Bexbach 1474 - Call to Arms

Bexbach 1474 - Call to Arms next call to arms Bexbach 2016 08.09.2016 - 11.09.2016 Registration will be online start of february!


Hi All - the first payements back are out - if you have payed your fee for the CTA 2018 and it is not back on your account on 1st of july please write us a PM!

thank you very much and see you in 2020!


SAVE THE DATE: 29.08.18 - 02.09.18


Die Orga ist nun komplett daheim angekommen und alle Sachen sind verräumt. Wir wollen euch allen für die Teilnahme an unserem Event danken. Es war ein unglaubliches Erlebnis und wir bedanken uns für euer positives Feedback.
Wir freuen uns euch im Jahr 2018 auf einem Call to Arms IV begrüßen zu dürfen.

The Orga has now arrived fully at home and all things are put on the shelves. We want to thank all of you for participating in our event. It was an incredible experience and we appreciate your positive feedback.
We look forward to you in 2018 on a Call to Arms IV welcome.


Für alle Teilnehmer am CTA III falls ihr auf ein verschlossenes Tor mit Zahlenschloss kommt ist die Nummer das Jahr unserer Austragungszeit. Wir freuen uns auf euch.

For all participants in the CTA III if you come to a locked gate with combination lock is the number the year of our discharge time. We look forward to seeing you.


Informations CTA 2016 Online in English and German
Also we will send them via email!



A message for all participants who are not domiciled in Germany and who want to use black powder:

Please contact us under CTA(at) and you will get an invitation for your group or on your Name mentioning the exception for non residents in the German powder law - Sprengstoffgesetz (1. SprengV) § 1 (4) 1.
Since the terrible terrorist Attacks in France and Belgium there are more Border controls!

Please have in mind that Blade and Blunt Weapons have to be transported across the border in a locked bag or case and not open in the car! – for example in a fishing rod bag with a padlock.

See you soon

La IXeme

La IXeme e.V.

Registration form online!
save the date!
Living History Event Call to Arms III
from 08.09.2016 to 11.09.2016 in Bexbach Germany

We recreate a skirmish between the avant-gardes of the Burgundian and Imperial Armies on the border between the duchy of Lorraine and the Holy Roman Empire.

The Return of the Middle Ages

Hello everyone!
Here it is again in english! :)

BEXBACH · When the afternoon sun sets warmly on the green valleys and the surrounding hills, the enemies meet for the first time. The sound of rattling heavy armour fills the air, metal against metal. Men roar, approaching each other with swords and lances. They clash, stab each other, fall and die ...

Einfach mal nur leben

Many thanks to Anna Böhm do Nascimento!!!

BEXBACH - Als sich die Nachmittagssonne warm in die Senken der grünen Hügel legt, treffen die verfeindeten Lager zum ersten Mal aufeinander. Schwere Rüstungen klirren, Metall auf Metall, Männer brüllen, tasten sich mit Schwertern und Lanzen aneinander heran. Sie pieksen sich, fallen, sterben einen f...


Bexbach 1474 - Call to Arms's cover photo




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