Divya Fashion

Divya Fashion Makeup artist, hairstylist
Laskedalen 115, 8220 Brabrand
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Har du reflekser eller balayage i håret? ✨Er du er i tvivl omkring hvilken farve hair extensions du skal købe, så kan je...

Har du reflekser eller balayage i håret? ✨
Er du er i tvivl omkring hvilken farve hair extensions du skal købe, så kan jeg hjælpe dig med at speciel producere Extensions i de to farver, der kommer tættest på dit hår.
Vi kan have et fysisk eller online møde og jeg kan finde frem til farverne, længden og tykkelsen. Nemmere bliver det ikke 💗

Før og efter med 50 cm Seamless clips extensions i 160gram 🤍 Jeg vil på denne side vise jer farver og muligeder med mine...

Før og efter med 50 cm Seamless clips extensions i 160gram 🤍 Jeg vil på denne side vise jer farver og muligeder med mine extensions, samt tips og tricks til hvordan du kan få gavn af dine extensions. ❤️

Giveaway Alert !! 🎁🎁♥️ Can you guess what I prefer to start with first, when doing makeup ?? 🥰 Comment with BROWS, FACE ...

Giveaway Alert !! 🎁🎁♥️ Can you guess what I prefer to start with first, when doing makeup ?? 🥰 Comment with BROWS, FACE or EYES, like this post and tag 3 friends, and I will pick a WINNER for 2 free gifts - The Sephora Flawless face palette from and a pair of my bestseller lashes JEWELS. I will find the winner on monday the 14th December at 21:00 Danish time..so turn on your notifications, so you dont miss it. ♥️♥️♥️
You can enter as many times as you like.
Good luck and sending good vibes to you all..😘😘


I know some days can be hard..Things can feel complicated. Situations feel overwhelming, but it is possible to escape from the state you are in 💗
Practice these 3 things.
1- Look in the mirror. Smile and tell yourself, that things could have been 10 times worse. 2- Think about 3 things you are very grateful for in your life.
3 - You are still alive, still breathing and the world is open with opportunities. 🕊


Almost 1 year ago..✨On my way to a party. Not knowing what the new year will bring.
Don’t take anything for granted. You never know, what tomorrow will bring. ♥️
BTW I am proud of my mix culture 🥰 and I hope you are too..

Perfect makeup for her brown eyes and brown hair ♥️♥️ Depth in the eyes and n**e lips.  Anyone interested in me making g...

Perfect makeup for her brown eyes and brown hair ♥️♥️ Depth in the eyes and n**e lips. Anyone interested in me making giveaways each week with one of my favorite brands and products. If yes...give me a comment or a like, so I know, you are interested 💕🤩
Wearing SoMe lashes ̊r


My beautiful model on my workshop.
🥰😍❤️It must be my turn next ☺️


Once again my girl turned into a Diva who is ready to walk into 2021. My second look for my workshop 🧡 I love this hair and makeup on her 🤩😍
Model .larsenn
Mua and hair ̊r instabride


My student today was a beautiful Brazilian 🇧🇷 girl and at the end of the course, she did what she is best at..🤩🤩 😍😍
I love when cultures meet and you learn from eachother, how to just be open minded, kind hearted...without judging eachother or having any assumptions.
Just allowing to thrive and being yourself as perfect as we all are.
She was here for two days, coming from kolding , and yesterday I told her that I have an extra room if it is causing her stress going back to kolding and coming back in the morning. Although she stayed at her friend in Aarhus, I wanted to show her, that in Denmark it can be cold and dark outside, but our houses are warm and our hearts are big ♥️


Today on my makeup workshop we did a inspired look for this beautiful girl 🔥🔥🔥💖💖 We kept it n**es and browns and tried to enhance her features, as Kim always does.. ̊r


My beautiful and cute bride 💖💖🕊


When you see the sun, and you rush over to see if you can catch a sun kissed moment of her 💕
Time flys..and it is already December very soon...and 2020 have passed so fast 🕊Remember to collect good memories through the year, with good people ...They will stay with you forever, and will always shine on you.

Front cover material 😍😍 Bold and beautiful....💕Hair and makeup  Model  Photo                                       .dk

Front cover material 😍😍
Bold and beautiful....💕
Hair and makeup

WHITEBIYA Hair and makeup  Model  Photo  Jewels  Outfit


Hair and makeup


recreation 🔥🔥💖💖
I love her sense of style and her makeup looks, so I am in love with this recreation I made on this gorgeous girl .ns 💖💖
Let me know what you think, and maybe who I would recreate next..

lashes in SoMe.
Face studio fix nc35 concealer.
glow enhancer oil
loose mineral setting powder
contour palette
glow kit
Brows precisely my brow and gimmi brow
Eyes semi sweet times
black liner
mascara in lower lashes.
Lips liner in pout


Today me and my husband tried to escape from 2020 and lived in 2019, and it was actually quite fun 🤗🥳♥️ Turn back time.....


Laskedalen 115


Tirsdag 10:00 - 17:00
Onsdag 10:00 - 17:00
Torsdag 10:00 - 17:00
Fredag 10:00 - 17:00
Lørdag 09:00 - 17:00



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