Do come along and take a nighttime stroll with me!
If you are not sure of what to do on Friday evening, 13.12.24 here is a suggestion that "goes loose" at 19:00 hrs:
Friday 13.12.24 @ 19:00 hrs
The Night Watchman of Bonn is set in the year 1698.
It's your local history too!
Do come along and take a stroll through the past with me and experience Bonn of yore in bygone days! I shall be taking a nighttime stroll through the old streets of Bonn with halberd and lantern, starting at 19:00 hrs on Friday 13.12.24 so come along and join me and I'll show you some aspects of this beautiful city that you have probably not seen before. The Night Watchman of Bonn walks, talks, and sings through Bonn's old alleys of yesteryears.
You'll never really know who or where you are, or where you are heading for, unless you've taken some time to consider where you've actually come from. Get to know this beautiful city on the river Rhine which has been inhabited since Roman times and even before, by taking an evening candlelit stroll through Bonn in the year 1698 with Master John the night watchman and chance returning a wiser person than you departed.
Learn about religious and political wars, witchcraft, incarcerations and executions.
Learn the contrast between spine-chillingly Old Testament rough justice on the one hand and sometimes astonishing compassion on the other. Why is the number twelve so significant in medieval city architecture in Northern Europe? When were WMPs first employed in a European military campaign? Why did poor beggars fulfil such a useful rôle in this society? Why was Louis XIV, the French Sun King and his German Egonistic henchmen loathed so much by almost all of Europe, and in Bonn especially, by the end of the 17th century? Why does Bonn have a Minster instead of a Cathedral? So many unusual questions, but Master John, a man who you don't meet every day, has answers for all of them. The rarest thing of all though, is that if you play your cards right and behave yourselves, he might even sing you a song and wet your whistles for you with a 1516er. So do come along to the Brassert Ufer on the second Friday of most months and take a refreshing walk into your own past, and don’t be afeared to bring your friends and family along as well, for as long as you are with Master John, the night watchman, you’ll be safe indeed, even from the ghoulish local ghosts.
Next open tour:
Friday 13.12.24 @ 19:00 hrs € 14 / 12
Friday 10.01.25 @ 19:00 hrs € 14 / 12
Friday 14.03.25 @ 19:00 hrs € 14 / 12 Prior reservations by phone on 0228 2425256. or by E-mail below. Meeting place: near the zebra crossing, Rheingasse, on the corner of Brassertufer.
Prior reservations for the above open tour dates are necessary. Please check online here for the latest updates:
Private block group tours can be booked on request from StattReisen: [email protected]
Private block group live virtual tours are also available on request at the contact addresses above. This allows you to enjoy a tour of Bonn in the 17th century live from the comfort and safety of your own homes simultaneously with whomever you choose, from anywhere else on the planet with a good internet connection.
(Photo below by kind courtesy of John Hurd of 3SongsBonn - and three is also the number of songs I will be singing during the tour!)