For those interested in a personal reading (love, career, health or any matter), please reserve a time on the page or feel free to send a private message or an e-mail. Please, remember to include your name, date of birth (or at least the zodiac sign) and the matter you are interested in finding more about. Payment available via PayPal at
You will be charged 25$ (US
D) per reading and you will receive it (vocal message) via Messenger/WhatsApp/e-mail at your own choice. For those of you who already purchased a reading, there is the posibility to address extra questions or clarification upon the discussed matters (5$ per question). You can also purchase a weekly package for 30$, including the following: the energy of each day, the spirit's advice for you and other messages from the Universe. Please note that I will only perform your reading once I have been confirmed the payment via PayPal (max24h). Remember also that energies are always interchangeable so please take the story as it resonates with you. In the end, everything depends on you and the actions you perform, the Tarot is just an extra guidance, but cannot foretell your life as that depends fully on you and your free will!