Once an abandoned factory, now a state of the art event venue
In the winter of 2017 we found it. An old factory stood tall in the hidden heart of Copenhagen. We were immediately drawn into its’ enchanting atmosphere. The high ceilings, the floating plateaus of the main tower, and the volume of the old impoundment hall all told a story of the factory’s once vibrant and dynamic life. Although years of abandonment had sentenced the once vivid factory to a prison in layers of dust, we immediately saw how its’ raw industrial interior hosted the framework for a multitude of rare possibilities.
We imagined how the 1000 square meters of the old impoundment hall could set the scene for unique experiences, how the floating plateaus of the main tower could frame magical and intoxicating atmospheres in its’ nexus of raw features and industrial mysticism, and how the high ceilings of the factory could host a variety of universes. We saw how a once abandoned factory could become a state of the art event venue. A complete transformation of each of the factory’s three levels was commenced. The dust was cleared, and just as we thought, it was indeed a scene ideal for the creation of unique universes and experiences.
The Plant now hosts a modern event venue, reconditioned with organic details rooted in Scandinavian functionalism to create a balanced contrast to the original industrial vibe of the factory. The Plant offers its’ guest various custom-designed features and functions on each of the three levels, meaning that the imagination is the only limit to the venue’s endless possibilities.