Forrozin Freiburg

Forrozin Freiburg Wir verstehen uns als eine Gruppe forróbegeisterter Menschen, die ihre Leidenschaft gerne mit ander Gemeinschaft für Forró in Freiburg

The countdown for our marathon has startet! Here's some important info:- tram times in Freiburg do change from weekends ...

The countdown for our marathon has startet! Here's some important info:

- tram times in Freiburg do change from weekends to weekdays, so please plan your trip ahead when going to or leaving the Tanzhalle, check out:

- day and night traffic maps, check out:

- There is a ****Women's NightTaxi*** in Freiburg! Women pay 10 € / 7€ pro ride (cash only) -->,Lde/1163042.html

- ONLY CARD PAYMENT (for food, drinks, workshop daypasses, t-shirts, everything) will be accepted at the marathon! Please plan accordingly!

We will sell a limited number of Daypasses for Workshop and Free dancing at the location!!
You can combine this Ticket with a Nightpass (1 Party), to be part of the Festival for one day 🥳
For the nightpass, please use our online shop:
More information on:

See you soon!

Pre-party on Thursday before the maraton starts on Friday!At the Tanzhalle!

Pre-party on Thursday before the maraton starts on Friday!
At the Tanzhalle!

📸 Camila Medici Iron em Foco

📸 Camila Medici Iron em Foco

The first pictures from our festival are finally there 😍🤩😍Stay tuned!!! Many more to come!A big big thanks to Camila Med...

The first pictures from our festival are finally there 😍🤩😍

Stay tuned!!! Many more to come!

A big big thanks to Camila Medici for the amazing pictures!!!!

Ps: Tag your friends and if you share some pictures, don't forget the credits to the fotographer ;)


Freiburg Im Breisgau


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