
Eventbuizz Eventbuizz is the most user friendly event app and delivers a higher standard of organising events, Let us take you through the process.

It has never been easier to build your own event app. Free Demo:

Nyt kapitel i EventBuizz’s rejse.Vi er begejstrede for at præsentere en stor fornyelse her hos EventBuizz. Vi har arbejd...

Nyt kapitel i EventBuizz’s rejse.

Vi er begejstrede for at præsentere en stor fornyelse her hos EventBuizz. Vi har arbejdet hårdt bag kulisserne og er nu klar til at løfte sløret for vores nye logo, visuelle identitet, en frisk kommunikationsstrategi og ikke mindst vores helt nye hjemmeside!

Nyt kapitel i EventBuizz’s rejse.Vi er begejstrede for at præsentere en stor fornyelse her hos EventBuizz. Vi har arbejdet hårdt bag kulisserne og er nu klar til at løfte sløret for vores nye logo, visuelle identitet, en frisk kommunikationsstrategi og ikke mindst vores helt nye hjemmeside! Vi...

Søger du inspiration til hvordan du nemt kan afholde en virtuel eller hybrid generalforsamling fra ende til anden fra én...

Søger du inspiration til hvordan du nemt kan afholde en virtuel eller hybrid generalforsamling fra ende til anden fra én digital platform? Så se med nedenfor.

Udvalgte nøglefeatures: Live broadcast i realt tid uden forsinkelse, real time anonyme afstemninger og valg, begære ordet, virtuel talerstol med live videokald fra delegeret uden brug af hverken teams eller zoom, overdragelse af fuldmagt og meget mere.


Eventbuizz is a hybrid event platform.


Tak for de pæne ord Neelaverny Maria Srisgandarajah og en vellykket hybrid generalforsamling. Det var en sand fornøjelse at arbejde sammen med dit team fra Danish Psychological Association (SPS) og Christina Strøm!

The Eventbuizz digital event platform is behind the Digital Tech Summit 2021, which opened its doors to more than 4000+ ...

The Eventbuizz digital event platform is behind the Digital Tech Summit 2021, which opened its doors to more than 4000+ participants, exhibitors, startups, speakers, and visitors today. Here you can get a glimpse of Margrethe Vestager, Commissioner for Competition and Executive Vice-President, European Commission, who was one of the keynote speakers.

The Eventbuizz digital event platform is behind the Digital Tech Summit 2021, which opened its doors to more than 4000+ participants, exhibitors, startups...


EASdec 2021 hybrid conference for ophthalmologists. This event was live broadcasted in real time on Eventbuizz virtual platform with both physical and virtual participants and 13 virtual presenters from around the world. No need for teams or zoom everything on a single platform. Eventbuizz.com.

EASdec 2021 hybrid conference for ophthalmologists. This event was live broadcasted in real time on Eventbuizz virtual p...

EASdec 2021 hybrid conference for ophthalmologists. This event was live broadcasted in real time on Eventbuizz virtual platform with both physical and virtual participants and 13 virtual presenters from around the world. No need for teams or zoom everything on a single hybrid event platform. Eventbuizz.com.

Photos: Lasseskov.dk

NO NEED TO CANCEL YOUR MEETING OR CONFERENCE? Did you just cancel your conference, annual meeting or a kick-off event? T...

NO NEED TO CANCEL YOUR MEETING OR CONFERENCE? Did you just cancel your conference, annual meeting or a kick-off event? The Eventbuizz event app is a social interactive communication platform which can easily support your webinars /virtual events, help you keep formalities, make decisions in real-time, and still give you that feel of live interactions as if it was an actual meeting. Book a 20 minute online demo today on https://www.eventbuizz.com/contact/ or contact us on [email protected] / +45 60 23 66 66 - we’ll get you up and running today!



Get your participants to print name badges. It will soon be possible to receive name badge in confirmation email. Alternatively, you will be able to send mail to all participants with name badges prior to the event. With this feature, you will save time on printing and reduce your staff for handling...


Why an Event App is Must-have for Your Next Event?

Increase interaction. An event app enables interaction. Not only are attendees kept up-to-date, but they can also use it to create a personal schedule, sync this across multiple devices, and get notified when a presentation is about to start. Attendees can participate in live questionnaires and give feedback to presenters through the app, increasing engagement and interest.

Looking for an event app? Contact me on +45 2168 4580 or [email protected]

Read more at www.eventbuizz.com

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Kobbelvænget 74


Mandag 09:00 - 17:00
Tirsdag 09:00 - 17:00
Onsdag 09:00 - 17:00
Torsdag 09:00 - 17:00
Fredag 09:00 - 17:00




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