Forrozin Freiburg

Forrozin Freiburg Wir verstehen uns als eine Gruppe forróbegeisterter Menschen, die ihre Leidenschaft gerne mit ander Gemeinschaft für Forró in Freiburg

The countdown for our marathon has startet! Here's some important info:- tram times in Freiburg do change from weekends ...

The countdown for our marathon has startet! Here's some important info:

- tram times in Freiburg do change from weekends to weekdays, so please plan your trip ahead when going to or leaving the Tanzhalle, check out:

- day and night traffic maps, check out:

- There is a ****Women's NightTaxi*** in Freiburg! Women pay 10 € / 7€ pro ride (cash only) -->,Lde/1163042.html

- ONLY CARD PAYMENT (for food, drinks, workshop daypasses, t-shirts, everything) will be accepted at the marathon! Please plan accordingly!

We will sell a limited number of Daypasses for Workshop and Free dancing at the location!!
You can combine this Ticket with a Nightpass (1 Party), to be part of the Festival for one day 🥳
For the nightpass, please use our online shop:
More information on:

See you soon!

Pre-party on Thursday before the maraton starts on Friday!At the Tanzhalle!

Pre-party on Thursday before the maraton starts on Friday!
At the Tanzhalle!

📸 Camila Medici Iron em Foco

📸 Camila Medici Iron em Foco

The first pictures from our festival are finally there 😍🤩😍Stay tuned!!! Many more to come!A big big thanks to Camila Med...

The first pictures from our festival are finally there 😍🤩😍

Stay tuned!!! Many more to come!

A big big thanks to Camila Medici for the amazing pictures!!!!

Ps: Tag your friends and if you share some pictures, don't forget the credits to the fotographer ;)

Our anual festival is coming up!Stay tunned for more informations

Our anual festival is coming up!
Stay tunned for more informations

Nächste Woche ist es soweit :)Wir freuen uns sehr, dass Milena Moraes und Mario Costa wieder nach Freiburg kommen!!!!

Nächste Woche ist es soweit :)
Wir freuen uns sehr, dass Milena Moraes und Mario Costa wieder nach Freiburg kommen!!!!

We have updated our overview of Forró Festivals again. There are four new events anounced.If you know of any other event...

We have updated our overview of Forró Festivals again. There are four new events anounced.
If you know of any other events happening in the upcoming months please fill in the form linked on the top of the schedule:

Forró Festivals If you want to help updating this site you can fill in this form.       January 2022: [Karelia, Russia] t.b.a. | Forró Festival in Karelia [Basel, Switzerland] t.b.a. | Forró Festival in Vinyl [Moscow, Russia] t.b.a. | Winter Forró Festival [Lille, France] t.b.a. | Festival...


Since Forró Events are slowly starting again we have decided to update our Festival Calendar again. There are still very few events announced and we are definitely not aware of all events announced so far. So if you want to contribute in updating the calendar you can propose Festivals here: Federação Europeia de Forró - European Forró Federation

Montrealers who attended Latin dance events should get tested for COVID-19, public health says | CBC News

Hier ein Vorfall, der sich so ähnlich auch im Kontext "unseres" Mensabrunnens ereignen könnte .. => wir sollten also unbedingt weiterhin die hier schon mehrfach genannten Covid-19-Schutzmaßnahmen beachten!

In Montreal (Canada) hat es aktuell einen kleinen COVID-19-Ausbruch gegeben (3 Infizierte davon 2 infektiös), der in Zusammenhang mit Open Air Latin Dance Events steht .. 😮
Public Health Director M. Drouin bittet alle Personen, die an den genannten 2 Open Air Events teilgenommen haben, sich ASAP testen zu lassen, um die weitere Verbreitung des Virus möglichst zu unterbinden.
"We want to remind people of the rules," Drouin said.
Dancing is still not authorized in any indoor space, she said.
Outdoor dance events are authorized, but Drouin stressed that no one showing symptoms should attend, nor should those who have been in contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19.
Masks should also be worn, Drouin said, since the two-metre distance cannot always be respected in a dance context.
"Dancers should also only have one partner, ideally someone who resides in the same place as them," Drouin said, adding that no singing or screaming should occur at the events.

Das sind ziemlich genau die Regeln,
die auch hier für den Mensabrunnen mit der Polizeibehörde besprochen worden sind. Außerdem sollte man also offenbar auch nicht mitsingen, selbst wenn man ausnahmsweise den Text der Songs kennen sollte ... 😎😷🙃☺😎 #:~:text=3%20people%20who%20attended%20events%20in%20recent%20weeks%20have%20tested%20positive&text=Montreal%20Public%20Health%20is%20asking,recent%20weeks%20have%20tested%20positive.

Three people who attended Latin dance events in recent weeks have tested positive, and at least two were contagious when they attended events on Aug. 14 on Ste-Catherine Street, and Aug. 15 at Frédéric-Back Park.


Absage aller Forrozin Veranstaltungen (Kurse freies Tanzen, Artik, Konzerte) bis frühesten 21.4.2020.

Es gilt die Allgemeinverfügung der Stadt Freiburg im Breisgau über das Verbot von Veranstaltungen und Zusammenkünften zur Eindämmung der Verbreitung des Corona-Virus SARS-CoV-2.

Die Verfügung gilt bis zum 20.4.2020.. Inwiefern Veranstaltungen danach wieder beginnen, ist noch offen. Klar ist, dass die Veranstaltungen im Artik (ursprünglich geplant bis Ende April) dises Winterhalbjahr beendet sind.

Die Mitgliederversammlung ist auf unbestimmt vertagt.


Freiburg Im Breisgau


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