Leder du efter en kreativ partner til dit næste event? Vi er et full-service eventbureau med mangeårig erfaring inden for eventplanlægning, underholdning, udsmykning og meget mere. Kontakt os på +45 53 87 89 10 eller besøg vores hjemmeside www.ideanordic.com
Leder du efter en kreativ partner til dit næste event? Vi er et full-service eventbureau med mangeårig erfaring inden for eventplanlægning, underholdning, udsmykning og meget mere. Kontakt os på +45 53 87 89 10 eller besøg vores hjemmeside www.ideanordic.com.
We are thrilled to announce Idea Nordic has become an official member of Copenhagen Convention Bureau.
🙌🏼 We are proud of the impeccable work of our local CVB, named world’s first Green Tourism Organization. To become GTO certified, organisations are assessed according to 140 criteria, including management, environmental considerations, requirements to the organisations use of utilities, and also for their efforts in focussing on sustainable tourism.
💫 We believe in the importance of community and relationships within the industry, and without a doubt, this will make us stronger as a company as well as a destination. A positive impact with a shared goal, to attract more international business to our Wonderful Copenhagen and Denmark.
I am Copenhagen! ❤️
#dmc #incentivetravel #events #morethanjustamermaid #conferences #eventplanners #eventprofs #ideanordic #visitdenmark #wonderfulcopenhagen
We are ready to talk to your about your next event. The whole Idéa Nordic team is ready to listen to your needs and support. #eventsareback #eventprofs #eventmanagement #eventdesign
Take a picture in the up-cycled sustainable picture frame at the Møde & Eventmessen. Share on social media to let all of Denmark know that events are back! Located near Idéhjørnet. We can’t wait to see you 💥 @kursuslex
#eventsareback #wemakeevents #eventprofs #events #eventagency #mødeogeventmessen #copenhagen
We are super excited to announce our partnership with Møde & Eventmessen 2021🤩
On the 1st of September, the meeting and event fair takes place for the 25th time 😲 That calls for a celebration 🥳 – Come along to be inspired and experience what your colleagues in the industry have to offer 😎
We will this year be responsible for YOUR experience throughout the event AND the entertainment, which includes conference energizers and pop-up performances 💃🕺.
To kick off the networking and drinks in the afternoon, we will produce a show 🎶 – Curious to find out more❓👀
Save the date❌ and sign up for the event at the link below ✍️
We can´t wait to see you! 🤗
The team at Idéa Nordic are excited to dance with you!
Download DR Dans-appen og vær med
New Vesterbro Office
**Live event bookings are back!** This is exciting news for the event and hospitality industry in Denmark, and super exciting for us at Idéa Nordic.
How does this change your event plans for 2021? Live, Hybrid or Online?
Come to our new office in Vesterbro and review your event options. We also have Online and Hybrid event cases to share with you, and a whole bunch of lessons learned.
We have over 1,000 costumes to give you inspiration for your entertainment.
Book a time with us to share a coffee, tea or join us for Fredagsbar.
Tore Peters-Munch Emma Buddike Vive Mette Refshauge Kristiansen and Wade Peters-Munch look forward to ACTUALLY seeing you face-to-face.
Costume party😍
Live events are coming back WOOHOO!!
Do you remember the feeling? 💃🏼🎈🕺🏼🥂
We're Evolving
What happens when 10,000 event professionals from across Europe and the US, gather online for 3 days? We share ideas for running interactive digital events!
A worrying statistic is that 12% OF ATTENDEES FEEL FULLY ENGAGED AT VIRTUAL EVENTS. Only 1 out of 10 people are listening??? If you invest money to attract people to your event, invest in keeping them ENGAGED.
The team at Idéa Nordic were thrilled to be a Collaborating Partner with Swapcard to increase engagement at Evolve 2.0. See what we did in the video below.
Contact us to partner with you on your next event!
#virtualevents #hybridevents #onlineevents #eventplanners #digitalevents
We are transforming.
#digitalevents #onlineevents #eventplanners #onlineconferences #hybridevents #eventprofs #storytelling