
Lab-Grade Lab-Grade. Techno. This is the official Lab-Grade page Lab-Grade is a growing scene which rather resembles a movement with maximum sound presence.

This movement connects, creates unforgettable moments and welcomes anyone who is willing to be guided by us into the world of Techno. At every event, we invite artists from around the world who are firmly rooted in the scene and who draw on a technoid repertoire that has no equal. Tirelessly, we are working on a steady expansion of our light show to offer our an extraordinary audiovisua

l experience. All in all, Lab Grade perfect synchronicity of light and sound, which only serves one purpose: the fulfillment of the aspirations that any Raver in Fulda had to date. And we believe that Techno is love. Whoever lives in love, lives in Techno, and Techno in them.




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