C O R D I L L E R A Raum für Körper und Utopien

C O R D I L L E R A  Raum für Körper und Utopien C O R D I L L E R A
Raum für Körper und Utopien. Wilhelminenhofstraße 68/68a
12459 Berlin
Innenhof links/Garten
Haus 15, Studio EG rechts

Ein Projekt von Die Körpergemeinschaft

Ideas for our work together and Art MANIFESTO

The Present as point of transition
New ways of being on the world
Performing Arts as collective practice
Ritual & Gemeinschaft
Utopia as the possible that is not yet realized
New needs, new answers, neue Formate
Ourselves as a Common subject and Common future

OPEN DOORS • LES RUISSELANTES/FEM-FM • JEHANE HAMM🚩Friday 21 th of February19h 🎟 free entrance"Les ruisselantes/FEM-FM" ...

🚩Friday 21 th of February
🎟 free entrance
"Les ruisselantes/FEM-FM" is a research project by Jehane Hamm, that wants to bring together opposites, as in Greek mythology with Eros and Thanatos. Opposite brothers, one figure of love and desire and the other figure of death, of emptiness. My desire is to push to its paroxysm what opposes them. Eros will be explored through the use of seduction tools of theatre: gestures, music, light, rhythm, “what means beautiful, what seduces, what makes sense and poetry? “. Play and questioning the expectations of the “beauty”. Thanatos will be studied from the point of view of the image of the body conveyed by the media and particularly through excerpts from radio advertisements. I want to question the sensory crossings of the body in our societies, between sensitive, desiring, embodied flesh, sacred flesh and saleable object, dehumanized, fictitious flesh. Decompartmentalize the border between sacred and profane, like the class defector, imagine a body defector, freed from cultural injunctions inherited from a history of the muzzled body.
photo: Bernard Bousquet
🎟freier Eintritt
Les ruisselantes/FEM-FM ist ein Projekt, das Gegensätze zusammenbringen will, wie in der griechischen Mythologie mit Eros und Thanatos. Gegensätzliche Brüder, eine Figur der Liebe und des Verlangens und die andere Figur des Todes, der Leere. Mein Wunsch ist es, das, was ihnen entgegensteht, zum Paroxysmus zu bringen. Der Eros wird durch den Einsatz der
Verführungswerkzeuge des Theaters erforscht: Gesten, Musik, Licht, Rhythmus,
„was bedeutet schön, was verführt, was macht Sinn und Poesie?“. Spiel und Infragestellung der Erwartungen an die „Schönheit“. Thanatos wird unter dem Gesichtspunkt des von den Medien vermittelten Körperbildes und insbesondere durch Ausschnitte aus der Radiowerbung
untersucht werden.Ich möchte die Grenze zwischen Heiligem und Profanem entflechten und mir – in Anlehnung an die Idee des Klassenkämpfers – eine Körperkämpfer*in vorstellen, die von den kulturellen Vorschriften, die aus einer Geschichte des mundtot gemachten Körpers stammen, befreit ist.
Foto: Bernard Bousquet

OPEN PERFORMANCE SERIES BERLIN 4th edition.📅 22.02. & 01.03.2024 19h00 🚩Donation base entry: 5€ - 10 €INFO: https://diek...

📅 22.02. & 01.03.2024
🚩Donation base entry: 5€ - 10 €
INFO: https://diekg.org/openperformanceseries/
Link In Bio.
The Körpergemeinschaft is launching a contribution of audiovisual comments by the artists in residence about their works developed at CORDILLERA Raum für Körper und Utopien.
Florencia Lasch talks about the development of the solo ‘How Things Run’ during their 3-month artistic residence and gives an insight into the working methods and background of her piece.
🚩Check the Video on our youtube channel!


📅22.02. & 01.03.2024
🚩Entritt aud Spendenbasis: 5€ - 10 €
INFO: https://diekg.org/openperformanceseries/
Die Körpergemeinschaft startet eine Reihe von audiovisuellen Beiträgen zu Arbeiten, die Künstler*innen in CORDILLERA Raum für Körper und Utopien entwickeln.
In diesem Kommentar spricht Florencia Lasch über die Entwicklung des Solos "How Things Run" während ihrer 3-monatigen künstlerischen Residenz und gibt einen Einblick in Methoden und Hintergründe der Erarbeitung ihres Stücks.
🚩Schau dir das Video auf unserem Youtube-Kanal an!

OPEN PERFORMANCE SERIES BERLIN 4th edition..The Körpergemeinschaft is launching a contribution of audiovisual comments by the artists in residence about thei...

OPEN PERFORMANCE SERIESwith works from Florencia Lasch, Leon Locher & Masha Shalagina🚩Saturdays,  22.02. & 01.03.19h Don...

with works from Florencia Lasch, Leon Locher & Masha Shalagina
🚩Saturdays, 22.02. & 01.03.

Donation based entry: 5-10€

In the 4th edition, the Open Performance Series Berlin will present the works of Florencia Lasch, Leon Locher & Masha Shalagina.

The artists have immersed themselves in research projects that deal with the re-empowering of the human body in the context of experiences and memories that shape it and leave indelible marks and traces. You are invited to experience this artist constellation presenting, during two evenings, their choreographic and performative creative processes.
The Open Performance Series underlines the cultural diversity of local and international artists living in Berlin, as well as the influences of their singular contexts and motivations behind their artistic pursuits.

Note: This edition is recommended for persons aged 16 and over
Detailed info: https://diekg.org/openperformanceseries/
mit Arbeiten von Florencia Lasch& Leon Locher & Masha Shalagina

🚩Samstags, 22.02. & 01.03.

Eintritt auf Spendenbasis: 5-10€

In der 4. Ausgabe präsentiert die Open Performance Series Berlin die Arbeiten von Florencia Lasch, Leon Locher & Masha Shalagina. Die Künstler*innen haben sich in Forschungsprojekte vertieft, die dasEmpowerment des menschlichen Körpers im Kontext von Erfahrungen und Erinnerungenthematisieren,welche ihn prägen und unauslöschliche Spuren hinterlassen. Ihr seidan zwei Abendeneingeladen, die choreografischen und performativen SchaffensprozessedieserKünstler*konstellationzu erleben.

Die Open Performance Series unterstreicht die kulturelle Vielfalt der in Berlin lebenden lokalen und internationalen Künstler*innen sowie die Einflüsse ihrer jeweiligen Kontexte und Beweggründe für ihr künstlerisches Schaffen.

Hinweis: Diese Ausgabeist für Personen ab 16 Jahren empfohlen.

OPEN CALL  ///  COOPERATIVE BODIES Deadline: February 19thA weekly encounter proposed in March, encourages – emerging an...

Deadline: February 19th

A weekly encounter proposed in March, encourages – emerging and/or experienced – professional dancers based in Berlin to commune through their training methods in the frame of a shared practice at CORDILLERA Berlin. This format is addressed to professionals to participate: guiding or following a training, based on cooperation, community and solidarity in times of challenges and the urgency of new forms of collaboration.
This offer is free of charge for all the involved persons (guides/followers). There is no economic transfer.
If you are interested please, write us until Wednesday, February 19th, via e-mail: [email protected] specifying your participation as a -guide- or –follower-, with one sentence about yourself and your practice.
cooperative bodies • scheduled on: Tuesdays, 4.3., 11.3., 18.3., 25.3. • 10:00 h

Looking forward to your proposals!
Photo: CRÓNICAS DE CUMBRE PARDA by Silvia Ospina | Körper&Medium. 📸 Fernanda Niño.

🌿LENGUAJES DEL SUR ~ NODO BERLÍN ~ COLOMBIA DANZA EN EL MUNDOA project of the Ministry of Cultures, Arts and Knowledge f...

A project of the Ministry of Cultures, Arts and Knowledge from Colombia, in partnership with CORDILLERA Raum für Körper und Utopien / Die Körpergemeinschaft e.V.
Lenguajes del Sur - Nodo Berlín - Colombia Danza en el Mundo is a project took that place from the 19th to the 21st of July 2024 at CORDILLERA Berlin. The meeting proposed to initiate the construction of a route for the dialogue of experiences and the weaving of an international network between Colombian dancers living in Berlin, with the aim of promoting, making visible and giving international significance to the knowledge/knowledge of the epistemological practices of movement that Colombian artists have developed around the world.
Detailed info https://diekg.org/lenguajes-del-sur-berlin/
🔸Danza, MinCulturas, Artes y Saberes

Un proyecto del Ministerio de las Culturas, las Artes y los Saberes de Colombia, en alianza con CORDILLERA Raum für Körper und Utopien / Die Körpergemeinschaft e.V.

Lenguajes del Sur – Nodo Berlín – Colombia Danza en el Mundo se realizó del 19 al 21 de Julio 2024 en CORDILLERA Berlin. El encuentro dió inicio a la construcción de una ruta para el diálogo de experiencias y el tejido de una red internacional entre danzantes colombianos residentes en Berlín, con el propósito de impulsar, visibilizar y resignificar internacionalmente el saber y conocimiento de las prácticas epistemológicas del movimiento que han desarrollado los artistas colombianos en el mundo.
Mas información https://diekg.org/lenguajes-del-sur-berlin/
🔸 Danza, MinCulturas, Artes y Saberes


Un proyecto del Ministerio de las Culturas, las Artes y los Saberes en alianza con CORDILLERA Raum für Körper und Utopien / Die Körpergemeinschaft e.V..Lengu...

OPEN CALL • ARTIST IN RESIDENCE Deadline: February 15thIn 2025 we continue our Artist in Residence programme to share ou...

Deadline: February 15th
In 2025 we continue our Artist in Residence programme to share our space with artists from different disciplines who want to develop their work & research at CordilleraBerlin
If you feel interested in to join a research time for your project, write us us until Friday, 15th February via e-mail:
🚩 [email protected]

with a short bio and description of the project you want to develop starting from March on.

>>>> https://diekg.org/open-doors/
>>>> https://diekg.org/artists-in-residence/

Photo: MOTHER by Giovanni Sabelli Fiorettii on the frame of RELICARIOS ∫ STERBEN NOCH NICHT GANZ


"self within the collective"
Workshop conducted by Embodiment Research with BA+I., on the frame of their Artist in Residence at & Open Doors sharing.
This event is open to all, regardless of the personal movement background or abilities. Participation is optional, and the event is for free.
Come, explore and engage in the process of researching bodily autonomy through movement, writing, drawing and discussion.

Sunday 26th of January
16:00 - 17:30
Detailed info: https://diekg.org/open-doors/

🔈Dear community,After taking a good time to rest and share with our loved ones, we have been collecting the energy to en...

🔈Dear community,
After taking a good time to rest and share with our loved ones, we have been collecting the energy to enter this January, together with you, through new contexts, adventures and all the generous experiences that 2025 will bring to all of us!
We start this year, inviting you to join the workshop: "self within the collective" conducted by Embodiment Research with BA+I., on the frame of their Artist in Residence at & Open Doors sharing.
This event is open to all, regardless of the personal movement background or abilities. Participation is optional, and the event is for free.
Come, explore and engage in the process of researching bodily autonomy through movement, writing, drawing and discussion.

Sunday, January 26.
16:00 - 17:30
Detailed info: https://diekg.org/open-doors/
We look forward to seeing you there, to start the year together in this joyful and inspiring encounter, and to continue practising and cultivating the light collectively, through our works, offerings and practices!
Photo: Bruno Tenschert

❄️We welcome this week our Artist in Residence Jehane Hamm Cie du Scarabée - GPS Jehane Hamm Jehane will share the resea...

❄️We welcome this week our Artist in Residence Jehane Hamm Cie du Scarabée - GPS Jehane Hamm
Jehane will share the research project LES RUISSELANTES/FEM-FM at , on Friday 21th of february, on the frame of the OPEN DOORS sharings, and later on at Le Regard du Cygne in Paris, the 8th of March.

Demain premier jour de résidence à C O R D I L L E R A Raum für Körper und Utopien à Berlin pour le projet Les Ruisselant.e.s / FEM-FM
L'extrait sera présenté au Le Regard du Cygne le 8 mars prochain ;)

✨It was an incredible year! 2024 was full of challenges, wishes, intentions, sacrifices, risks and new ideas. We are gra...

✨It was an incredible year! 2024 was full of challenges, wishes, intentions, sacrifices, risks and new ideas. We are grateful for all the collaborations with the artists who joined the different projects that took place in our space, and to the public who came to support us, contributing also financially or simply bringing value to our work and those of our colleagues, with their presence.
We feel that despite all the dramatic events that surrounded us and still surround us during this year, CORDILLERA was a lighthouse, to maintain confidence and focus in difficult times; to keep the fire that allows us to be alive, to cultivate creativity, to have a practice coherent with our bodies, intentions and thoughts.
Through the quality of the collaborations, the development of professional work and the solidarity among our network of artists we have been building the pillars of a form of communal artistic work in our space. We know that this experience is knowledge, that is extremely necessary in the current local performing arts landscape.
We also know that, together with our communities and audiences, we have the potential to navigate more complex times, trying to create works that are more connected to our immediate realities, and experimenting with how these can positively influence our everyday individual/collective life experiences.
So let us end this year resting and thinking about our ability to re-enchant the world through the choices we make every day, and the way we choose to support each other, accompany each other and make the journey more enjoyable and meaningful for all of us!

We wish you ~ Felices Fiestas!

We are extremely happy to share with you some pictures of our event BRUMANSIA, which took place last 14th of December at . Enjoy the great photo documentation made by the amazing Carlos Collado. Thank you Carlos! It’s was great to have you with us, catching those beautiful memories. More images coming soon!

Thanks🔥 to our audience, friends, colleagues and families, who joined us yesterday in BRUMANSIA, an unforgettable winter...

Thanks🔥 to our audience, friends, colleagues and families, who joined us yesterday in BRUMANSIA, an unforgettable winter day/night, surrounded by performances, storytelling, music and amazing vibes!!!! We will soon share with you some images of this memorable encounter.
For those of you who didn't manage to catch us, you have one last chance to come to before the end of this year!
Monday, 16.12.2024 • 10:00 - 14:00
free entry
On this day, we open our doors to meet in a relaxed atmosphere as an epilogue and resting time after all the amazing experiences we got during this 2024. We will welcome you with coffee, cake and some villancicos music in the background as a moment to get feedback, to have an exchange and receive your proposals or ideas for collaborations in the new year!
We look forward to meeting you at CORDILLERA Berlin!

• • • B R U M A N S I A • • •~about seed and harvest, the enchantment of dance and the magic of the verbWe want to invit...

• • • B R U M A N S I A • • •
~about seed and harvest, the enchantment of dance and the magic of the verb
We want to invite you to our last event of the year, to experience a very special programme during a long winter day.
🚩Saturday 14th of December
from 16h .

BRUMANSIA is proposed as an encounter for artists, families and interested audiences, where dance and words are the protagonists and the drivers of the experience. In a transdisciplinary evening Die Körpergemeinschaft offers in CORDILLERA Berlin an encounter through performances, music, storytelling and participatory interventions, creating a framework for sharing artistic proposals that at the same time allow us to celebrate each other in joy and collective sharing, despite this time of darkness.

16:30 • TURBA • Antonio Stella • Körper&Medium
18:00 • MEMORABILIA • Oktavia Zoë Vöhringer
18:30 • BEGINNINGS • Anja Kolmanics & Maria Walser
19:00 • BIOMECHANICS OF MOVEMENT • Francisco Cuervo
19:30 • DAS HEMD • Franziska Doffin
20:00 • ANUNCIA EN EL PEDREGAL • Silvia Ospina
20:30 • HOLDING, A FLOR DE PIEL • Juana del Mar
21:00 • KOMMENSALITÄT • Oy comamos y bebamos!
21:30 • LLAMA • Collective Fire
INFO: https://diekg.org/brumansia/

In a festive and sensitive atmosphere, – in resistance – we will accompany each other on a winter night, with the warmth and joy of our mutual presence, which encourages us to continue to celebrate life. We will toast and eat together, in a communal setting until the end of the day, to evoke the transition to a new light.

BRUMANSIA is the last event of the year at CORDILLERA Berlin.
Come and join us, immerse yourself in the nebula of the exaltation of life; to share as a family or alone with the artists who will present their work. Let us make the most of this conviviality, to move forward together during this hibernal cadence towards a new year.
*Donation based entry: 15€ – 20€ – 25€
children free
• • • B R U M A N S I A • • •
~von Saatgut und Ernte, vom Zauber des Tanzes und der Magie des Wortes
🚩Samstag 14. Dezember
ab 16h .
BRUMANSIA wird als eine Begegnung für Künstler*, Familien und interessiertes Publikum vorgeschlagen, bei der Tanz und Worte die führenden Protagonisten der Erfahrung sind. An einem transdisziplinären Abend bietet Die Körpergemeinschaft in CORDILLERA Berlin ein Treffen an, das durch Performances, Musik, Geschichtenerzählen und partizipative Interventionen einen Rahmen für den künstlerischen Austausch schafft, der es gleichzeitig ermöglicht, uns trotz dieser Zeit der Dunkelheit in Freude und kollektivem Teilen zu feiern.

16:30 • TURBA • Antonio Stella • Körper&Medium
18:00 • MEMORABILIA • Oktavia Zoë Vöhringer
18:30 • BEGINNINGS • Anja Kolmanics & Maria Walser
19:00 • BIOMECHANICS OF MOVEMENT • Francisco Cuervo
19:30 • DAS HEMD • Franziska Doffin
20:00 • ANUNCIA EN EL PEDREGAL • Silvia Ospina
20:30 • HOLDING, A FLOR DE PIEL • Juana del Mar
21:00 • KOMMENSALITÄT • Oy comamos y bebamos!
21:30 • LLAMA • Kollektives Lagerfeuer
INFO: https://diekg.org/brumansia/
In einer festlichen und sensiblen Atmosphäre des Widerstands werden wir uns in einer Winternacht gegenseitig begleiten, um uns mit künstlerischen Interventionen und sozialem Austausch zu umgeben und das Leben zu feiern – mit der Wärme und Freude unserer gegenseitigen Anwesenheit, die uns ermutigt, weiterzumachen. Wir werden in einem gemeinschaftlichen Setting zusammen anstoßen und essen, um bis zum Ende des Tages den Übergang zu neuem Licht zu begehen.

BRUMANSIA ist die letzte Veranstaltung des Jahres bei CORDILLERA Berlin. Kommt und lasst euch von reizenden Nebelschwaden forttragen, um den Abend als Familie oder allein mit den Künstler*innen zu teilen, die ihre Arbeiten präsentieren werden. Lasst uns diesen Moment der Konvivialität ergreifen, um zusammen im winterlichen Rhythmus auf ein neues Jahr zuzugehen.
Eintritt auf Spendenbasis: 15€ – 20€ – 25€
Kinder haben freien Eintritt

Dear community! We are pleased to invite you to our first and cosy encounter in DecemberCANDLES OF NEBRASaturday 7th of ...

Dear community! We are pleased to invite you to our first and cosy encounter in December
Saturday 7th of Decemeber
Start: 19hs • Doors: 18:30

Donation based entry: 5€ – 10€ – 15 €
CANDLES OF NEBRA is a participatory mix format for dancers, musicians, families and Co. to link various transcultural traditions to light and stars. We want to revisit our experience from last year by opening an indoor playground - JAM - for dance and music, and by lighting candles in the garden to light up individual and collective wishes. Colourful candles, warm drinks and wintry culinary snacks will ensure your well-being in a cozy familiar atmosphere.
*You can find colourful candles in or bring your own to light them in the garden!
Info: https://diekg.org/candles-of-nebra/
Liebe Freund*innen, Kolleg*innen und Familien,
Wir laden euch herzlich zu unserem ersten gemütlichen Treffen im Dezember ein!

Samstag 7. Dezember
Start: 19hs • Doors: 18:30

Eintritt auf Spendenbasis: 5€ – 10€ – 15
CANDLES OF NEBRA ist ein partizipatives Mix-Format für Tänzer*innen, Musiker*innen und Familien & Co. und verknüpft verschiedene transkulturelle Traditionen zu Licht und Gestirnen. Wie im letzten Jahr werden wir einen Indoor-Playground – JAM – für Tanz und Musik eröffnen und im Garten bringt das Anzünden von Kerzen individuelle und kollektive Wünsche zum Leuchten. Bunte Kerzen, warme Getränke und winterliche kulinarische Snacks sorgen für das leibliche Wohlbefinden.
*Ihr könnt bunte Kerzen in Cordillera finden oder eure eigenen mitbringen, um sie im Garten anzuzünden!
Info: https://diekg.org/candles-of-nebra/

XIORING 🎺*riadxio & ringofvibration +  Local dancers📆Saturday, 30.11.2024 19h  XIORING is an experimental music duo cons...

XIORING 🎺*riadxio & ringofvibration + Local dancers
📆Saturday, 30.11.2024
XIORING is an experimental music duo consisting of Riadxio (Riad Nassar) and Ringofvibration (Taka Kagitomi). Together, they create a distinctive “Chaos Electro Noise Pop” sound; Riadxio performs futuristic sounds and noise beats with a blend of techno and noise influences, using a modular synthesizer that he has continuously developed. Ringofvibration sings in Japanese, with lyrics drawn from childhood memories and reflections of his everyday life. He plays self-made instruments crafted from discarded objects.

XIORING actively involves the audience in their performances. In this occasion in CordilleraBerlin, they will perform together with the dancers

Alessio Scandale
Irene Accardo
Cecilia Gil Mariño
Milica Tancic
Francisco Cuervo
Franziska Doffin
Oktavia Vöhringer
Silvia Ospina

to spontaneously interact with their sound, and build together a temporary collective creation.

The public is invited to witness the artistic experiment!!!

🚩Donation based entry : 5€ / 10€

XIORING 🎺*riadxio & ringofvibration + Local dancers

📆Samstag, 30.11.2024
XIORING ist ein experimentelles Musikduo, bestehend aus Riadxio (Riad Nassar) und Ringofvibration (Taka Kagitomi). Gemeinsam kreieren sie einen unverwechselbaren „Chaos-Elektro-Noise-Pop“-Sound. Riadxio spielt futuristische Klänge und Noise-Beats mit einer Mischung aus Techno- und Noise-Einflüssen und verwendet einen modularen Synthesizer, den er kontinuierlich weiterentwickelt hat. Ringofvibration singt auf Japanisch, wobei seine Texte von Kindheitserinnerungen und poetischen Reflexionen seines Alltags inspiriert sind. Er spielt auf selbstgebauten Instrumenten, die aus weggeworfenen Alltagsgegenständen oder Fundstücken bestehen.

XIORING bezieht das Publikum aktiv in ihre Auftritte ein.
Bei dieser Gelegenheit in CORDILLERA Berlin schließen sich der Präsentation Tänzer*innen an

Alessio Scandale
Irene Accardo
Cecilia Gil Mariño
Milica Tancic
Francisco Cuervo
Franziska Doffin
Oktavia Vöhringer
Silvia Ospina

um spontan mit ihrem Sound zu interagieren und sich an der temporären kollektiven Kreation zu beteiligen.
Alle interessierten Zuschauer*innen sind eingeladen, die Performance und das künstlerische Experiment mitzuerleben.
🚩Eintritt auf Spendenbasis: 5€ / 10€

OPEN PERFORMANCE SERIES BERLIN 3rd edition📅 09.11. & 23.11.202419h •  🚩Donation based entry: 5 € – 10€INFO: https://diek...

📅 09.11. & 23.11.2024
19h •
🚩Donation based entry: 5 € – 10€
INFO: https://diekg.org/openperformanceseries/

Die Körpergemeinschaft is launching a contribution of audiovisual comments by the artists in residence about their works developed at CORDILLERA Raum für Körper und Utopien.
📹 Anja Kolmanics and Maria Walser talk about the development of the duo ‘Beginnings’ A.T. during their 3-month artistic residence and give an insight into the working methods and background of their piece.
🚩Check the Video on our youtube channel!
📅 09.11. & 23.11.2024
19 Uhr •
🚩Entritt auf Spendenbasis : 5 € – 10€
INFO: https://diekg.org/openperformanceseries/

Die Körpergemeinschaft startet eine Reihe von audiovisuellen Beiträgen zu Arbeiten, die Künstler*innen in CORDILLERA Raum für Körper und Utopien entwickeln.

📹 In diesem Kommentar sprechen Anja Kolmanics und Maria Walser über die Entwicklung des Duos „Beginnings“ A.T. während ihrer 3-monatigen künstlerischen Residenz und geben einen Einblick in Methoden und Hintergründe der Erarbeitung ihres Stücks.
🚩Schau dir das Video auf unserem Youtube-Kanal an!

OPEN PERFORMANCE SERIES BERLIN 3. Ausgabe.Die Körpergemeinschaft startet eine Reihe von audiovisuellen Beiträgen zu Arbeiten, die Künstler*innen in CORDILLE...

OPEN PERFORMANCE SERIES BERLIN 3rd edition📅 09.11. & 23.11.202419h00 •   🚩Donation based entry: 5 € – 10€INFO: https://d...


📅 09.11. & 23.11.2024
19h00 •
🚩Donation based entry: 5 € – 10€
INFO: https://diekg.org/openperformanceseries/
Die Körpergemeinschaft is launching a contribution of audiovisual comments by the artists in residence about their works developed at CORDILLERA Raum für Körper und Utopien.
📹 Franziska Doffin talks about the research for the dance solo ‘Das Hemd’ during her 3-month artistic residency and gives an insight into the working methods and background of her piece.
🚩Check the Video on our youtube channel!
📅 09.11. & 23.11.2024
19:00 Uhr •

🚩Eintritt auf Spendenbasis: 5 € – 10€
INFO: https://diekg.org/openperformanceseries/
Die Körpergemeinschaft startet eine Reihe von audiovisuellen Beiträgen zu Arbeiten, die Künstler*innen in CORDILLERA Raum für Körper und Utopien entwickeln.

📹 In diesem Kommentar spricht Franziska Doffin über die Entwicklung des Tanz-Solos "Das Hemd" während ihrer 3-monatigen künstlerischen Residenz und gibt einen Einblick in Methoden und Hintergründe der Erarbeitung ihres Stücks..
🚩Check das Video here!

OPEN PERFORMANCE SERIES BERLIN 3. Ausgabe.Die Körpergemeinschaft startet eine Reihe von audiovisuellen Beiträgen zu Arbeiten, die Künstler*innen in CORDILLE...


Wilhelminenhofstraße 68a




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