House of Futures

House of Futures Futures Studies, Performance Strategies, Communication Our common vision is to co-create sustainable and joyful futures of leadership, business and politics.

House of Futures (HOF) is a private non-profit association founded by visionaries in 2009 in order to live the future now. HOF is dedicated to prototype the future, and we – the extended household - want to be ‘movers’ and ‘shakers’ by experimenting with new ways to engage companies, organizations and leaders in creating and living the future now. HOF has experts within futurism, leadership, strat

egy, consultancy, communication, design, policy development, storytelling, art, spirituality, ancient wisdom, mediation, coaching, and performance.

Keynes sagde det."In the long run we are all dead. Economists set themselves too easy, too useless a task if, in tempest...

Keynes sagde det.

"In the long run we are all dead. Economists set themselves too easy, too useless a task if, in tempestuous seasons, they can only tell us that when the storm is long past the ocean is flat again"

I skrivende stund er vi midt i corona-krisen. Store dele af Danmark, Europa og verden er lukket ned og gået i hi. Det er nok de flestes uudtalte forståelse at det er en akut og midlertidig situation, som det gælder om at komme igennem for derefter at fortsætte hvor vi slap. Det betyder også, at...

Ibrahim - 4:3

Ibrahim - 4:3

In 2017 and 2018 the documentary community Other Story, travelled around Jordan in the Middle East to explore ideas of the concept of ‘home’. On the journey through Jordan, Other Story encountered a series of people; all with the status of refugee. In this film you meet 17 year old Ibrahim, a yo...

Folkets stemme på folkemødet - NXT - branding and developing in a world of media, arts and rebellion

Folkets stemme på folkemødet - NXT - branding and developing in a world of media, arts and rebellion

200 borgere – 250 idéer til, hvordan vi bedst indfrier verdensmålene. CHORA 2030 og Foreningen Folkemødet har hen over foråret afholdt folkehøringer sammen med fem kommuner for at engagere borgere over hele landet i samtale om verdensmålene. På Folkemødet 2019 blev høringerne formidlet ...

Other Story

Climate crisis made personal.

'A generation born at the end of the world'

We met Adrian under a tree in Copenhagen. Adrian is in high school, finishing final year while he is an active part of the youth climate uprising, Klimastrejke - Fridaysforfuture Denmark. He spoke about how we are living the world to death, shared poetry and visions of dystopia while inspiring a mass civil disobedience based on love.

This is a film as a part of the series 'Air breathes us'.
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This film is produced by Other Story. Created by Madeleïne Käte McGowan. Camera by McGowan and Adrian Preisler. Sound by Anton Falck Gansted and Kamal El Aoufi / Sonic Ornaments Studio. Graphics by Victor Lyse. Thanks to Klimastrejke - Fridaysforfuture Denmark, Jacinta McGowan, Flemming Wisler and the Other Story Community. Supported by NXT.

Teknologidannelse og visionsudvikling i Odense - Public Futures

Vision: At ruste børn og unge til fremtiden i verdens bedste robotby

Byrådet i Odense har vedtaget en satsning på børn og unges teknologiforståelse og digitale dannelse. Der er tale om en tiårig strategi, bakket op af en 50 millioners pulje øremærket til formålet. Det er positiv og visionær kommunalpolitik, der ellers alt for ofte kommer til at dreje sig om ...

Ungdommens klimaoprør - NXT - branding and developing in a world of media, arts and rebellion

Ungdommens klimaoprør - NXT - branding and developing in a world of media, arts and rebellion

Europas ungdom i gang med at røre på sig. I Frankrig har 2000 elitestuderende underskrevet et manifest, som kræver, at klima skal være det centrale omdrejningspunkt for samfundet, og i Belgien forlader skoleelever klasselokalerne med samme krav. Vi har besøgt Esther Michelsen Kjeldahl, medstift...

Other Story


We met Mathieu at University Paul Sabatier, in Toulouse. Here he is immersed in the landscape of bees, and a professor in ecology researching cognitive behavior in small brained insects. We moved into the green and buzzing wilderness and sat down with Mathieu to talk about his feelings as a scientist in the midst of a mass extinction of bees, why he researches, what touches him and what he has learned from the bees.

This is the first film in the series, Being in the World, where we explore the feelings of climate scientists through intimate conversations.

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This film is produced by Other Story. Created by Cecilie Jørck and Madeleïne Käte McGowan. Camera by Jørck, McGowan and Marie Bjørn. Sound by Per Buhl Acs. Graphics by Victor Nuno. Thanks to Jacinta McGowan, Flemming Wisler, Jens Degett, Camille Parmesan, Lauritz Holm-Nielsen, the Other Story Community and Mathieu Lihoreau. Supported by ESOF 2018 Toulouse, CNRS, NXT, Nature Grant.

Other Story

Hvordan unge oplever klima-krisen i krop og sind.

"Jeg føler jeg mister en del af mig selv."

We sat down with Anna who is 19 years old and from Denmark. Recently Anna started an environmental group at her high school; her way of taking local responsibility in the midst of the present global ecological crisis. Anna shares how she experiences anxiety when she is out shopping, how she wants to fight for the planet and how she communicates with Nature.

This Other Story short-film is a part of the fourth series, 'Air breathes us', bringing conversations with young people who are fighting for a shift in society. Young people who feel climate change in their bodies and minds and are willing to share their reflections with us.

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Dome of Visions

Visioner i hundredvis har sat sig spor i Dome of Visions, og i domen denne uge kan du se et udpluk af det, domens tusindvis af brugere har skrevet til os. Hver enkelt arrangør har fortalt om visionen for både den bæredygtige fremtid og fremtidens by – krydret med holdninger og drømme.

På flere måder har brugernes tekster rammesat det liv, domen bragte og 
bringer til Pier 2. Teksterne har hele tiden mindet os om, hvilket stort og enestående eksperiment, vi er en del af.

I slutningen af ugen fejrer livet på Pier 2 med 3 afslutningsfestdage.

Torsdags prefest:

Fredag - Dome of Visions slutter. Velkommen til fejring og fest:

Det Store lørdagsbrag:

Other Story

Other Story

“Prioritér os!”
We met up with Esther by the water in the outskirts of Copenhagen, Denmark. Esther is 24 years old and one of the founders behind Den Grønne Studenterbevægelse (The Green Students Movement). She feels climate change in her body before she falls asleep at night. She can not accept that everybody keeps on repeating old consumer patterns and she is calling for full attention from the Danish politicians. From Sep. 30th - Oct 2nd 2018, the movement will occupy the area in front of the Danish parliament building. She encourages all youth to join.

This Other Story short-film is a part of the fourth series, Air Breathes Us, bringing conversations with young people who are fighting for a shift in society. Young people who feel climate change in their bodies and minds and are willing to share their reflections with us.

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Kender du nogle unge som skal på Kulturmødet i Mors? Så peg dem i retning af Unges Møde med Kunstens dome på fredag

Mød tre af UMMK's professionelle kunstnere til interessante og medskabende workshops på Kulturmødet fredag kl. 9.00-13.00 (kun tre dage tilbage) 🙌

🎶 Komponist og lydkunstner Morten Poulsen byder på part laptop koncert, part artist talk og part samtale.

💃 Performeren, Inga Gerner Nielsen udforsker og transformerer sammen med deltagerne en specifik location i Nordjylland i en interaktiv performance installation.

👨‍🎨 Billedkunstner og keramiker Gregory H. Miller henter inspiration fra japansk æstetik, når han sammen med deltagerne arbejder med reusing og upcycling af danske design møbler i sin workshop.

Alle tre er tilknyttet UMMK´s mentorkorps. Læs mere om dem her:
Hver workshop varer ca. en time og foregår i Domen ved KulturFjorden

Dome of Visions

Lyden af TRÆET.

I nyeste episode af Media, Art, Rebellion berøres det oprørske hjerte, der banker bag visionen om at benytte træ som byggemateriale i en branche præget af glas, cement og stål. Du kan høre om eksperimentet Dome of Visions, og sammen med én af arkitekterne bag, Kristoffer Tejlgaard, bevæge dig dybt ind i skoven og undersøge et træs vækstrytme og livsprocess. Herinde møder du den japanske pianist Eriko Makimura, til en snak om lyd, og du kan lytte til indersiden af et birketræ sammen med den britiske lydkunstner Alex Metcalf og ydersiden af en grædepil med den franske lydpoet Léon Septavaux. Tilrettelagt af Madeleïne Käte.

Other Story presented by Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation

Other Story presented by Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation

Other Story as presented by the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation: LINK for TXT on LDF site. - Other Story is an ongoing documentary project, comprised of short films presenting personal stories in a world of monumental change. This is an alternative approach to news media, recording human testimonials b

Kunstig kreativitet - Public Futures

Kunstig kreativitet - Public Futures

Kunstig intelligens kan mange ting bedre end mennesker, og vi har f.eks. længe måttet leve med, at intet menneske er i stand til at slå den bedste skakcomputer. Men hvad med kunst og kreativitet? Det ser ud til, at vi også her er ved at blive åndet i nakken af algoritmer og regnekraft. Billedet...


On Sisters Acadeny - The Boarding School which recently manifested at Den Frie Center of Contemporary Art in Cph.

Skal du nå at have vores nye udgivelse, som er lavet i samarbejde med Sisters Hope og Den Frie, og udgives af I DO ART Books, så skal du skynde dig (sidste dag for bestilling hvis bogen skal nå frem inden jul er i morgen fredag d. 15.)

"Sisters Academy is a school in a world and society where the sensuous and poetic mode of being is at the center of all action and interaction - A school for the exploration of sensuos learning in a Sensuous Society."

The book includes:

- More than 180 phographs from the Sisters Academy
manifestations, staff portraits and donated objects.
- Preface by Nikolaj Friis Rasmussen (Den Frie).
- Sensuous Society Manifesto.
- Artistic statement by Gry Worre Hallberg (Sisters Hope).
- Maps of Sisters Academy at Den Frie, 2017.
- The Poetic Self Exercise.
- Acceptance letters and student guidelines.
- Staff and student notes.

Fremtidens sundhed iscenesat - Public Futures

Fremtidens sundhed iscenesat - Public Futures

Boxing Future Health: Den sidste workshop i udviklingsforløbet blev afviklet på Dansk Design Center i går. Fire scenarier blev manifesteret og oplevet af vores deltagende eksperter – i tavshed. Scenarierne havde et lokale hver, som var iscenesat med lys, lyd og duft. Vi havde skabt fire karakte...

Boxing Future Health: Stilhed før stormen? - Public Futures

Boxing Future Health: Stilhed før stormen? - Public Futures

Tendenser på sundhedsområdet: Vi lever længere og bedre, men der er også flere kronisk syge, flere med komplekse sygdomsbilleder, flere ældre og flere med psykiske og neurologiske sygdomme. Teknologisk er DNA-koden blevet knækket, og vi står på tærsklen til et nyt diagnose- og behandlingsparadigme b...

"Det handler om livet og døden!" Workshop på Medicinsk Museion - Public Futures

"Det handler om livet og døden!" Workshop på Medicinsk Museion - Public Futures

Omgivet af hele den medicinske udviklingshistorie i Danmark var Boxing Future Health-eksperterne samlet til workshop om fremtidens sundhed. Det foregik på Medicinsk Museion, som foruden at være et museum for den lægevidenskabelige historie i Danmark også har en fortid som Det Chirurgiske Akademie, s...

Sundhed i 2050: Når vi det? - Public Futures

Første nyt fra Boxing Future Health!

Vi har skrevet en artikel om indtryk fra optakten på Dansk Design Centers Boxing Future Health projekt – den såkaldte scoping-event. Deltagerne bidrog med deres syn på sikkerheder og usikkerheder, når det gælder sundhed i 2050. Når vi det? “Hvad er sundhed? I det lange perspektiv kommer helt grundlæ...

PhD and Master course

Interesting course :

Taking place 23-27 October 2017 in Sisimiut, Greenland, this PhD and Master course offers broad insights on societal and environmental issues confronting sustainable extractives industries in the Arctic (with perspectives applying beyond the Arctic being introduced as well) and conditions for extrac...

Ny bog: Forandringsforståelse - Public Futures

Ny bog! Vi har bidraget med et kapitel til en bog om Forandringsforståelse

Vi har bidraget til bogen Forandringsforståelse, der netop er udkommet på forlaget Samfundslitteratur. Den handler om forandringsledelse i organisationer. Vores kapitel beskriver, hvordan metoder fra fremtidsforskningen kan hjælpe ledelse og medarbejdere i processen, og bygger på vores efterhånden l...

Oldefars fremtidsforskning - Public Futures

Universet er en megatrend

Visse fænomener kan godt forudsiges. Her er en artikel fra 1932, der daterer den aktuelle amerikanske solformørkelse præcist til 21. august 2017. Og ja, nogle vil sikkert sige “allerede de gamle babylonere”. Men alligevel, og så meget desto mere. Universet er en megatrend. Aug 14, 1932, NYT story. P...

Theory meets Practice: Actions of Tribute to Zygmunt Bauman

Theory meets Practice: Actions of Tribute to Zygmunt Bauman

In this essay, Tandem Europe participant Inga Gerner Nielsen brings us a powerful reflection on the Tandem project she has been collaborating on with Ariane Jedlitschka: The Honorary Hotel. With this "Actions of Tribute to Zygmunt Bauman", she explains how to place our trust in the strength of the h...

Boxing Future Health på SXSW - Public Futures

Public Futures på South By South West i Texas - sammen med Dansk Design Center. Projektet: Boxing Futures Health, et projekt om sundhed i 2050. MEN! Det kræver, at vi får mange "upvotes". Gå ind og stem!

Tech-festivalen South By South West (SXSW blandt venner) har en slot åben til foråret for Boxing Future Health. Måske. Det kommer an på, om de synes oplægget er interessant nok, hvilket bl.a. afgøres af, om det får stemmer nok. Man kan gå ind og stemme her - det kræver, at man registrerer sig og kli...


The 5th Culture is being bred - Follow the procession from 19 hours on the 12th of Octiber 2012 from the House of Futures.

i Eremittens Hytte

Her midt i sommerregnen kan I kan komme med 'indenfor' i Eremittens Hytte i Søndermarken. Performance-kunstnerne Inga Gerner Nielsen og Nana-Francisca Schottländer taler om det at skabe rum for sig selv - og at skabe rum for andre. Om Eget Værelse af Woolf og skabelsens betingelser. Om Rilke og kærligheden.

Performance-kunstnerne Nana Fransisca Shottländer og Inga Gerner Nielsen deler tanker efter arrangementet Fortællinger i Kildegrotten og PLEASE BE HERE NOW Dwelling 3: Seclusion. Om en-rum og fælles

Ny bog: Forandringsforståelse - Public Futures

Ny bog! Vi har bidraget med et kapitel til en bog om forandringsforståelse

Vi har bidraget til bogen Forandringsforståelse, der netop er udkommet på forlaget Samfundslitteratur. Den handler om forandringsledelse i organisationer. Vores kapitel beskriver, hvordan metoder fra fremtidsforskningen kan hjælpe ledelse og medarbejdere i processen, og bygger på vores efterhånden l...

Other Story

"Horses come, and then I've lost some horses."
Other Story met Mike Little Bear for a coffee and ended up spending the whole day together with Mike at Standing Rock. Mike spoke about the power of prayer, the Animal Nation and about true solidarity through the uncolonised way of thinking.
This Other Story short-film is a part of the second series, Tribe of all Colors; intimate film-portraits of people who are investing themselves in the fight for this planet. In these short documentaries, we get close to people who fight to protect the water flowing in the Missouri River, from a potential oil-leak in the Dakota Access Pipeline construction.

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"Horses come, and then I've lost some horses."
We met Mike Little Bear for a coffee and ended up spending the whole day together with Mike at Standing Rock. The name Standing Rock, is a Lakota reference to, how all aspects of nature are alive and have spirit. The whole day Mike showered us with knowledge about Lakota philosophy, and we asked him about the power of prayer, the Animal Nation and about true solidarity through the uncolonised way of thinking.

This Other Story short-film is a part of the second series, Tribe of all Colors; intimate film-portraits of people who are investing themselves in the fight for this planet. In these short documentaries, we get close to people who fight to protect the water flowing in the Missouri River, from a potential oil-leak in the Dakota Access Pipeline construction.

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Other Story

Intimate portraits of the people who are fighting to protect the planet.

"America is great, if you are white."
We met Wasté Win Young at her home in Standing Rock Indian Reservation, where she was sewing 100 dresses for women supporters of the 'water protectors movement'. Wasté is from the Lakota Dakota tribe and is active in the struggle against the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) construction. We asked her how she experiences being a 'water protector' and what America is to her.

This Other Story short-film is a part of the second series, Tribe of all Colors; intimate film-portraits of people who are investing themselves in the fight for this planet. In these short documentaries, we get close to people who fight to protect the water flowing in the Missouri River, from a potential oil-leak in the Dakota Access Pipeline construction.

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Other Story

Other Story

Other Story talk on June 16th at Made in Space. We will share films, sound recordings and anecdotes from our latest journey, to the Standing Rock Indian Reservation in North Dakota and South Dakota, USA. Since April 2016, the Native American community, and the Lakota people in particular, have stood up to the Dakota Access Pipeline construction, fighting to protect their land, wildlife and water from catastrophic oil spills. The Other Story team met Leo Yankton, a Lakota native who was active in the Standing Rock protests. Leo will join Madeleine Kate, and share his thoughts on rituals, songs, native history and the prophecy about the tribe of all colours.

Other Story

Other Story

"The truth about film making is that if the film has to be great the photographer, director or interviewer has to be the first one to experience the great story. And we did experience great stories, sensitive moments, songs, laughter, tears, anger, hope."
- Peter Laugesen (Other Story, Vores Europa / Our Europe)


Hver dag vil Other Story bringe en visuel dagbog fra deres filmforløb på Jelling Asylcenter, hvor en gruppe asylansøgere sammen med i Danmark bosatte filmskabere, kreerer en serie film, der senere vil blive udgivet på Other Story og Aarhus Filmværksted.

Other Story and Aarhus Filmværksted are moving into Jelling Asylumcenter. During the next two weeks five young moviemakers will make a series of movies together with five young asylum seekers, while living in the asylumcenter.
"Yesterday I (Laura) met the asylum seekers and we shared some stories. One of the asylum seekers is Sayed. He told me that one of his everyday rituals is to go up on top of Jellinge Højene, where one of the first Danish kings is buried. Up there he has a safeplace, where he thinks about his life and dreams of his future. I can se why he likes that place. It is windy and you can se far across the fields and village. Sitting on top of the grave of an old Viking-king and his queen, seems as a good place to think big thoughts.
Today the Danish moviemakers will arrive and the project will begin to take it's shape. I'm excited."


Nybrogade 26a


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