „modern“ listener’s standards. Well, not everybody can afford the fanciest recording/mixing/mastering gear or know how to operate it best, and not all songs get properly archived and preserved over the years… but every listener can try and get past the initial wall of a perceived "crappy" sound to enjoy the marvellous music that lies behind it. It’s a matter of re-training the ears, adjusting expectations, putting content before form. Life is too short to miss out on all the wealth out there!

This mix explores a wide spectrum of styles with lo-fi aesthetics in African modern music collected in all possible formats over several years. Most of the selected songs are un-streamable and un-buyable anywhere.

Get ready for over-compressed vocals, digital clicks, muted drum-machines, distorted cymbals, tinny synths, fuzzy bass… and oh, that divine tape hiss! Let us embrace the sonic imperfections to better appreciate the musical gems the world — and especially the African continent! — has to offer.

Something might be sometimes sound too loud or too quiet, a little uncomfortable and out-of-place… have faith in the noise, trust the artists, dig the music!

Excited to DJ for the first time in Madagascar alongside my pal Morgan Greenstreet a.k.a. modrums on Friday, March 22nd ...

Excited to DJ for the first time in Madagascar alongside my pal Morgan Greenstreet a.k.a. modrums on Friday, March 22nd at Chez Papa in Antananarive!

Help us spread the word! 🇲🇬
See you on the dancefloor.

Happy & proud to share my first music journalism article ever, published through the amazing media Pan African Music! ht...

Happy & proud to share my first music journalism article ever, published through the amazing media Pan African Music!


"Dive into the rich yet little-known history of music in the Central African Republic. From the Congolese inspired independence music of the 1960s, the Bokassa era sounds of Formidable Muziki, and the traditional revival of Zokela music, French DJ Boris Paillard runs us through the nation’s turbulent history and contagious rhythms."

Ô joie, ô fierté de vous partager mon tout premier article en tant que journaliste musical, publié sur l'excellent média...

Ô joie, ô fierté de vous partager mon tout premier article en tant que journaliste musical, publié sur l'excellent média Pan African Music! 🇨🇫✍️🎵

"Basé à Berlin, le DJ français Boris Paillard réalise Zooming In, une collection de mixes dont chacun est dédié aux musiques souvent méconnues d’un pays d'Afrique. Le volume 3 est consacré à la République centrafricaine et parcourt, à travers une sélection de pépites, les décennies qu’a traversées le pays depuis son indépendance. Récit d’une navigation à vue, et à l’ouïe."

Le DJ Boris Paillard réalise Zooming In 3, un mix consacré à la République centrafricaine qui parcourt les décennies post-indépendance.

🚨Nouveau mix! 🚨Cette sélection convoque d'épatantes mises en paroles de la problématique liée à l'utilisation de la lang...

🚨Nouveau mix! 🚨Cette sélection convoque d'épatantes mises en paroles de la problématique liée à l'utilisation de la langue créole dans un contexte postcolonial francophone.

Sur fond de bélé martiniquais ou de kompa haïtien, les musicien.nes créolophones — voix et porte-voix du peuple — affrontent le complexe d’infériorité et d’insécurité linguistique, adressant un message de revalorisation heureuse face aux dangers de l’assimilation: "Parler français, non !.. Parler créole !" clame le chanteur Rodrigue Millien.

(Setlist & timecodes tout en bas) Nées de la nécessité pour les esclaves aux origines diverses de communiquer à l’insu des colons, les langues créoles sont le fruit du mélange de sens et de sons empr

Excited to get behind the desks tomorrow/Saturday between midnight and who-knows to bring my African Beats & Pieces vibe...

Excited to get behind the desks tomorrow/Saturday between midnight and who-knows to bring my African Beats & Pieces vibes to the Afro & Latin Floor (upstairs) at the legendary & epic Das Zündet Party in Humboldthain Club in Berlin Wedding!

Come early, stay late and dance in-between! 🕺💃

Boogie/Funk/Disko Es

Submerged by a lust for sultry synths, cheesy chimes, h***y horns and glossy snares, I went digging deep in the African ...

Submerged by a lust for sultry synths, cheesy chimes, h***y horns and glossy snares, I went digging deep in the African side of the Zouk planet again and came up with another hour-long selection of 24 songs from 13 different countries such as Niger, Comoros, Togo and Guinea-Bisseau: "Afro Zouk, Vol. 2 • Bonded By Beat" 🌍😍

Just like the first volume of the series, the mixtape strives to explore a wide spectrum of what African Zouk is... or what it can be! Mandingue Zouk? Cabo Zouk? Zoukouss? Yes, yes and yes: the creolization of the world never stops.

May this mix bring the heat to your winter homes! 🔥💃🕺 The Zouk is strong with this one. 💪

💸 💸 💸 💸 💸 💸 💸

Want to support my DJ operation with a one-time donation or a subscription? Go to this link: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/mixanthrope. Any donation helps me cover such things as the purchase of digital songs, CDs or vinyls, mastering fees for the mixtapes and my SoundCloud Pro subscription.

(Scroll for tracklist with timecodes) One of the go-to terms for anything “tropical” nowadays, Zouk is a music genre born in the late 70’s in the French Antillean islands of Guadeloupe and Martinique

One and a half years after embarking on this endless endeavor, here comes the third volume of my "Zooming In" mix series...

One and a half years after embarking on this endless endeavor, here comes the third volume of my "Zooming In" mix series, focusing on the astonishing music of the Central African Republic: 26 rare, hand-picked songs spread over an hour-long mix. 🇨🇫🎶

The country is almost always mentioned in the mainstream media in connection with its ongoing civil war — and recently because of the atrocities committed by the Russian mercenaries of the Wagner Group — and yet it has an incredible wealth of music to offer to the world... which unfortunately seldom travels outside of its national borders.

Let us lean in and pay attention to Centrafrique people's songs which have been drowned out by the noise of violence and instability since the country's independence from France in 1958.

Dance to the wild und unique sounds of Montè Nguènè, Gbadouma, and Zokela as well as experience the local flavours of Pop, Hip-Hop and Rumba! 💃🕺

“Zooming In” is a mix series focusing on African countries that the world seldom hears from and listens to. The selection is mostly composed of songs that haven’t been commercially released and float

Dear NYC friends & fam, save the date(s) for exciting upcoming DJ gigs, the first one of which starting tonight!I, Mixan...

Dear NYC friends & fam, save the date(s) for exciting upcoming DJ gigs, the first one of which starting tonight!

I, Mixanthrope, will take Morgan Greenstreet a.k.a. modrums, to be my esteemed DJ partner, to have and to hold, from August 4th forward, for better for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish always! May the sacred bonds of the 320 kbps mp3 unite us both in booth! 👬🎶

🌴Thursday, August 4th, 9pm-2am @ Mad Tropical (w/ DJ tres dos from Libre)
236 Troutman st. 👉 Brooklyn
🕺 Friday, August 5th, 10pm-4am (ca.) @ Ciao Ciao Disco
97 N 10th st. 👉 Brooklyn
🌍 Saturday, August 6th, 9pm-2.30 am (ca.) @ Any Thing
453 Rogers ave. 👉 Brooklyn

Can't wait to bring the African Beats & Pieces flavours to NYC!
A huge thanks to Morgan Greenstreet for setting this beautiful madness up. 🙏

💃 Come with an open mind & with leave with sore legs! 🕺

Beyond excited to step on stage at the legendary Fusion Festival Music in Lärz, Germany this week-end! I will proudly (r...

Beyond excited to step on stage at the legendary Fusion Festival Music in Lärz, Germany this week-end! I will proudly (re)present my African Beats & Pieces way-of-life with a set full of highly danceable rarities & raving bangers from the African continent & its diasporic satellites. 🛰️🎶

More infos for the lucky people in possession of a precious ticket:
🌎 Where? ➡️ "Salon de Baile" Stage
⏱️ When? ➡️ Sunday, 16h-18h

Looking forward to seeing familiar faces in the crowd & experiencing the madness of that mythical week-end in a parallel universe! 🕺🔥🛰️

Fernab des Alltags entsteht in Mecklenburg für vier Tage eine Parallelgesellschaft der ganz speziellen Art mit Musik, Theater, Performance und Kino bis hin zu Installation, Interaktion und Kommunikation.

Big up to Pan African Music for their invitation to release with them for their "PAM Club" format my special mix: "Off T...

Big up to Pan African Music for their invitation to release with them for their "PAM Club" format my special mix: "Off The Grid":

Feeling trapped behind the four bars of the same old 4/4 prison, I like to step off the grid.

This mix takes curious listeners and adventurous dancers on a journey through some of the most exciting time signatures in contemporary African pop music, proudly rooted in traditional rhythmic patterns: Gabonese Ikoku, Igbo Highlife from Nigeria, Mbalax Hip-Hop from Senegal, Marrabenta from Mozambique, Cameroonian Bikutsi & more!

Locally loved and even flirting at times with mainstream Pan-African levels of success, these songs paint a rich portrait of the polyrhythmic power at play on the continent right now.


Joyeuse Saint-Valentin les copaines! 💕 Voici une nouvelle mixture de 28 pépites dansantes d'Afrique francophone pour fêt...

Joyeuse Saint-Valentin les copaines! 💕 Voici une nouvelle mixture de 28 pépites dansantes d'Afrique francophone pour fêter l'amour abîmé, les couples cabossés, les sentiments heurtés ! 💔

Cliquez pour découvrir le cinquième (!) volume de ma série d’histoirettes savoureuses dans lesquelles la guerre des sexes fait rage au rythme des tambours malmenés de l’amour chagriné. Passez des rires aux pleurs ou inversement en découvrant cette galerie de personnages hauts en douleurs dont les déboires sont narrés aux sons enivrants du Makossa, de la Cavacha, de l’Assiko, de la Rumba, de l'Afro-Zouk, du Zouglou et autres.

Faisant la part belle à un noyau de pépites congolaises, cette mixtion de mésaventures sonde aussi des répertoires plus rarement minés : des Baoulés d’Ivoire aux Bamilékés du Cameroun, de Kigali à Bangui, des Seychelles au Bénin. 💃🕺

❤ Setlist en bas ❤ Et de cinq épisodes ! Voici une nouvelle série d’histoirettes savoureuses dans lesquelles la guerre des sexes fait rage au rythme des tambours malmenés de l’amour chagriné. Passez

Voici le mp3 magique & cradingue d'un tube bikutsi cousu de guitares en cascades et encodé dans l'upload VHS glitché d'u...

Voici le mp3 magique & cradingue d'un tube bikutsi cousu de guitares en cascades et encodé dans l'upload VHS glitché d'un anonyme... pour vous teaser la publication imminente du 5ème (!) volume de ma série-fleuve "Amoul Problem" - Chansons d'amour & de désamour d'artistes africains francophones - demain juste à temps pour la Saint-Valentin ! 💔

On va rire, on va pleurer, on va s'aimer puis se quitter puis se retrouver, aïe aïe aïe, Mixanthrope va encore frapper !
"Si tu es polygame, tu auras des ennuis même à minuit" // "La polygamie, source d'insomnies, source d'infâmies, source d'ignominies, n'est pas conseillée !"

Biba Bi Fana Bikutsi 1995 Cameroon




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