😢R.I.P. Rohan de Saram (1939-2024) . One of the greatest cellists and genius musicians of our time peacefully passed away yesterday. He was one of my closest musical friends and after over 25 years of performing together in 7 countries on 3 continents , with many visits in London where our families often ate and laughed together, we became family. Here is an excerpt of a Raga I made for Rohan with video from mediadevice Duisburg in the background. Thank you for everything we shared. I will miss you my dear friend and will still play for you so keep listening in the afterlife.🕊 💜🪷
Wer am letzten Freitag im Lokal Harmonie dabei war, hat die bewegenden Momente erlebt, mit denen Trompeter Rajesh Mehta und mediadevice den Abend mit dem "Raga for Rohan" eröffneten.
Rohan de Saram, dem diese Würdigung galt, ist nun vorgestern leider verstoben und Rajesh schreibt zu dem Video anbei:
😢R.I.P. Rohan de Saram (1939-2024) . One of the greatest cellists and genius musicians of our time peacefully passed away yesterday. He was one of my closest musical friends and after over 25 years of performing together in 7 countries on 3 continents , with many visits in London where our families often ate and laughed together, we became family. Here is an excerpt of a Raga I made for Rohan with video from mediadevice Duisburg in the background. Thank you for everything we shared. I will miss you my dear friend and will still play for you so keep listening in the afterlife.🕊 💜🪷
Am Freitag ist es wieder soweit... Im Lokal Harmonie startet die E-Jam #8...ab 19 Uhr!
45. Duisburger Akzente | Spelunken-Spektakel - Tanga Elektra heute ab 19:30 Uhr in der Cubus Kunsthalle Duisburg als Spelunken-Spektakel des Kreativquartier Ruhrort zu den 45. Duisburger Akzenten
Eintritt frei(willig) - Hutspende.