DENIZ TELERI Kunst, Events, Kulturmanagement & Catering

"DENIZ TELERI" Presents "Japanischer Filmabend", FUKUSHIMA . BERLINI.	 “Shadow of the Movement about Toru Iwash*ta” 2008...


"Japanischer Filmabend", FUKUSHIMA . BERLIN

I. “Shadow of the Movement about Toru Iwash*ta” 
2008 |10' 00" ein Film von SAITO Masakazu 
Viewing movement as "a shifting of the position of an object during a given period of time"(including no movement), this series digitally processes moving figures to visualize the trajectory of their movements. This work looks at the traces of movements made by the dancer Toru Iwash*ta, performing as he does improvisational dance while watching a video displaying the trajectory of his movements in real time.
SAITO Masakazu 
Born in 1976. He produces video works that seek out the diverse potential for wielding the medium with the use of digital technology, including automated editing software. He has presented within Japan and overseas at film festivals and exhibitions such as Media Forum (2006) and next: New Generation of Media Artists (2004). He is currently an Assistant Professor at the Nagoya University of Arts and Sciences.
2011 |15' 00" ein Film von SUZUKI Hikaru
Aktuell arbeite ich an meinem Filmprojekt „Fukushima-Berlin“, dessen Anfertigung noch einige Zeit in Anspruch nehmen wird. Dieser Film entsteht während ich zwischen Berlin und Fukushima pendle und aus diesem Grund wird er einige Jahre zur Fertigstellung benötigen. Seit der Erdbebenkatastrophe sind nun bereits fast zwei Jahre vergangen und die Dauer meines Filmes beträgt zurzeit 20 Minuten. Da ich aus Fukushima stamme, ist dieses Thema besonders wichtig für mich. Der experimentelle Filmemacher Jonas Mekas und viele weitere Regisseure haben bereits Filme in Form eines Tagebuches angefertigt. Ich möchte ebenfalls einen Film in dieser Form außerhalb von Japan produzieren, welcher sehr persönlich ist und ebenso meine Familie und Freunde mit einbezieht.
Hikaru Suzuki ist ein Filmemacher und in Fukushima , Japan (1984) geboren. Er wohnt seit Mai 2012 in Berlin.
Er hat verschiedene Preise gewonnen z.B.
2012, A grand prize, Independent film festival "Cine Drive 2012" in Osaka
2010, A second prize, 1st The KOENJI documentary film festival 2010 ,“GOD AND FATHER AND ME”
Filmemacher :

III. “TAE-MONG - the memory of My grandmother and my home town `Gun-San`” 
2012 |23' 00"  ein Film von GOS Ung Hoon
My grandmother Tea-Mong had dreamed often when she was young.
In her dreams, a boy with single patch of white hair consistently re-appeared. Years later when I was born with a similar light colored patch of hair in the same place as the boy in her dreams, she realised this boy represented me.
Tae-Mong is one part of dream divination (Oneiromancy) in traditional Korean religious culture. Traditional Korean religious culture is losing its position in westernized modern Korea. Now many people view it as superstition. When I was a child I heard many folk tales about a variety of traditional Korean beliefs from my grandmother.
In this film I hope I have conveyed her stories well. I reconstructed the memory of my grandmother by interviewing her.
Many family members, additionally I chose the backdrop of Gun-San, the town where I shared my early life with my grandmother.
GOS Ung Hoon
Born in Korea at 1985. Bachelor, 2008: Kongju National University Master 2012: Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences

2009 |18' 00" ein Film von IKEDA Yasunori
Mashiko is famous for its pottery, Mashiko yaki. Many people who touch and form soil with their hands by profession live there. The soil is just a part of the earth to most of us. But to them, it is a source of information, material, work, and the goal of their path.
“I want to be a person who can experience things with my five senses,” murmurs a nature observer. “Anyone can do this,” says a clay artisan who manually wedges the lump of clay but spends mind-boggling time in a pool of clay. “I am going to the soil, with my backlog,” says a potter with a loud laugh.
Here are the three portraits expressed with the sounds and visual images with a theme of human who earn their bread and butter from soil.
Yasunori IIKEDA (1976- Born in Fukushima,JP) Filmmaker.
He has continuously produced films with the unique method different from narrative films / documentary films, and released in Japan and other countries. His works include a 49-day documentary of "7 x 7" (2004) and a video of "Tsuchi no Hito 3Portraits" describing the ceramic artists in Mashiko town.
After the accident at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant in March 2011, he released the two short stories which focused on the family in Fukushima, "A QUIET DAY" (May 15th, 2011) and "Hanging in mid-air" (January 8th, 2012). (Both participated in the BETWEEN YESTERDAY & TOMORROW Omnibus) The Omnibus was screened at the Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival and the Yebisu International Festival for Art & Alternative Visions.





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