The countdown for our marathon has startet! Here's some important info:
- tram times in Freiburg do change from weekends to weekdays, so please plan your trip ahead when going to or leaving the Tanzhalle, check out: https://www.vag-freiburg.de/
- day and night traffic maps, check out: https://www.vag-freiburg.de/fahrplan/liniennetzplaene
- There is a ****Women's NightTaxi*** in Freiburg! Women pay 10 € / 7€ pro ride (cash only) --> https://www.freiburg.de/pb/,Lde/1163042.html
- ONLY CARD PAYMENT (for food, drinks, workshop daypasses, t-shirts, everything) will be accepted at the marathon! Please plan accordingly!
We will sell a limited number of Daypasses for Workshop and Free dancing at the location!!
You can combine this Ticket with a Nightpass (1 Party), to be part of the Festival for one day 🥳
For the nightpass, please use our online shop: https://pretix.eu/Forrozin/marathon0524/
More information on: https://www.instagram.com/forrozin_freiburg/
See you soon!