How Dazzle Femme was born✨
Initially, Inna just wanted to celebrate her birthday in some elegant tea ceremony atmosphere but couldn’t find a suitable place. You might say there are locations nearby that offer such ceremonies but she wanted a beautiful hall and particular attention to details.
On November 14, 2023 we came up with the idea of organizing an English tea ceremony in the way we see and feel it! By the way, our birthday is on the same day😊
We were more than satisfied with the result: floral decor, live music, and the luxury of Villa Rothschild brought all the pieces of our vision together😊
Organizing such events requires a lot of time and energy, not to mention the financial aspects, but we are already planning the next big event and hope to delight our guests 🤍
Der zauber der teezeremonie in der Villa Rothschild✨
Tauchen wir ein in die Schönheit und den Luxus von DFG. Perfektes Make-up ist eine Kunst, bei der jedes Detail zählt.
Dazzle Femme Group kehrt zurück, um Frauen erstklassige und exklusive Unterhaltung zu bieten. Wir schaffen eine Atmosphäre, in der jeder Moment besonders und bis ins kleinste Detail durchdacht ist! Für aktuelle
Ankündigungen und Informationen zu unseren Veranstaltungen folgen Sie bitte unseren Stories.
Wanna know how to eat in the high society, come to the English afternoon tea event and learn how to behave at the table 🤗
#dazzlefemmegroup #frankfurt #frankfurtevents #frankfurtammain #frankfurtlife #frankfurtparty #ffmcity #ffmevents #thingstodoinfrankfurt #freigut
Are you tired of boring parties?
We are here to rescue!
April 21🌿 Villa Rothschild ✨
Exclusive event from Dazzle Femme group!
The luxurious atmosphere of Villa Rothschild, successful women society, useful acquaintance and new knowledge, floral decorations, live music, interesting lectures on etiquette and art, customer service and very pleasant and valuable gifts from Oribe and Sensai brands! Top photographers and videographers will delight you with great content and create cool photos for you ✨
You can buy a ticket on our website via the link in bio 🤩
The number of tickets is limited!
#dazzlefemmegroup #frankfurt #frankfurtevents #frankfurtammain #frankfurtlife #frankfurtparty #ffmcity #ffmevents #thingstodoinfrankfurt #freigut
Warum Villa Rothschild?
Als Zeichen romantischer Liebe schufen der Frankfurter Bankier Wilhelm Carl von Rothschild und seine geliebte Frau Hannah Mathilde zwischen 1888 und 1894 ihre Sommerresidenz. Sie erhebt sich majestätisch auf einem Hügel und ist umgeben von einem idyllischen Park, der von den berühmten Frankfurter Gartenarchitekten Siesmayer und Söhne entworfen wurde.
Die Gestaltung dieses romantischen Anwesens begann 1887, als die Architekten Armand-Louis Bauqué und Emilio Pio beauftragt wurden, ihre Träume zu verwirklichen. Die Eröffnung des eleganten Sommerhauses von Wilhelm und Mathilde von Rothschild war ein gesellschaftliches Highlight, an dem unter anderem Kaiserin Viktoria und der Prince of Wales teilnahmen.
Die Villa Rothschild, mit ihrer historischen Bedeutung und der atemberaubenden Parklandschaft, bietet eine inspirierende Umgebung, die perfekt zu unserer exklusiven Frauenveranstaltung passt. Darüber hinaus reflektiert das Motto „English Afternoon Tea“ die Eleganz und den Charme der Rothschilds, die in der gleichen Epoche eine wichtige Rolle spielten.
Meet our pianist Olga Kochetkova✨
Famous Ukrainian musician, a poet-composer who writes music for other artists and herself 🎹
Winner of the musical project “Chance” 🏆
Participated in the concert dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the European Central Bank🤩
#dazzlefemmegroup #frankfurt #frankfurtevents #frankfurtammain #frankfurtlife #frankfurtparty #ffmcity #ffmevents #thingstodoinfrankfurt #freigut
Brand new quality entertainment for women ✨
Villa Rothschild | 21 April
What is awaiting you:
fabulous ball room illuminated with candle lights and decorated with gorgeous flower compositions,
tables served with genuine English tea ceremony,
live piano music,
hair and makeup treatments as well as amazing gifts from Oribe and Sensai brands✨
Our specialists will give you great tips about hair and makeup styling, as well as an opportunity to try new collection products from the high-end brands.
While you enjoy the tea ceremony, our experts will talk about etiquette and reveal facts about how the royal family obtained some of the masterpieces.
Our photographers will provide a reportage shooting as well as individual photos so this day can stay in your memory ✨
If you are bored with entertainment in Frankfurt and it’s area we are here to rescue!
#dazzlefemmegroup #frankfurt #frankfurtevents #frankfurtammain #frankfurtlife #frankfurtparty #ffmcity #ffmevents #thingstodoinfrankfurt #freigut #frankfurttopevents #ffm #ffmblogger #ffmblogger_de #kronberg #königsteinimtaunus🇩🇪
Hello, ladies 🌿
Let’s talk a bit😉
In this video we clarified couple of things:
-language of the event
-it’s not just the English tea ceremony!
-what are the benefits to be our guest
Leave your questions in the comments ☺️
#dazzlefemmegroup #frankfurt #frankfurtevents #frankfurtammain #frankfurtlife #frankfurtparty #ffmcity #ffmevents