BJK bjk




🤷‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️ don’t delete me lol


Good statement. If u don't get it, use Deep L.




Good morning!


Have this bad boy on loan from my friend Adam. It's a BEAST.

First impressions: Super beefy and thick. Great at pads/strings, polysynths, leads, Tycho-style wavery synths. Not so great at basses, drums/percussion or anything snappy. Its capable of aggressive sounds, but that's not really its strength, as the overall tone is pretty smooth. Panel layout is really nicely thought out and makes programming a breeze without needing to menu dive or remember esoteric key combos to unlock hidden functions. Definitely a synth that marries the best of Sequential and Oberheim.


Woah 🤯🤖 Thought this was a concept image for an old magazine cover, but it’s not. They really made this robot play synthesizers! 🤣


Who remembers this classic mixer from back in the day?

Read the story of the DJM-500 on our blog, The Bridge:


Get that space-shaking analogue sound with Xone:96 🎧



HHV Records feiert sein 20jähriges Jubiläum mit dem CC 20th Anniversary, basierend auf dem Concorde Club MKII


Happy Tuesday! Back at the office , welcoming the new members to the team. As the desk got a bit crowded, I’ll spend a day organizing while preparing the announcement for the new releases. Stay tuned!


Remembering Klaus Schulze 🎂 4 August 1947 – 26 April 2022

“Klaus Schulze was a German electronic music pioneer, composer and musician. Schulze initially made his mark as a drummer, first with the group Psy Free, later with Tangerine Dream (he played on their first album "Electronic Meditation" before he quit) and Ash Ra Tempel (with Manuel Göttsching). In 1971 Schulze started a solo career as an electronic musician and released a couple of heavily experimental albums, "Irrlicht" and "Cyborg". 1973's "Cyborg" was the first release where he used a "real" synthesizer, the legendary VCS 3 and later in the 1970s he would record albums such as "Moondawn", "Mirage" and "X" and embark on several tours, documented across a number of live albums.

In 1978 he set up the label Innovative Communication and the following year he also launched the pseudonym/project Richard Wahnfried. In the 1980s Schulze continued his hectic release schedule as well as recording several soundtracks and rebuilding his studio (he "went digital" in 1986). In summer 1983 Schulze sold Innovative Communication.

In the 1990s Schulze recorded several electronic interpretations of works by classical composers (most notably Wagner) and worked with opera singers and other classical music performers on his own albums. He also started collaborating with German ambient/techno artist Pete Namlook in the series "The Dark Side Of The Moog" on the latter's Fax label, and steered the Wahnfried project into a more modern techno- and trance-inspired direction. “
Check out


Hans Zimmer and his Moog modular in 1980


August Party Dates 2023

Friday Auguust 4
Soubois Montreal CA *

Saturday August 5
SummerDaze Toronto CA *

Saturday August 5

Sunday August 6
Flash Washington DC USA *

Sunday August 6
Bunte Träumerei DE **

Thursday August 10
Maneo Aix en Provenze FR **

Saturday August 12
Hive Club Zürich CH

Saturday August 19
Tausendquell Open Air Paderborn DE **

Friday August 25
Avant Gardner New York USA *

Sunday August 27
Recess at City Hall Chicago USA *

Sunday August 27
Draußen Open Air Jena DE **

* Mathias only / ** Felix only


Looking for a Gig in Europe for Friday September 15, 2023.
For Bookings: email me at:
[email protected]


𝗙𝗔𝗟𝗖𝗢: "Der Kick beim Schreiben für mich ist immer der: Wie kommt's aus dem Mund. Wir haben zwar mit der deutschen Sprache eine unglaubliche Möglichkeit von der Vielfältigkeit her, die die englische für mich net hat, aber auch natürlich das große Handicap der -ks- und der -rs- und der -st-. Und es war von Anfang an eine Begabung eben, glaub' ich, die deutsche Sprache mit Zuhilfenahme englischer Idioms, die ja eigentlich aber auch schon integriert sind in unsere Umgangssprache, so flüssig zu machen, dass sie halt da drauf gehen auf diese Popmusik, weil Popmusik ist nicht unser Kulturgut. 'Schwarzbraun ist die Haselnuss' ist das eigentlich oder was weiß ich, Richard Wagner oder Mozart oder sonst was. I bin aufgewachsen mit dieser Musik und ich seh' keinen Grund, sie nicht zu adaptieren für meinen Kulturgebrauch. 'Sagen Sie mal Falco, was wollen Sie uns sagen mit dem Lied?' Kinder, ich erkläre nichts mehr. Ich habe zwar als Künstler Stellung zu beziehen, aber in erster Linie mehr zu mir als zu pausenlosen Analysen meiner Dinge. Mit den Puristen war ich ja deswegen immer auf dem Kriegsfuss, weil die sagen: 'Man, der klaut ja da rum im Lexikon der Rock'n Roll Musik.' Na, why not? Ich meine, sollen wir uns zu Tode langweilen oder was solln' ma tun?" (1990)


New sounds in progress 🎛️🎚️🎹🥰🎶



Next Saturday I play again at one of Germany’s eldest and best festivals. You can find me at the classic stage and ofcourse I will, like always, play with vinyl. KEEP THE VINYL ALIVE 🔥


Bjk live

Dance club & nightclub


Iconic drum machines: The Yamaha RX5 🎹

This hugely underrated drum machine, came out in 1986 and was Yamaha's flagship drum machine.

The RX-5 included many unique features s such as “Attack" and "Decay" envelope controls, a pitch envelope, and effects such as reverse, damp, pitch bend, and accent.


Dance club & nightclub

Magic Modus moments...

Magic Modus moments...





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