(Imprint below)
Meeting Consult International is a global performance improvement company and we operate throughout the world. Years of international experience, a flexible team that can be used in any way, and a network of professional partners guarantees the success of your event. Our global network of reliable and highly rated local experts is your guarantee for the ultimatein customer service
. We will ensure that synergies are exploited by placing our trust in professional partners and include them in our team. We plan all types of events from meetings and conferences, to product launches, road shows, incentives and luxury vacations - worldwide. Make your event an experience.We guarantee the optimal execution of your event. Whether it’s incentives, meetings, seminars, conferences, technical or cultural special programs: you can depend on our efficient planning, budget-oriented solutions, and perfect organisation andexecution. Our background includes furthermore extensive national, international and global contacts and clients that book global MICE, knowledge of the industry, current markets, trends, B2B and strong relationship sales experience, supplier and vendor relations. Your meeting. Your event. Our job is to deliver the results that you need. E-mail us to setup your free consultation with our meeting and event professionals, to learn about the service we can provide to make your experience a success. Our track record of success will give you confidence that your key event is in safe hands. Contact:
We believe that communication is a key component of our services. Please contact the Meeting Consult International team who will be happy to help. Please email: meeting-consult-international(at)globalevents.de
Head Office Germany:
Sickingenstr. 7
10553 Berlin,Germany
Phone/Fax: +49 (0)3212 1023673
Mail Address:
P. Box 21 20 15
10514 Berlin, Germany
VAT ID No: DE814612291