Dear friends of Sprechsaal,
Over the last decade, as Galerist, Currator, programmer we brought you cultural and artistic events, presentations and salons of all kinds. We were able to work with artists and thinkers. I am grateful to everyone who took part of this project and my collaborators on this journey. It is with a heavy heart that I inform you that since October 2020, I have moved on to other endeavors and have no longer been associated with the gallery as it continues under the same name. I thank you all very much for the wonderful years together. To keep up with my endeavours, please check my website or drop me a line. I look forward to seeing you all and working with you in the future.
Yours truly,
Lars Dreiucker
Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde des Sprechsaals,
ich, Lars Dreiucker, habe in der Marienstraße eine Dekade lang Kultur ermöglichen und erleben dürfen. Ich bedanke mich bei allen, die dies begleitet haben. Seit dem Oktober 2020 endete für mich dieses Projekt, sodass ich für gegenwärtige und kommende Formate und Inhalte nicht mehr verantwortlich bin. Ich danke Ihnen allen und hoffe, wir sehen uns an anderer Stelle wieder.
Verbeugung, ab.
Lars Dreiucker