This was a really fun task😀
@carina_caroline asked me if I could make some fun but also stylish decor for her son’s 4 years old birthday party and with kind of animal theme included.
As you already know the colors are very important for me so that was step 1 and afterwards I decided on which animals to go with.
My plan was elephant, tiger, lion zebra, monkey and giraffe but sometimes less is more🤎
So pleased and grateful little Theodor was pleased😊
Thanks @carina_caroline for trusting me🙏❤️
#jungleparty #safariparty
#birthdayboy #4yearoldbirthdayparty #4yearsold #ballons #balloonart #balloondecor #balloondecoration
#balloner #fødselsdagsdreng
#4årsfødselsdag #safarifest #safarifødselsdag #festballoner #bespokenballoons #custommade
With only 6 days left to the most scary and spooky night of the year you still have time for Halloween prep👻
Use code: Halloween21 and get 25% off all our HALLOWEEN stuff🎃
#halloween #halloweenstuff #halloweendecor #halloweenballoons #halloweenpynt #halloweenfest #
My dear followers, customer and suppliers from around the world, thank you for all the joy and support throughout the year I’m so grateful❤️I wish you and your loved ones a healthy and fantastic new year 🎉🎈🍾 #happynewyear #newyear2019 #allthebest
Today is all about pink, red and lots of love ❤️ I made my hubby one of my favorite cupcakes. Oreo cupcake with strawberry 🍓 buttercream frosting 😋Have a lovely Valentines Day❤️🍾🍓🥂🌺
#valentinesday #valentinescake #loveforever #lotsoflove #oreocupcake #uniqdays #valentinesinswitzerland
2 days left and still busy preparing the decor for New Years Eve🎉🎈🎊🎉🎈🎊 #newyearseve #newyearsdecor #balloons #tassels #garland #nytårspynt #guilander #balloner #nytårsfest #nytårsaften
Today is the day - I'm so proud to announce Uniqdays webshop is open! I have been looking forward to this for so many many months - Yay! 🍾👏🍾👏 We are having an opening offer with 20% discount on all party boxes. Just use the code UNIQDAYS20 and access the link in the bio. Welcome! xoxo #partyware #partybox #balloons #stylishpartyware #newshop #festpynt #bordpynt #balloner #festkasser #eventplanner #nywebshop http://www.uniqdays.com/da/store/
Are you in the mood for celebration? Well I am and tomorrow is the day where Uniqdays webshop is launching - yay! 👏🍾🎉 #partyware #partydecoration #tablesetting #celebration #balloons #party #festpynt #bordpynt #fest #balloner #nywebshop
Lunch outside in the sun
Yesterdays lunch outside the Convention Center, so ready to go inside again and get inspired🙌