Stanztec Messe

Stanztec Messe Kontaktinformationen, Karte und Wegbeschreibungen, Kontaktformulare, Öffnungszeiten, Dienstleistungen, Bewertungen, Fotos, Videos und Ankündigungen von Stanztec Messe, Veranstaltungsplaner, Pforzheim.

On a two-year cycle, Stanztec, the international specialist trade fair for stamping technology and will take place from 16 - 18 June 2026 | Congress Centrum Pforzheim

"CONCENTRATED INDUSTRY POWER in all aspects of stamping and forming technology - with a certain touch of regional commit...

"CONCENTRATED INDUSTRY POWER in all aspects of stamping and forming technology - with a certain touch of regional commitment and at the same time addressing an international trade audience.", says Dr Hans-Peter Laubscher, Managing Director Sales at Kohler, in an interview with our media partner blechonline.

🎤 Read the complete interview here (German content):

📅 7th Stanztec | 25 to 27 June 2024 | Congress Centrum Pforzheim (CCP)

Wissen Sie schon, ob sie die Stanztec besuchen? Wir hören uns gerade um, was auf die Besucher zukommt. Das sagt Dr. Hans-Peter Laubscher, Geschäftsführer Vertrieb bei Kohler, dazu.


Technological change means acceleration, dynamism, innovation and creativity. The private trade fair company Schall has been a reliable partner to industry in these continuous processes for decades.

With our new image film, we wish you a safe journey into the Easter weekend and look forward to the upcoming events with you. 🌐🤝

Visit us at


💥 Exciting news! 💥BLECH, one of the leading trade journals, has now teamed up with SCHALL MESSEN as a proven media partner of Blechexpo for the upcoming Stanztec!

A new special on Stanztec has just been published on the online portal. Right next to that of Blechexpo, which will start again in 2025. Stay tuned for the latest updates and insights from Stanztec 2024. It all starts with an exclusive interview with project manager Georg Knauer!

🎤 To the interview:
👉🏻 To the special:

Look forward to the concentrated technological expertise of  ! 🔝The concentration of specialists in the "Stamping Techno...

Look forward to the concentrated technological expertise of ! 🔝The concentration of specialists in the "Stamping Technology Valley" is unique worldwide, because traditionally the northern Black Forest and especially the region around Pforzheim is a center of stamping and forming technology. 🌐 The stamping technology community in Pforzheim is an internationally active interest group that is organized regionally and sets new technological milestones globally. 🤝

📅 7th Stanztec | 25 to 27 June 2024 | Pforzheim

PRESS RELEASE The exclusive expert event will showcase technological innovations of the highest calibre – in keeping wit...

PRESS RELEASE The exclusive expert event will showcase technological innovations of the highest calibre – in keeping with the motto “brilliant stamping technologies”, expert visitors from all over the world will experience new solutions for the efficient use of resources and functions integration. The trade fair is booked out.✅

👉🏻 Read the official press release for more details:

📅 7th Stanztec | 25 to 27 June 2024 | Pforzheim

For the seventh time, the industry will deal with key topics covering all aspects of stamping and forming technology at the highly specialised Stanztec trade fair for stamping technology. This gem amongst industrial trade fairs will present a dazzling array of high-end stamping technologies at the C...


Stanztec 2024! Once again, the stamping technology experts invite to its highly specialised event in Pforzheim.🔝 Explore cutting-edge stamping technology for efficient production of functional parts and experience innovations in toolmaking and peripherals. Dive into topics like
✅ energy efficiency,
✅ reduced waste,
✅increased productivity.

Connect with specialists from the unique "Stamping Technology Valley and save the date for this exclusive industry event.🌟🤝

📅 7th Stanztec | 25 to 27 June 2024 | Pforzheim

"MEET THE TECHNOLOGY LEADER" at  ! 🌐 Experience the latest innovations directly from the technology leaders in the "Stan...

"MEET THE TECHNOLOGY LEADER" at ! 🌐 Experience the latest innovations directly from the technology leaders in the "Stanztech Valley". At CongressCentrum Pforzheim (CCP)], exhibitors will present the top innovations in toolmaking, punching technology and peripherals for the production of highly specialised precision products. From miniaturisation and functional integration to energy efficiency - discover tailor-made solutions for your success. 💎

7th Stanztec | 25 to 27 June 2024 | Pforzheim 🤝

✨WELCOME TO THE TRADE FAIR YEAR 2024 AT SCHALL MESSEN✨ Join us, dive in and let's shape the future together! Profit from...

Join us, dive in and let's shape the future together! Profit from:

✅Business initiation and sales opportunities 👉🏻 Our trade fairs provide a direct interface for companies to meet potential customers, present products and enables the development of new markets and the international distribution of products.
✅Networking and business opportunities 👉🏻 Our trade fairs create a global network of business opportunities. Experts, companies and potential customers meet here to make contacts and develop strategic partnerships.
✅Industry knowledge and market trends 👉🏻 Participation provides insights into industry knowledge and current market trends. Lectures and presentations keep companies up to date, promote adaptability and strengthen competitiveness.

To a successful trade fair season with 🤝

PRESS RELEASE “The industry is finally meeting again at Stanztec,” exclaims Bettina Schall, managing director of trade f...

PRESS RELEASE “The industry is finally meeting again at Stanztec,” exclaims Bettina Schall, managing director of trade fair promoters @[urn:li:organization:89184814:SCHALL MESSEN] “Global players in the field of stamping technology are looking forward to the expert gathering in June 2024, because they’ve had to wait for six years. But the time has finally come! Stanztec 2024 will once again be a great celebration!” 🔝Technology leaders will again be showcasing innovations from the fields of toolmaking, stamping technology and peripherals for the production of highly specialised precision products, which are used extensively and are indispensable. 🤝

Read the official press release for more details

Meet the technology leaders, at
📅 25 to 27 Juni 2024 CongressCentrum Pforzheim (CCP),

The stamping technology experts extend their invitation to the Stanztec trade fair for stamping technology in Pforzheim from the 25th through the 27th of June, 2024. For the seventh time, the industry will deal with current topics covering all aspects of stamping and forming technology at this highl...

Stanztec again at last! The seventh Stanztec trade fair for stamping technology is underway. The industry event will ope...

Stanztec again at last! The seventh Stanztec trade fair for stamping technology is underway. The industry event will open its doors in Pforzheim 📅 from the 25th through the 27th of June, 2024. Attention will be focused on miniaturisation and functions integration, as well as the efficient use of resources and energy. Stanztec will provide practical answers to current tasks faced by the industry. 🤝


Stanztec again at last! The seventh Stanztec trade fair for stamping technology is underway. The industry event will open its doors in Pforzheim from the 25th through the 27th of June, 2024. Attention will be focused on miniaturisation and functions integration, as well as the efficient use of resou...


Thank you very much for a fantastic anniversary year with great feedback on our Schall fairs. Highly motivated, we are now keeping the speedometer flying, because after the anniversary is before the next trade fair year! The Schall brand stands for stability and continuity. In this spirit, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a wonderful time with family and friends. ✨⭐✨

Blechexpo Messe MOTEK MESSE Fakuma Messe Optatec Messe Stanztec Messe Arburg GmbH + Co KG Trumpf

Satisloh ANDRITZ Kaiser GmbH Werth Messtechnik GmbH IEF-Werner KMT Produktions- + Montage-Technik GmbH

The focus of Stanztec is on technology, know-how and knowledge transfer between domestic suppliers and customers as well...

The focus of Stanztec is on technology, know-how and knowledge transfer between domestic suppliers and customers as well as interested parties from all over the world. This means approaching the solution finding process directly at eye level with the specialists, thus saving time-consuming and expensive detours. Save the date.

👉 Next Stanztec 📅 25 to 27 June 2024, Pforzheim


Here we go! The opening press conference for Control Messe 2022 is starting right now. It's the first Schall trade fair this year and thus the perfect occasion for managing director Bettina Schall to launch the anniversary communication for "60 Years of Schall - Trade Fairs for Markets". Let's let the speedometer needle fly!

Real trade fairs are preferred across the board! 🔝 This is exactly what we experienced with our exhibitors. 👉 This exper...

Real trade fairs are preferred across the board! 🔝 This is exactly what we experienced with our exhibitors. 👉 This experience now also coincides with the Ifo Institute for Economic Research's report "Industries in Focus: Trade Fair Industry".

Welcome to all who love live! We are Schall and have been successful for sixty years with: Trade Fairs for Markets. 👈

Kramski Group


🤝 Together and on an equal footing with our specialised exhibitors, our presence fairs have once again convinced all along the line in this special year with their high trade visitor quality, strong willingness to invest as well as the professional atmosphere. Live and safe. 👌

We are also optimistic about a successful trade fair year in 2022, because there is no substitute for the personal face-to-face exchange directly at the excellent technologies. Let's do it again: with 🌐

Merry Christmas and a good start to the new year for all of us. 😊




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