What drives you as a writer in exile? What does freedom mean to you personally? What book recently inspired you? And what themes are you exploring in your writing?
The Goethe-Institut in Exile invites you to meet the remarkable authors who have participated in our reading series LITERATURES IN EXILE. Take a moment to listen to these powerful voices!
Our fourth featured author is the extraordinary Angolan writer and visual and performance artist, Aaiún Nin.
Born in 1991 in Angola, Aaiún Nin made their poetry debut in 2022 with Broken Halves of a Milky Sun (@astrapublishinghouse), followed by the 2023 German translation, Denn Schweigen ist ein Gefängnis (@enverlag), translated by Olaide E. Frank (@olaidee_frank). Nin’s poetry grapples with profound themes of dehumanization, shame, grief, and physical violence. Their work explores the complexities of exile, the tension within familial love, and the resilience of queer love and desire—through a body that longs to love and be loved.
We fondly recall the evening of December 4, 2024, when Aaiún Nin performed alongside Yirgalem Fisseha Mebrahtu at the Haus für Poesie (@hausfuerpoesie)!
Enjoy the video and follow us for more!
#literaturesinexile #aaiunnin #poetsintheflesh #poetry #exile @chinelo.okparanta
POETS IN THE FLESH: Sam Zamrik! ⚡️
What drives you as a writer living in exile in Germany? Which topics are you exploring in your writing? Where do you feel silence in Berlin? And how would you describe living in multiple contexts?
The Goethe-Institut in Exile invites you to meet the incredible authors behind the “LITERATURES IN EXILE” reading series in person. Take a moment to listen to these powerful voices!
Our third featured author is Syrian writer and political educator Sam Zamrik (@samzamrik).
🔹Sam Zamrik, born in Damascus, Syria is a queer poet, translator, and political educator. Sam studied Literature and Politics at Bard College Berlin, their texts were featured on the literary platform Weiter Schreiben (@weiterschreiben) and in several German newspapers. Their debut poetry collection, ICH BIN NICHT, was published by Hanser Berlin Verlag (@hanserberlin). Sam is currently working on a second book, a queer narrative about trauma, dictatorship, and self-discovery.
Enjoy the video and follow us for more!
#literaturesinexile #samzamrik #poetsintheflesh #poetry #exile
What drives you as a writer living in exile in Germany? Which topics are you exploring in your writing? What does freedom mean to you, personally? And, just for fun - what’s always in your fridge?
The Goethe-Institut in Exile invites you to meet the incredible authors behind the “LITERATURES IN EXILE” reading series in person. Take a moment to listen to these powerful voices!
Our second featured author is Iranian author, editor, translator, and songwriter Atefe Asadi (@atefe.asadii).
Atefe Asadi holds a BA in English translation. She has worked as an editor and translator for various magazines and underground publications in Tehran, Iran. As an author, she writes about the social, political and religious issues of Iranian society, including gender issues, sexuality, and women’s rights. She came under great political pressure in her home country, was interrogated several times and had to close her social media accounts in 2022. In December 2022, Atefe received the Hannah Arendt Fellowship and has lived in Hanover as an ICORN resident ever since. She is currently working on a collection of short stories that she hopes to publish in Persian and German soon.
Enjoy the video and follow us for more!
#literaturesinexile #atefeasadi #poetsintheflesh #poetry #exile
What drives you as a writer living in exile in Germany? Where do you find your inspiration? How does it feel living in multiple contexts? And, just for fun - what’s always in your fridge? 🍅🌿
The Goethe-Institut in Exile invites you to meet the incredible authors behind the “LITERATURES IN EXILE” reading series in person. Take a moment to listen to these powerful voices!
Our first featured author is Berlin-based writer, journalist, and voice artist Ahmad Katlesh (@ahmad_katlesh). Born in Damascus, Ahmad studied mathematics before fleeing to Jordan in 2013 after the Syrian revolution, where he worked as a journalist. In 2016, he moved to Germany with the a scholarship from the Heinrich-Böll-Haus. Ahmad has since published three books of short stories and poetry in Arabic. His first German-language book, “Das Gedächtnis der Finger”, a poetry collection (Edition Rugerup), was released in 2020 and earned him the Chamisso-Publikationsstipendium from the Bayerische Akademie der Schönen Künste. His poetry reflects on profound themes of loss, love, and loneliness, capturing the experience of a man who has found a new home in Germany but still carries his old one in his heart—unable to return.
Ahmad also shares literary texts with millions of Arabic-speaking listeners on his platform Tiklam.
Together with award-winning journalist and essayist Vanessa Vu (@vanessa_vu), he recently published “Komm dahin, wo es still ist. Eine Erkundung “(@rowohltverlag), a deeply personal exploration of love, ghosts, borders, misunderstandings, and how politics invades private life.
🔜 Join us for an unforgettable literary performance with Ahmad Katlesh & Vanessa Vu as part of the “Literatures in Exile” series on Saturday, November 9, 7 PM at Kunsthaus ACUD (@acudmachtneu) in Berlin. 💃🏻🕺🏻
Free entry! No reservation needed—just come and enjoy!
And follow us for more videos!
We invite you to the German premiere of the puppet theatre production “Marjan - The Last Lion of Afghanistan” by the French theatre collective Compagnie HDH - Hasards d’Hasards (@hdh_hasards_d_hasards). This poetic puppet show is based on the true story of Marjan, a lion who lived in Kabul Zoo from 1978 to 2002 and became a symbol of the Afghan people’s resilience and courage. Reserve your tickets now!
🗓17.09.2024 in Berlin
🕑 19.00h
📍ACUD Theater @acudmachtneu
🗣️: German
The performance will be followed by an audience discussion with the puppeteers and the director.
🎟️ Admission: free entrance, Reservation required
🧑🧒🧒 For children from 8 years and adults
Wir laden Sie herzlich ein zur Deutschlandpremiere des Puppentheaterstücks „Marjan - Der letzte Löwe Afghanistans“! Das Stück ist ein poetisches Puppenspiel, das auf der wahren Geschichte des Löwen Marjan basiert, der von 1978 bis 2002 im Zoo von Kabul lebte und zu einem Symbol für den Mut des afghanischen Volkes wurde. Reservieren Sie jetzt Ihre Karten!
A production by/Eine Produktion von Compagnie HDH - Hasards d’Hasards (FR).
Director: Mélanie Depuiset @melaniedepuiset
Text: Guilda Chahverdi @guildachahverdi
Sound design/music: Julie Rousse @rougegrenade
Stage design: Anaïde Nayebzadeh
Actors/puppeteers: Abdul Haq Haqjoo @abdulhaqhaqjoo and Farhad Yaqubi @yaqubifarhad
Translation and coaching: Jeanne Klein und Dorothea Schmidt
Coaching: Sharon Amir
To learn more about the event please follow the link in our bio.
#Marjanthelion #afghanistan #artistsinexile #puppettheatre
[Deutsche Version unten] The time has finally come to announce the sixth and last episode of the programme series Soundspuren! ✨ This episode is all about Afghanistan, the Afghan diaspora and Afghan music. On friday at 7 PM this special episode goes on air on @ByteFM!
🗓️ Friday, 30.08.2024
🕑 7 PM
Host Taīz Nawab (@taaiiizzz), herself Afghan, born and raised in Hamburg, talks to a guest from the Afghan diaspora, more precisely from San Francisco. The DJ and passionate music collector Omid aka ‘omjvinyls’ (@omjvinyls) mainly collects Afghan vinyl, cassettes and other visual material from Central Asia and publishes it on his social media platforms.
Tune in! We promise you an emotional and very personal last episode of Soundspuren, in which we are particularly looking forward to the mix of Afghan music exclusively selected by Omid.
In the programme series Soundspuren, a cooperation between ByteFM and Goethe-Institut in Exile, artists and cultural workers from Sudan, Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, Belarus and other countries have their say and talk about their homeland and what their lives are like in Germany today.
Es ist an der Zeit, die sechste und letzte Folge der unserer Programmreihe Soundspuren anzukündigen! ✨ In dieser Folge dreht sich alles um Afghanistan, die afghanische Diaspora und afghanische Musik. Am Freitag um 19.00 Uhr geht auf @ByteFM diese besondere Ausgabe von Soundspuren auf Sendung!
Moderatorin Taīz Nawab, selbst Afghanin, in Hamburg geboren und aufgewachsen, spricht mit einem Gast aus der afghanischen Diaspora, genauer gesagt aus San Francisco. Der DJ und leidenschaftliche Musiksammler Omid aka „omjvinyls“ sammelt vor allem afghanisches Vinyl, Kassetten und anderes visuelles Material aus Zentralasien und veröffentlicht diese auf seinen Social Media Plattformen.
Tune in! Wir sind sicher, dass es eine emotionale und sehr persönliche vorerst letzte Folge von Soundspuren geworden ist, in der wir
Deutsche Version unten]
We can’t wait: This Friday the fourth edition of Soundspuren goes on air on @bytefm!
🗓️ Friday, 05.07.2024
🕑 7 PM
The new episode of the radio series focuses on the current political situation in Iran as well as the personal story of Ali Kabali (@ali.kabali_). In conversation with host Taīz Nawab (@taaiiizzz) the DJ and record collector, who lives in Danish exile, shares his impressions of the music scene in Iran, talks about his musical socialisation through hip hop and his passion for Persian music from the 70s, which he compiles on the ‘Persian Grooves’ platform (@persiangrooves). Ali Kabali also presents a wide-ranging selection of songs that he has put together especially for Soundspuren. Tune in!
In the programme series Soundspuren, a cooperation between ByteFM and Goethe-Institut in Exile, artists and cultural workers from Sudan, Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, Belarus and other countries have their say and talk about their homeland and what their lives are like in Germany today.
Endlich ist es so weit: Am Freitag geht auf @ByteFM die vierte Ausgabe von Soundspuren auf Sendung!
In der neuesten Folge von Soundspuren geht es neben der aktuellen politischen Situation im Iran auch um die persönliche Geschichte von Ali Kabali (@ali.kabali_). Im Gespräch mit Moderatorin Taīz Nawab (@taaiiizzz) gibt der im dänischen Exil lebende DJ und Plattensammler Eindrücke der Musikszene im Iran wider, erzählt von seiner musikalischen Sozialisation durch HipHop und seiner Leidenschaft für persische Musik der 70er Jahre, die er auf der Plattform „Persian Grooves“ (@persiangrooves) zusammenstellt. Außerdem präsentiert Ali Kabali eine breitgefächerte Songauswahl, die er extra für Soundspuren zusammengestellt hat.
Tune in!
In Soundspuren, einer Kooperation zwischen ByteFM und dem Goethe-Institut im Exil, kommen Kunst- und Kulturschaffende aus dem Sudan,
We warmly recommend the TALK, VIDEO SCREENING & READING of the anthology “WHEN YOU GO THROUCH HELL, GO ON - Testimonies of Imprisoned Women in Belarus”, edited by Cordelia Dvorák.
🗓️ 15.05.2024
🕑 19:00h
📍Dokumentationszentrum Flucht, Vertreibung, Versöhnung @flverver
This is not the first time that state repression against its own population and systematic human rights violations have caused thousands of people to flee their homes. In Belarus, however, repression has reached a level that would no longer have been thought possible in a European country. More than 1,400 political prisoners, heavy sentences for obviously fabricated charges, prison conditions that can only be described as torture - this is how the regime of dictator Alexander Lukashenko has been trying to hold on to power since the mass demonstrations against the rigged election in August 2020.
Eight women in prison in Belarus - including the musician Maria Kalesnikava - represent thousands of political prisoners in the country. The anthology “Wenn du durch die Hölle gehst, dann geh weiter”, published by edition.fotoTAPETA, brings together testimonies from women in prison. They talk about everyday life and the violence behind bars, about resistance and their hopes for a democratic future.
An event in cooperation with @flverver, @dekoder_org, @edition.fototapeta.
Free entrance.
For registration please follow the link @flverver
#belarus # belarusianart #BelarusianLiterature
Deutsche Version unten]
The time has finally come: the third edition of Soundspuren goes on air today at 7.00 pm on @ByteFM!
🗓️ Friday, 10.05.2024
🕑 7 PM
The new episode of the programme series, hosted by Taīz Nawab (@taaiiizzz), focuses on Belarus. Today`s guest is Valeria Dele, frontwoman of the band KOOB (@koob_music) and known as the Belarusian soul princess. Valeria Dele moved to Berlin in 2020, where she is currently studying at the Jazz Institute. At the Goethe-Institut in Exile`s Belarus Festival, Taīz met her to talk about the current political situation in Belarus and about her art: from American soul music from the 1960s onwards to other influences that characterise her own musical style between soul, jazz, avant-garde, groove music and hip-hop. Tune in!
In the programme series Soundspuren, a cooperation between ByteFM and Goethe-Institut in Exile, artists and cultural workers from Sudan, Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, Belarus and other countries have their say and
talk about their homeland and what their lives are like in Germany today.
Endlich ist es so weit: Heute um 19.00 Uhr geht auf @ByteFM die dritte Ausgabe von
Soundspuren auf Sendung!
In der neuesten Episode der Sendereihe, moderiert von Taīz Nawab, geht es um Belarus. Zu Gast ist Valeria Dele, Frontsängerin der Band KOOB (@koob_music) und bekannt als die belarusische Soul Princess. Valeria Dele zog 2020
nach Berlin, wo sie aktuell am Jazzinstitut studiert. Auf dem Belarus-Festival des Goethe-Institut im Exil sprach Taīz mit ihr über die aktuelle politische Situation in Belarus und über ihre Kunst: Über amerikanische Soulmusik aus den 60er Jahren aufwärts und andere Einflüsse, die ihren eigenen musikalischen Stil zwischen Soul, Jazz, Avantgarde, Groove Music und HipHop prägen. Tune in!
In Soundspuren, einer Kooperation zwischen ByteFM und dem Goethe-Institut im Exil, kommen Kunst- und Kulturschaffende aus dem Sudan, Afghanistan, Iran, Syrien, Belaru
🎉 The third day of our interdisciplinary Belarus Festival was once again packed with exciting concerts, readings, discussions, workshops and film screenings.
The Festival Sunday began with the participatory performance “Hukannie Viasny - Call of Spring” by the Belarusian band KRIWI.
Thanks to all who contributed:
@sahafil @lenaprents @koob_music @stereobeaver @cimafiejeva @groschnerannett @keepminskweird @felix.berlinski @cordeliadvorak @diogenesverlag @freemarfa @arydlevskaya_art @abibok @nikitalavretski @zmiciervishniou @iryna_herasimovich @kriwiband @angelikakrasheuskaya @olga_shparaga @badzjaka @not_baizuo @acudmachtneu @edition.fototapeta @jakob.racek @expromto_Pogodina @neue_vocalsolisten @inexkult @33booksforanotherbelarus
🎉 The second day of our interdisciplinary Belarus Festival was full of moving insights into the current lives of the Belarusian artists!
The impressive performance Clausa fores provided an insight into the psyche of a person with unlimited power. A collection of letters from imprisoned Belarusian women were presented and delicate white and black paper flowers were made according to instructions by artist Razalina Busel.
Seeking love, not greatness, is the motto of the author Eva Vieżhnaviec, who spoke with the photographer and author Olga Bubich about mechanisms of memory and forgetting. With Cmok! Цмок! Tanzen! we celebrated late into the night with a quirky, punk fairy tale about solidarity in times of alienation, inspired by fascinating Belarusian mythology.
Thanks to all who contributed:
@sahafil @lenaprents @koob_music @stereobeaver @cimafiejeva @groschnerannett @keepminskweird @felix.berlinski @cordeliadvorak @diogenesverlag @freemarfa @arydlevskaya_art @abibok @nikitalavretski @zmiciervishniou @iryna_herasimovich @kriwiband @angelikakrasheuskaya @olga_shparaga @badzjaka @not_baizuo @acudmachtneu @edition.fototapeta @jakob.racek @expromto_Pogodina @tucholskybuchhandlung
#berlinevents #berlinevent #berlinculture #artinberlin #acudmachtneu #freethemall #belarus #belarusianculture #artistsinexile #belarusianart