What happens to a piano submerged underground in the humidity of a former water reservoir?
“After a month, the instrument started to mold and fall apart. Now, I have to wear a mask and play directly on the strings, because the piano is disintegrating so fast”, pianist and composer August Rosenbaum says.
Rosenbaum has let a Görs & Kallmann piano gradually dissolve in the humidity of Cisternerne, playing on the slowly disintegrating instrument and recording the process.
The recordings of the dissolving piano will be a core element of OPLØSNING, a three-hour audiovisual performance, taking place underground in Cisternerne on January 10th and 11th 2025 at 5-8 PM.
Tickets: https://shop.frederiksbergmuseerne.dk/arrangementer/25-01-10-cis-oplosning-audiovisuel-performance/
Many concerts in Cisternerne have made use of its reverb of 17 seconds, but OPLØSNING will activate another quality of the water reservoir.
“The humidity is an invisible force that works almost like a natural effect processor on the sounds of the instrument. The mechanics have become cold and damp. The tension of the piano strings is disappearing, the wood is warped. The keys strike, but give a more percussive effect. The piano is turning into an amputated soundbox - which is also beautiful”, Rosenbaum says.
During OPLØSNING, the audience will experience how the familiar musical instrument is transformed into a sonic sculpture in decay, presented through a multi-channel speaker system and staged as an audiovisual performance, where music, video and performers interact with the subterranean architecture.
The audience can move about freely in the three chambers of Cisternerne, experiencing both the natural and the processed sounds of the disintegrated piano, interweaving.
This clip is from the recordings in Cisternerne in October 2024.
The performance is presented as a collaboration between Cisternerne and Strøm, and is supported by the Danish Arts Foundation, the Lemvigh-Müller Foundation, the Frederiksberg Foundation, Augustinus Fonden, and Arbejdernes Landsbank.