Happy Duck

Happy Duck Working with: AySay / Bjonko / Mambe & Danochilango / Ravi Kuma We work very closely with each of our artists and focus on artist development.

Happy Duck is a management agency founded, owned and run by Kaylee Wesley Pearson who has many years of experience in the music industry. The company officially opened in 2014, but the idea to work closely with a few artists, helping them on their way to succes, has been under way for many years. At Happy Duck we do not work with specific genres - we work with artists we personally like and that we see potential in.

Fra Ravi Kuma:“Det er med en stor klump i halsen, tungt tungt hjerte og en lille tåre at vi må annoncere, at Ravi Kuma s...

Fra Ravi Kuma:

“Det er med en stor klump i halsen, tungt tungt hjerte og en lille tåre at vi må annoncere, at Ravi Kuma stopper…

Efter 8 års vanvittigheds rutsjebane tur, med utallige moshpits, pirat-fester, prinsesse kjoler, dåbsceremonier og dick tattoos, så har vi valgt at vi vil stoppe på toppen, med en kæmpe STOR fest!

Vi vil gerne invitere jer til vores aller sidste og største show. Koncerten er dedikeret til vores evige Motherf**kers og samarbejdspartnere, som har lyttet og givet den op for os gennem årene. Og som gør, at selvom bandet stopper, så kan musikken leve forevigt.. Derfor vil det være en ære at se jer til vores episke finale koncert "GOOD FU***NG BYE"! Det bliver den ---->

23. Maj i Pumpehuset

Køb billet her:

Tak for 8 år med kaos og kærlighed

AySay fall tour starts today 💫Tartine ProductionCrossover SoundsLIFT OFF

AySay fall tour starts today 💫

Tartine Production
Crossover Sounds

Spotify Danmark viral 50 🔥🔥🔥

Spotify Danmark viral 50 🔥🔥🔥

Danmark er gået kamaki!!! 🇩🇰🇩🇰🇩🇰
Spotify Danmark Viral 50 – Danmark



So stocked for this 🌈

So stocked for this 🌈

Q***r individuals, especially q***r, gender-diverse and trans people of colour, often struggle to find authentic connections in any industry, hindering collaboration. This session aims to break down these barriers, providing a safe and inclusive space for q***r creatives and industry folks to forge new connections. Read more: https://www.womex.com/virtual/piranha_arts_1/event/q***r_networking

🌐 Q***r Networking Session
🗣️ Coordinated by Mitra Shreeram (Canada), Sunfest London
🗣️ with Kaylee Pearson (Denmark), Happy Duck

✅ See more Networking Sessions:
✅ Register early to get the best price:

Stay tuned for exciting updates.
Let's make WOMEX 24 unforgettable! 🎶

🌐 WOMEX 24 | Manchester, UK | 23 - 27 October 2024
➡️ Official local partner: Manchester Music
with Brighter Sound, English Folk Expo, Manchester City Council


This was amazing 🧡

AySay summer tour 2024 ☀️ 25 concerts in 5 countries 🇩🇰🇳🇴🇩🇪🇧🇪🇫🇷Crossover Sounds x Tartine Production x LIFT OFF

AySay summer tour 2024 ☀️
25 concerts in 5 countries 🇩🇰🇳🇴🇩🇪🇧🇪🇫🇷

Crossover Sounds x Tartine Production x LIFT OFF

AySay won Roots Composer of the Year at Carl Prisen🫶🏻✨ 📸 Morten Rygaard

AySay won Roots Composer of the Year at Carl Prisen🫶🏻✨

📸 Morten Rygaard

🫶🏻 Presave Sincretismo now:https://lnk.to/sincretismo

🫶🏻 Presave Sincretismo now:

Está sirenita está muy contenta porque el 26 de abril sale “sincretismo”
Guarda el link para escucharlo ya!!🎵🤘👩🏼‍🎤


Gracias a Koda por toda la ayuda!!🔥🔥🧜🏻‍♀️🧜🏻‍♀️🧜🏻‍♀️

This little mermaid is very happy because on April 26 “syncretism” comes out

Presave the link now 🎵🎵🎵🥰🙏🌹


Thanks to for the support!!and to our management Happy Duck for all ❤️💥💥💥

"Bombona" is a musical story about the sweet candy that is always found in the pick and mix bag. It is ready to be found...

"Bombona" is a musical story about the sweet candy that is always found in the pick and mix bag. It is ready to be found, unpacked and sweeten the life many have forgotten in this sour world.
We are back to the status quo, and need to be reminded to be nice again!

Unwrap it and taste it - it will make you sweet and happy once again.

Bjonko - Bombona out now everywhere 🍬

Stream here:

‘Composer of the Year- Roots’AySay have been nominated for the Carl Prisen awards for their astounding work on KÖY 🏆🏆

‘Composer of the Year- Roots’

AySay have been nominated for the Carl Prisen awards for their astounding work on KÖY 🏆🏆

🚨Tour Announcement🚨AySay is crossing the Atlantic & heading back to Canada.After a jam packed 2023, the trio are back st...

🚨Tour Announcement🚨

AySay is crossing the Atlantic & heading back to Canada.
After a jam packed 2023, the trio are back starting in Maisondelaculture Bourges, Montreal on February 7th

Big thanks to Résonances - Agence de spectacles

Bjonko spiller i Flensborg til sommer!Vi ses den  27. juli 🇩🇪❤️

Bjonko spiller i Flensborg til sommer!
Vi ses den 27. juli 🇩🇪❤️





Internet side


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