Vi Lever På Polsk

Vi Lever På Polsk Kontaktoplysninger, kart og anvisninger, kontaktformular, åbningstider, tjenester, stjerner, fotos, videoer og meddelelser fra Vi Lever På Polsk, Dansesal, Eliasgade 10, Copenhagen.


[English below]

🗓️ 2. september
🕒 Kl. 12.00 – 20.00
📍 Godsbanen

Kl. 12.00 – 22.00:
Burning Viper III, ved Huggeormen.
Burning Viper III er et projekt med eksperimenterende brændinger i en række brændingsskulpturer, der samtidig fungerer som keramiske ovne.

Hele dagen:
Collage og kollektivt maleri (workshop), ved A M O K’s rum.
Collagefremstilling og fællesmaling præsenteret af Amok 2.0.

Kl. 14.00
Spildemo med mulighed for særlige indsatser og gevinster. Præsenteret af qwerty, the artist group.

Musikalsk improvisation (workshop), ved A M O K’s rum.
Denne workshop handler om at bruge musikaliteten som et latent kommunikativt instinkt. Amok 2.0 er værter for eventet og det præsenteres af Jakob Emil.

Kl. 14.00:
Q***r Meditation af Bartek Arobal Kociemba, ved Radar.
Dette er et rum til at styrke, forbinde og fejre delt menneskelighed blandt LBTQI+-fællesskabet og vores allierede. Præsenteret af Vi Lever På Polsk.

Kl. 14.00–15.00:
Koreansk maleri-workshop, ved Paper Bodies’ rum.
Denne koreanske malerworkshop starter med meditation og åndedrætskontrol, efterfulgt af en primær stregtegning med forskellige vejrtrækningsmetoder. Præsenteret af Paper Bodies.

Kl. 16.30:
”Blessed Be The Witches”, ved Radar.
Som en q***r heks koreograferer Valta Foltyn ritualer som genskabelser af vanskelige fortider i en søgen efter q***r fremtider. Præsenteret af Vi Lever På Polsk.

Kl. 18.00–20.00:
Noise (koncert), ved Radar.
Noise ved Radar med lokale noisekunstnere og VHS-Fabrikkens live-visuals. Præsenteret af Amok 2.0.

🔗 Programmet kan også findes på vores hjemmeside:



🗓️ September 2
🕒 At 12 am – 8 pm
📍 Godsbanen

12 am – 10 pm:
Burning Viper III, at Huggeormen.
Burning Viper III is a project with experimental firings in a series of firing sculptures that simultaneously function as ceramic kilns.

All day:
Collage and collective painting (workshop), at A M O K’s space.
Collage-making and collective painting. Presented by Amok 2.0.

2 pm:
Game demos, with opportunities for special bets and prizes. Presented by qwerty, the artist group.

Musical improvisation (workshop), at A M O K’s space.
This workshop is about using the musicality as a latent communicative instinct. The event is hosted by Amok 2.0 and presented by Jakob Emil.

2 pm:
Q***r Meditation by Bartek Arobal Kociemba, at Radar.
This is a space for strengthening, connecting, and celebrating shared humanity among the LBTQI+ community. Presented by Vi Lever På Polsk.

2–3 pm:
Korean Painting Workshop, at Paper Bodies’ space.
This Korean Painting Workshop will start with meditation and breath control exercise, followed by a primary line drawing with different breathing methods. Presented by Paper Bodies.

4:30 pm:
“Blessed Be The Witches”, at Radar.
As a q***r witch, Valta Foltyn choreographs rituals as reenactments of difficult pasts in the search for q***r futures. Presented by Vi Lever På Polsk.

6–8 pm:
Noise (concert), at Radar.
Noise at Radar with local noise performers and VHS-Fabrikken’s live visuals. Presented by Amok 2.0.

🔗 The program can also be found on our website:

📷 Image: VHS-Fabrikken, live visuals, Aarhus Futura Festival. Photo: Mariana Gil.

Juxtapose’s partners and supporters:
Nordisk Kulturfond, Aarhus Municipality & Salling fondene, Den Jyske Kunstfond, Billedkunstnernes Forbund – BKF, Aarhus Festuge, Aarhus Billedkunstcenter, Det Jyske Kunstakademi, Godsbanen, Radar, Spiselauget, Icelandic Art center, Klima-X, Castlefield Gallery, Fondet for dansk-islandsk samarbejde, Degn Grafisk.

We love to chat beyond small talk.That’s why we kick off the 💥VLP Questionnaire 💥- where we can grill, fry, scan and sha...

We love to chat beyond small talk.
That’s why we kick off the 💥VLP Questionnaire 💥- where we can grill, fry, scan and shamelessly stare at persons that we truly admire, the ones from our community and general scope.

The legendary 🎩Proust Questionnaire 🎩 contains of 33 questions. We made it ten and the featured guest can choose 5 of them to answer.

First to go is Rine Rodin , Danish/Swedish visual artist and performer, who will showcase her practice and co-host fire ritual on the 24th March at Vileverpapolsk.

⚫️Why do you do what you do?

🟢I always wanted to be an artist and right now I want to develop my practice and not be afraid in the process.

⚫️In what ways do you live “på polsk” — on the margins of mainstream and out of the ordinary?

🟢I live “på polsk” with my invisibile scares. I struggle being bipolar. Some days are absolutely normal but other days I’m my own worst enemy battling my mind. I grew up in a cult so that also make me feel out off the norm.
Finally my sexuality as a bisexual woman sometimes makes me feel out of the mainstream. I do love all my “vi lever på polsk” identity aspects because they make me see the world in a different light 💗

⚫️What are you currently working on?

🟢Right now I’m working on studying witchcraft and combining it with art.

⚫️What’s your deal-breaker when it comes to work?

🟢Toxic behaviour

⚫️What do you care about the most in the world?

🟢This is a big question! I care that we’re treating each other and the world with respect, love and compassion.

Rine Rodin (1987) is a Danish / Swedish visual artist who works with myths, religion, and trauma through the prism of a contemporary context. Rodin has – among other things – created a total installation at the Danish Royal Cast Collection, created a site specific performances for SMK – National Gallery of Denmark and the performance and workshop-installation Ebb and Flow for Magma UNESCO Global Geopark as part of the art program The Tide is Changing curated by Ida Højgaard.

Mor og Far photo by Barbara Kaja Kaniewska

Mor og Far

photo by Barbara Kaja Kaniewska


Eliasgade 10


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