Restaurant Völker

Restaurant Völker Restaurant und Theater

Wir freuen uns sehr auf diesen Abend

Wir freuen uns sehr auf diesen Abend

Coole Hochzeitsparty am 14.10.23

Coole Hochzeitsparty am 14.10.23

Gartenparty in unserem Altstadtgarten  -bingen

Gartenparty in unserem Altstadtgarten -bingen


So, the day before my birthday, (which was June 19th) I’m in my hotel room in Lisbon resting for my concert the next day. I had just prepared my clothes for the laundry service and the front desk had informed me that they would come pick it up. So, I hear a knock on the door, and with my laundry in hand, I open the door. There in the hallway is my husband and daughter with a box full of cherries and two heart balloons.

“Happy Birthday!” I think is what they said. I can’t even remember. I screamed, and reached out to touch them to see if they were real! It was a beautiful moment.

Everyone on the crew knew about their surprise visit along with about 50 other people! I guess it’s pretty easy to keep secrets from me, especially when I’m on tour! 😂

Best birthday present ever.

I loved being able to walk the streets of Lisbon on my birthday with my daughter J*p Preet. I love being her mama. And fifty is feeling pretty good I have to say. 😁

The tour is now over, and my end of tour post is coming soon. I have so much love in my heart from our journeys and experiences together with the band and all of the people who turned out to chant, pray and celebrate with us. 🥰

Thank you for the photo Ram Dass Khalsa 💗

Wir freuen uns sehr. 1. Konzert   In 2022- in unserem Theaterkeller - beheizt -    -bingen    drum

Wir freuen uns sehr. 1. Konzert In 2022- in unserem Theaterkeller - beheizt - -bingen drum

Ayurvedischer Kochabend mit Gästen, viel Freude mit veganem Essen, sehr bekömmlich und sättigend .    -selz   -bingen

Ayurvedischer Kochabend mit Gästen, viel Freude mit veganem Essen, sehr bekömmlich und sättigend . -selz -bingen


Krämerstraße 7


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