Copenhagen Trashzzfestival

Copenhagen Trashzzfestival 4-5 july-2022 at Lygten St


A huge thanks to all the people that came by Lygten Station for the 15th or 14th edition of the Trashzzfest( too lazy to check up on it). It was a pure blast and all the shows touched an essential base! Thanks to Final Descent Lygten Station, Copenhagen Jazz Festival for great cooperation and support. Also thanks to bydelspulje and Statens Kunstfond for making it possible! Not forgetting the volunteers doing the hard work on the ground! Bisous!

Yesterday was pure energy! We will do it again tonite. Come early if you want to sit as we only have limited seats avail...

Yesterday was pure energy! We will do it again tonite. Come early if you want to sit as we only have limited seats avail.
20: Anders Vestergaard “propeller”
21.15: Lao Dan solo
22.30: seisila( Turcerova, Emmeluth, Vestergaard)

Getting ready to open our doors and your ears for the first evening of the Trashzzfest! On tonite is:20.00: Frk Jacobsen...

Getting ready to open our doors and your ears for the first evening of the Trashzzfest! On tonite is:
20.00: Frk Jacobsen
21.15: Maria Faust
22.30: Jonas Engel/Asger Thomsen

Trommeslager og komponist Anders Vestergaard (Yes Deer, Girls in Airports, Laser Nun etc.) er en af de mest markante ski...

Trommeslager og komponist Anders Vestergaard (Yes Deer, Girls in Airports, Laser Nun etc.) er en af de mest markante skikkelse på danske undergrundsscene. Han er aktiv i et utal af sammenhænge og har udgivet tre soloalbums eel fra 2016 og Prime Float // Unitary Perfect fra 2019, og det seneste Propeller som blev i udgivet i år på italienske Superpang. Hans live-optrædener er kendetegnet ved et intenst fysisk nærvær og en stædig bevægelse mod at transcendere rum og krop.
Foto: Mathias Kristensen

Looking so very much forward to present the trio seisila on tuesday evening finishing off the festival! Three distinct v...

Looking so very much forward to present the trio seisila on tuesday evening finishing off the festival!

Three distinct voices of the experimental music scene meet to find the absolute limits of physical expression on their instruments through the open-form, post-hardcore take on free improvisation. Industrial and raw wonder, unscripted seismic force.

Signe Emmeluth - saxophones
Michaela Turcerová - winds
Anders Vestergaard - drums

On the second day of the festival we will welcome the awesome musician Lao Dan who is artist in residence during Copenha...

On the second day of the festival we will welcome the awesome musician Lao Dan who is artist in residence during Copenhagen Jazz Festival! We are thrilled to make this happen in collaboration with Final Descent!

Lao Dan, a pioneering force in Chinese experimental jazz, marries the ancient melodies of his homeland with the daring improvisation of jazz. Mastering the suona, a traditional Chinese wind instrument, he embarked on a journey to blend two worlds. His music is a mesmerizing fusion, weaving together centuries-old Chinese traditions with the bold experimentation of jazz. Lao Dan's compositions are a cultural bridge, inviting audiences worldwide to experience the harmonious dialogue between tradition and modernity. As a global ambassador of Chinese heritage, his performances transcend borders, captivating with intricate rhythms and soulful melodies. Lao Dan stands as a symbol of cultural exchange and artistic innovation, leaving an indelible mark on the world of jazz.

Presenting Jonas Engel/Asger Thomsen:Based on free-form stream-of-consciousness improvisations with a focus on otherworl...

Presenting Jonas Engel/Asger Thomsen:
Based on free-form stream-of-consciousness improvisations with a focus on otherworldly sounds and fragmented gestures, the duo have come together to explore the outer limits of the acoustic potential of traditional instrumentation through preparation and self-developed instrumental technique.

In 2023 they released their debut album ‘Kölschner’ and in the summer 2024 they will release their next album ‘Brutage’ recorded on a tour throughout Germany, France, and Spain.

“Kölschner highlights the deep listening method of Engel and Thomsen and the thoughtful way that they become one sonic entity, fragile, mysterious and captivating.“ words by Eyal Hareuveni.

Asger Thomsen - Jonas Engel, Live @ Mayhem, Copenhagen, part 1

Experience the award-winning Estonian saxophonist Maria Faust present the music from her solo album, "Monument". The alb...

Experience the award-winning Estonian saxophonist Maria Faust present the music from her solo album, "Monument".
The album was recorded at the castle on the home island of Kuressaare and consists of a series of tonal structures that work with the castle's distinctive spatiality and take as its starting point light, shadows, reflections and reverberation. With an electronic setup, Faust works in a neo-folk mode where overtones, glissandi and extreme use of dynamics create an emotionally charged soundscape.

Maria Faust´s solo saxophone album "MOnuMENT"Track "MAN"Arriving June 2022Bush Flash RecordsTeaser by Gunnar LaakMaria Faust- alto saxophone, pedalsAll compo...


Save july 8-9th please. we will be there for you


Just wanting to let you all know that we will not anymore be serving Gammel Dansk due to some idiotic incident with a idiotic photo posted by an idiotic person.


Dear people of the world. Due to natural circumstances there won´t be a trashzzfestival in 2023. However we will return in 2024 with some potentially life-altering changes to the xperience and setup. Until then, keep believing.


Unfortunately Maria Faust has to cancel her show at 23hrs, but luckily NILS GRÖNDAHL Nils Gröndahl will step in for her!!

Dancer soundchecking!

Dancer soundchecking!


Maria Faust soundchecking!

Yesterday was megA! Thanks so much for coming out and thanks to Antistatic, Anne Efternøler and Mija Milovic for epic sh...

Yesterday was megA! Thanks so much for coming out and thanks to Antistatic, Anne Efternøler and Mija Milovic for epic shows!
Tonite we open again at 20hrs and we have an amazing bouquet of music ready at hand! We are blessed to have the amazing Maria Faust taking the spot of DjNaughtyGirl who has to cancel due to unforeseen circumstances.
Copenhagen Jazz Festival and Copenhagen Trashzzfestival 2022!!!!!

20.30: HEX ( Anders Bach Pedersen, Lars Bech Pilgaard)
21.30: Dancer ( Thomas Eiler, Nikolaj Heyman, Jacob Buchanan)
22.30: Maria Faust solo

Also this evening DJ KortLunte will fill your ears with hidden gems between sets!


Lygten 2b

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Jazz og alt det der jazz

Momeatdadrecords og Lygten Station præsenterer i år den 10. udgave af Copenhagen Trashzzfestival med et - som altid - spændende og indbydende musikprogram. Festivalen er støttet af Bispebjerg Lokaludvalg og Københavns Kommunes Musikudvalg.

Læs mere om de tre koncertaftener her:

8. juli - 9. juli - 10. juli -