If you haven't checked out The Dog by Harry Yang yet, then now is the time.
There are endless possibilities, and it can also be used for your children shows.
Perfect for if you want to have a prediction with a twist.
The Link to the Trick is right down in the comments.
We apologize for not posting much lately.
We have worked on many upcoming projects, and we thank you for your understanding.
We all know The Haunted deck and
here is the best version of The Haunted deck so far, called Leviosa and developed by the brilliant minds Joao Miranda and Julio Montoro.
FISM Winner Markobi himself says that he was blown away by the trick.
Here there are no strange movements movements you have to make, you really just have to press a button and watch the magic unfold, look, it couldn't be simpler.
Leviosa is ready to use, straight out of the box.
If you want to read more about this amazing gimmick, then click the link in the comments.
The trick can be purchased in 2 variants, for red and blue cards. #Magic #Leviosa #Haunteddeck
Når vi som tryllekunstnere træder ind på scenen, er vores formål klart: at forbløffe og forundre vores publikum. Det er en kunst, der ligger dybt forankret i vores dna.
En af de mest ikoniske former for magi, som vi altid stræber efter at mestre, er evnen til at fremtrylle genstande ud af det blå.
George Iglesias har introduceret en helt ny tilgang til denne ældgamle kunst, en tilgang så moderne og forbløffende, at den tager form af noget så almindeligt som en papkasse. Med denne innovative teknik har han skabt en forbindelse mellem det hverdagsagtige og det fortryllende, der virkelig fanger publikums opmærksomhed.
Den kan fås i Large og Small.
Her er direkte link til dem.
Large: https://tryllebutikken.dk/.../79090-prime-box-large-by.../
Small: https://tryllebutikken.dk/.../79089-prime-box-small-by.../